
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

wordless wednesday (almost)

B and I decided to give Gus a bath on Friday night.
Gus hates the bath!
He runs and hides in his kennel anytime I mention the word.
If I get near the kennel he growls at me!
It takes some treat bribing but he will finally let me pick him up for tub time.

WET PUPPYOnce out of the bathtub Gus literally goes crazy running throughout the house.
He rolls around and around in his towel...
Kicks his back feet like a bucking bronco....
Then he gets very calm from his craziness... sprawls out...
and crashes, on his back paws in the air!

good night sleepy little stinker butt!


  1.!!! oh thank you miss for the laughs!!! these photos are awesome! i love funny little dogs that have even funnier little personalities!!! the last my favorite!

  2. That is so cute!

    Roman hates baths also. He doesn't growl, I kick his butt if he growled at me, he does however, cower and shake. Then he goes nuts running and rolling and's funny.

    Bad puppy! His hair looks crimpy when wet...he's so cute!

  3. SO cute! My dog runs like crazy through the house too!!! :)

  4. You are such a cute couple! Fun blog!!

  5. haha. My dog does his puppy crazy through the house after bath too!

  6. LOL! that is so cute! my puppy too didn't like to get bathes that much either, she was the sweetest little thing though...awww I had her 17 year and she just left us a few weeks ago :-( I miss her, but these pictures brought me back some great memories :) thank you. enjoy your little one.

  7. Haha! That's too funny that he knows when it's time for his bath!

  8. how cute!!! haha, my dogs don't like baths either. I don't think any dog does!

  9. omgah he is so cute!!

    and yeah, the corn in the mashed potatoes makes me cringe! LOL

  10. Awwww Gus is too cute for words!!! My Bella does the exact same running around like a crazy thing! So hilarious! XO

  11. Ha those photos are funny xoxox

  12. Wait, is that a cat or a dog?

  13. hahaha Harley does the same thing when I give her a bath. She gets sooo hyper and rolls around in the towel then all the sudden, dead! lol

  14. Lol! Our dog goes crazy after baths too.

  15. We used to put Mia in the tub but since it's summer we just take her out and get her with the hose.


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