
Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I was like, "Why are you so obsessed with me?"

I mentioned yesterday that I have a new facination with A&E. 2 new shows I'll have on DVR saved for rainy boring weekends are Obsessed and Hoarders. Does anyone else enjoy watching these shows!? Maybe I'm strange for loving them, they are just so interesting to me! If you haven't seen them here is what they are about....


Hoarders is a fascinating look inside the lives of people whose inability to part with their belongings is so out of control that they are on the verge of a personal crisis. Whether they're facing eviction, the loss of their children, jail time, or divorce, they are all desperately in need of help. Cleaning is just the first step, like taking drugs away from an addict. The healing won't be easy. For some, throwing away even the tiniest thing a sponge, a button, an empty box is so painful that they will not be able to allow the cleaning to be completed, no matter the consequences. For others, professional help and an organizer's guidance give them the strength to recover.

The episode I saw was about a man who lives in his mom’s home, he had previously taken care of his mom. She passed away while he was caring for her. Now he can't throw away a single thing in the home because every little thing reminds him of his mom. His house was so full of stuff he couldn’t even get down the hallway. He literally throws nothing away! If he goes to the store to get himself a candy bar he will buy 2, one for him and one for his mom. His home was absolutely disgusting!! I know it’s a disorder and he needs help, hopefully he follows through with his therapist.
could you imagine the smell of these places....


Intense and highly personal, A&E's true-life, documents and examines the lives of everyday people imprisoned by unmanageable, repetitive behaviors and sometimes debilitating fear. Whether it is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Panic Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, General Anxiety Disorder, Hoarding or a variety of phobias, the unscripted series gives viewers a chance to see first-hand how an obsession can radically affect a person's life.

The episode I saw featured two women. One had a hair pulling obsession. She pulled her hair out all the time! It was the saddest thing to see! This poor lady is practically bald and wears wigs every time she goes out in public. She blames her perfectionist mother for her problems. She made no progress on the show with her therapist and decided to shave her head to attempt a fresh start.

The other lady the show featured wouldn’t eat anything hard for fear that her teeth would fall out. She constantly brushes and cleans her teeth for the same fear, that her teeth would fall out and she would have to get dentures and then she would be ugly. This woman made some progress through the show and was able to bite into an apple but her anxiety level was very high while doing so. She is now going through a divorce and trying to raise her daughter, she did make progress through the show.

All info. found here ---->
Photos found on ---->

Tonight B and I are going to another outdoor concert at the Zoo! It's beautiful outside! My sis and her friend are coming along too. We (B) scored some free tickets!

Also, I dyed my hair....dark brown is looking more like BLACK!


  1. omg i think i need to watch these shows! that is so crazy. it really makes me wonder how these people function! aww it's kind of sad

  2. I will have to watch these shows!!

  3. We totally watch those shows all the time! People are absolutely nuts. The ones that kill me are where the people pull out their hair or pick their skin. Ga-ross!

  4. I want to see hair pictures girl! Oh and I watch shows like this ALL the time, something draws me too them :) Let's be obsessed together, haha HAVE SO MUCH FUN TONIGHT! I'M JEALOUS... I WANT A ZOO!

  5. My husband and I find these shows soooo fascinating. Anything to make ourselves feel as normal as possible :)

  6. Oh my gosh!!! I watched Horders last night! It is SO disturbing. I mean seriously, WHO could live like that!

    One was an older lady that was like 60 that lived alone...the other was a family with KIDS! There were kids living in that mess!!

    SO disturbing...but I can't quit watching either!

  7. Oooh man... I can't watch shows like that. They make my skin crawl and I feel so bad that I can't do anything to help. :-(

  8. OH MY!!!! okay i want to watch these shows...especially that hoarders...but um.i have a feeling my hand would be covering my gaped open mouth the entire time!! that is foul!!! eek!

    and a concert at the zoo?!?!?! FUN!!!! i love stuff like that!!

    so did you like everything?!? did it fit well?!? i have to tell you i cut my cardigan b/c i didn't like the front so if you look at the photo of mine you can see it is different b/c i did that...hopefully you like it all!!

  9. omg those pictures are disgusting!! I can't believe people live like that!

  10. Wow, I have never heard of Hoarders, but wow, that place is soooo messy, and packed! If he can't stand to part with it, he should put it in a storage facility. Wow!

  11. Yikes! That house made me want to hurl. So sad! Did you see the Oprah show with the hoarder mom and they took all of her stuff to a storage warehouse and it filled TWO whole warehouses? So interesting what people do!

  12. wow that house would drive me crazy - I am such a neat freak!

  13. i love A&E, TLC, and the Food Network! wooohoo! I actually saw a bit of Hoarders yesterday and thought of you! hehe! ;)

  14. I will deff. have to check out these shows. Im not sure why but they seem totally interesting to me.

  15. Now that I have cable I am going to start watching these!=)

  16. why have i not heard of these shows until now?! they sound so intense and oh so interesting. i will have to tune in! have fun at the concert. sounds like fun.

  17. Thanks for the tip on the pretzels!!! Do you know if they sell them at like Whole Foods or Trader joe's?

  18. I just watched the episode about the guy who kept everything after his mother died. He was kind of weird, I can only imagine the smell in that place. Gross!

  19. Okay...people who hoard like that SCARE me. I can't even study or get anything done in a place that isn't semi-cleaned up.

    I'll have to watch obsessed!

  20. Ooooh, both of those sound good!

  21. I cannot even imagine being so bound by these things. These people need to be set free indeed! I'll have to check these shows out, very interesting!!!

  22. HAHA I say "why are you so obsessed with me" all the time...I actually just said it about ohhhh 2.5 seconds before clicking over here.

    I want to see your hair!! I bet it looks badass...have fun tonight my love!

    And I LOL'ed at your comment, especially about Hung...desperate times, people! :)


  23. OMG I have a client at work that is a hoarder for sure. You would not believe his office! I just know one of these days I am going to be asked to organize it or something like that. Nightmare!

  24. i have wanted to watch those shows. i cant believe some of the problems that people really have out there! the hoarders sounds just nuts. and im a big fan of intervention so im sure i would like this show. thanks for sharing.

    have fun tonight - i love outdoor live music!

  25. I am SUCH a little pack rat. I have a horrible time throwing anything out. Maybe not to this extreme

  26. I watched hoarding once and it was just too much for me. I mean WOW! Those people need help.

  27. hey thanks for stopping by, your page is so fancy!

  28. Sometimes we complaint about the little things and dont notice how much harder other people have it in life.

    Nice post!

  29. That is some serious TV you're watching there, friend!

  30. I would LOVE those shows! I miss American TV!

  31. I love those two boyfriend thinks I'm crazy. He'd much rather be watching UFC or Jail. Glad I'm not the only one that enjoys the shows!

  32. Hi! Thank you so much for the sweet blog comment! Congratulations on your engagement, I hope your big day is fantastic!

  33. OMG i looooved hoarders!! it was so sad and intense...but seriously so interesting! i loved it!

  34. OMG that is so disgusting & horrifying!!!! How can anyone live like that!!!

    Thanks for your sweet comment from the other day!!

    I've seen obsessed before, it's a pretty good show! Wierd how some people can be.

  35. I want to watch this! Hoarding is so SAD!


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