
Thursday, August 20, 2009

i scream, you scream, we all scream for....

It takes about 50 licks to lick away one scoop of ice cream...

Kids aged 2-12 and adults over 45 eat the most ice cream...
Of all the days of the week, most ice cream is bought on Sunday...
5% of ice cream eaters share their ice cream with their pet....

we don't share with our gussy...
we bought him his own ice cream.
we don't eat ice cream at our house,
not really big fans of it.
personally, i'd rather have chocolate cake or brownies!
BUT little gus can't get enough of the frozen treat!
see that little pink tongue below ;)
we bought him his own little peanut butter ice cream cups...
they are made specially for pups.

he devoured his sweet treat....
laying on the rug with the little cup between his paws....
licking away for at least 20 minutes...
i think he had brain freeze after...
he kept rubbing his head all over the rug ;)
he is my most favorite little pup EVER!!!
ice cream facts found here.
pictures found here.


  1. ha ha...too cute. We bought our Zoey the ice cream. The first time we gave it to her she had no clue what to do with it. The second time she ate half. Im guessing she dosent have a big sweet tooth like her

  2. Dair Queen gives free vanilla cones to dogs, and it's the same stuff they serve to people! My pups LOVE it and get so excited when we are in the drive thru lane!

  3. wow your dog gets his own ice cream?! I bet he is a really happy dog :)
    I really like the facts about ice never stop learning!

  4. We just had an ice cream social at work yesterday. I don't normally buy it, but I'll eat it if it's there. That seems true for most food for me. :) Great pictures & I love the fact that you found doggie ice cream!

  5. What a cute post! I love ice cream...especially the Birthday Cake flavor at Marble Slab!

  6. I love me some ice cream! To be honest donuts are my biggest downfall. I can't even have one right now or I'd tumble right of the wagon!

  7. That is so cute!! I have seen the dog ice cream in stores, but never bought any for mine, maybe I should! I love ice cream!

  8. aww he is precious!

  9. Let me guess- frosty paws?!? I used to love watching our dog eat those!

  10. When it comes to icecream, every man for himself! No sharing.

  11. how cute!!! i didn't know they make puppy ice cream! i will have to look into that. today is my dog omar's 1st birthday so i'm thinking about buying him a little special treat. maybe a peanut butter cake.

  12. haha cute! and *mmm* ice cream.. even better? GELATO!! *mmmmm* :)

  13. HOW FUN! Elton would love this..but his tum tum gets upset so easily! Prob worth a try for a special treat though!

  14. That's so cute! I'm not a big fan of ice cream either, a gooey chocolate brownie is more my style, haha! Gus is just too adorable :)

  15. Thanks for that little bit of info on ice-cream! lol :)

    He is a cutie, looks like he really enjoyed his share of ice-cream!

    Now I'm craving it! ♥

  16. haha sadie always gets some ice cream when we go thru shakes! She LOVES it!

    ps. if you ever have any wedding planning quetsions email me : )

  17. i was with you on the not a fan...but lately i don't know what it is but i LOVE not only taking the ladies to get ice cream but also eating it!! YUM!! i won't keep it in the house but you won't hear me turning down a trip to baskins!! haha...

    how funny is he!! he is ALL over that stuff!!! CUTE!

  18. these pictures are adorable! how fun!

    i love ice cream but try not to eat it too much :)

  19. I'm not a huge ice cream person either but this post makes even me want some of that cool treat!

  20. We have ice cream every single day. I am not kidding!

  21. omg, you're making me crave ice cream now!!

  22. omg...that is SO cute!! we are BIG fans of ice cream around our house :)

  23. How cute, I need to find Mia some doggy friendly ice cream! :)
    And those colorful ice creams look delish!

  24. Hahaha... that is adorable and hilarious. Doggy brain freeze.. Hehehe....

  25. So cute! I got those for Bella last month when it was sooooo hot! She didn't know wtheck it was at first but now she loves them!

  26. um, i think i'm the only one who doesn't like ice hurts my head man

  27. I love those individual ice cream cups! Remember the kind you would get in school!?!?!

  28. Aw poor puppy had brain freeze! My dogs love their frosty paws, can you really blame them?!? They think they are quite possibly the greatest invention of all time, come to think of it, so do I!

    Here is a wedding question, will you have little Gus in your wedding?

  29. Love those!! I get Gracie those all the time!!!!!

  30. Ohhh, you are such good puppy parents!

  31. i always wondered about that doggie ice cream. i'll have to get it for massimo

  32. Ice cream and water ice are 2 of my favorite summer treats!

    We buy Frosty Paws for our dogs and they love it! It usually ends up all over their noses!

  33. that is so funny! I Love how he just ate it right up!

    ... but on the down side, this post made me start craving some sweets!

  34. haha - i need to start eating my ice cream face first like that!

  35. Too funny!! That was a very imformative Ice Cream 101 :)

  36. Love it!!! Hope you have a great weekend! = )

  37. So cute!! You have me wanting to go to 31 flavors right now!! I would so not share with my pet!! HA HA!! :)

  38. looks like my chihuahua pippen



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