
Thursday, June 4, 2009

Thirsty Thursday (i think i copied someone else with the title, haha….)

Tonight I plan to have at least one of these…..

I’m going to be sitting on the deck relaxing with BB (Billy’s initials) and Gus. It’s supposed to rain here all weekend and tomorrow we have an event to attend at the Zoo. My BB is the retail operations manager at the Minnesota Zoo so we attend events there whenever we can, no discount included! ;) Tomorrow night is an event for special needs kids. I’m looking forward to it, should be a fun night!

~Last night I had a very uneventful night since BB had hockey. He didn’t get home until after 10. We ate a very late dinner but I think we were still sleeping by 11:30.

~Can’t wait to find out the top 20 for S.Y.T.Y.C.D tonight! I can’t believe they narrowed it down so quickly from around 175 to 20!

~BTW, it's been over a week now since I had my biopsy and I still haven't heard from the doctor's office! Jeez....I must be "ok"!


  1. Sounds like a perfect night!

    Oh, and no news = good news right?!

  2. Yum..I love the reg Mike's Hard Lemonade & I went to the zoo today haha!

  3. No news is always good news. :)

    The event tomorrow night sounds like fun. I hope you have a great time.

    A Mike's hard lemonade sounds fabulous right now!!


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