
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Quality reality tv to look forward to tonight!

After a laid back evening I'm happy to say me and my boys were in bed by 10:00 again! That's great for us. I can tell work and hockey is starting to catch up to Billy. We both got home from work at 5 and while I started laundry Billy fell asleep in the office chair watching tv. That's how I can tell he is worn out! I figured I could take a break and relax a little myself, I had DVR'd Jon and Kate Plus 8 the night before so it was the perfect time to watch it. After watching I'm not sure what to think about the show anymore. I love the show and the kids but J and K's relationship doesn't seem healthy at all. At least their kiddos seemed happy ;) After I watched that, finished up laundry and Billy woke up from his nap, we had a little snack and watched "true life" on MTV, I decided after that I better make dinner, it was 8:00. I threw together cheese raviolis, one red onion and a light kielbasa sausage all mixed together with alfredo sauce. Cooking the onion and suasage together for about 20 minutes, then mixing it all together. On the side we had rosemary garlic bread with butter and garlic powder, heated up in the oven along with some brussel sprouts in butter. Not the "healthiest meal" but it was very filling and something we hadn't had before, I'd definately make it all again! I need to start taking pics of these yummy meals we've been having!
I can say after dinner we were stuffed and ready to relax and crawl into bed. We didn't watch anything worth remembering, haha.

Tonight I have two shows that I've got set to record on DRV! you think you can dance and Wipe Out. We love reality TV! I know we will for sure by watching SYTYCD! I have a doc appt and Billy has hockey. It's one of those nights that for us begins at bedtime for most.

1 comment:

  1. Jon and Kate plus 8 was crazy the other night! I couldn't even believe it! Definitely unhealthy!

    Cute Pictures on your blog! And Congrats on the engagement! :)


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