
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Noddin’ my head like yea

i heart 3 day weekends! :)
my weekend consisted of....
bb and gussy...
yummy food...
delish drinks...
perfect weather...
birthday party...
dancing and singing in the car...
getting pulled over...

So I put my hands up
They’re playing my song,
And the butterflies fly away
Noddin’ my head like yea
Movin' my hips like yea

my sis and i were on our way to a birthday party
for my bestie's little one's first birthday.
we had dominic with us and we were listening to miley's song.
when she says put your hands up we were dancing along and so was d.
me, only one hand! i don't drive with no hands!
i know i'm SUPER CUTE!

on our way to the party half the roads were closed...
i was having to navigate (just guess where i was going)...
and hope it was the correct way...
as i'm pulling off the exit realizing we actually went the right way....
i look in the rear view mirror and what do i see....
his red, blue and whites flashing at me....

oh $hit!
what did i do?
my sis and i are thinking...
are we getting pulled over for dancing in the car?!
he comes up to the window and asks where we were going.
we say a birthday party.
he's like for kids?
yes officer, for a one year old, hence the kiddo in the back.
he seriously had a smirk on his face the whole time.
as he proceeded to ask me....
if we are from around there? - no
what my record was like? - practically perfect
if i noticed how long he was following us? not exactly
if i knew the speed limit?
i answer him and guess at 55.
he said correct.
but do you know how fast you were going?!
no sir, i honestly have NO idea....
ah, really? no way!?

mr. officer with a smirk...
let me go.
thank him, thank the heavens!!!
i really am a cautious driver!!
i always set my cruise to avoid speeding.
i will be extra cautious from now on!!

we finally arrive at the party...
play some lawn games...
munch away on snacks....
have some cake...
and sing happy birthday to this little guy...
your auntie loves you!
now, i have to show you what else happened on the way to the party.
dom was a little restless
so i gave him this little foam horse i had in my car.
what does D do with the horse...
he proceeds to gnaw on him...
limb by limb!
poor horsey :( off with one leg...
then he looks at the horse and goes oh no....
proceeds to ripping off the next...

only one limb left!! ha!
that is me driving and i have
my phone out because i'm debating whether to call
my dad or not since we might or might not be lost....
he is such a ham!
ladies, i know i stuck my horsey up there
but what if i want to bite his head off now?! ha!
no, the horse didn't lose his head! ;)

I hope everyone had a fabulous Labor Day Weekend!!!


  1. First of all, your nephew is TOO cute!! OMG! I can't believe he gnawed the legs off of that animal, though. Too funny!

    And second... lucky you for getting out of that ticket! I got one several months ago for going 46 in a 35 (but who the heck knew that MAJOR road was only 35?). UGH!!

    Have a fabulous week!

  2. hahahah omg that's hilarious and he is such a cutie!!! lol

  3. Glad you had a great weekend- and so glad you got away without a ticket!!!

  4. Love the pics, D is too cute! :)

    So glad you didn't get a ticket and that you had a GREAT holiday weekend!!! Hope you got some quality time with BB! ;P


  5. Thank God he let you go!!!
    D is such a cutie with that smile! ♥

    Looks like you guys had a great weekend!

  6. Haha! So nice of him to let you go! That's awesome!

    I'm ashamed to admit I love that song...Still don't like Miley, but I like that song!

  7. too cute :) Glad you ahd a good weekend. Thank goodness the cop let you off!

  8. Ahhh yes, 3 day weekends. Gotta love ‘em and it doesn’t get better than good food and friends/family! : )
    Glad mr.officer with a smirk let you off this time! I get totally carried away too when im jammin’ in the car. . . but not to miley cyrus. *cringe* Hahaha! ;P happy Tuesday annie!

  9. Oh no! Thank goodness the officer let you go!

    You're nephews are precious!!!

  10. great story! thank god you didnt get a ticket!

  11. FYI you so got out of hat ticket because that copper thought you were cute! or maybe it was your dance moves. haha.

    i'll just pretend i didn't hear you say miley...


  12. Stupid cops! There were TONS on our drive yesterday. Must have been the holiday! I'm glad he didn't give you a ticket!

  13. It sounds like an adventure! Thank goodness you got out of the ticket. That is wonerful news! The pics of D chewing off the horse's legs are hysterical!

  14. oh my gosh, i loveeeee that song too!!! you got lucky with the cop!

  15. Okay, I'm going to go ahead and admit it -- I'm 25, and I freaking LOVE Party in the U.S.A. I guess for me, tweeny-bopper pop is sort of like a guilty pleasure... haha...Shh! Don't tell anyone. ;)

    D is super cute, and you are super lucky that the cop let you off! It sounds like your weekend was a total success! Yaay!

  16. That is one lucky run in with the police!

    And Dom is SO ADORABLE!!! It looks like you guys had fun together!

  17. Agh! Close call!!! Glad he didn't ticket you! I hate that.. the seeing the red and blue lights.. the feeling of "aw crap.." haha.. :) Hooray for him not ruining the weekend! And Dom is SO.ADORABLE! (per usual) :) Glad you hda a great weekend, lovely!!!

  18. Of course he let you go, you little hottie, you! Good for him. And you need to keep Dom far far away from me or I will STEAL him! SO cute. Glad you had an awesome weekend!

  19. Adorable!! I love that song. Glad you got out of the ticket!

  20. Thanks for the sweet are so lucky I have the worst luck with cops I ALWAYS get the ticket. Thank goodness (knock on wood) I haven't gotten a ticket in a while.

  21. I'm soooo glad he let you go!!!

    And he is such a ham, haha!!!! :)

  22. Sounds like a great weekend and that little guy is too cute! Thank goodness the cop was being nice that day.

  23. Haha I love it, he's so cute!! You're lucky to get off without a ticket, for some reason I ALWAYS get tickets when I get pulled over (which isn't very often, but every time ends up with a sitation, I've had like 4 in my life but that's 4 too many!) Perhaps it's because my car is bright red... *sigh* I don't know. Sounds like your Labor Day weekend was a lot of fun!

  24. um....TOTAL obsession for that song! LOVE IT! great pics - such a cute little guy. glad you had a fun weekend.

  25. HEEEYYY! im totally jealous you got out of the ticket...i never do!!!!
    adorable pics! can't get enough of that little kid! so cute!

  26. awww, what a cutie!

    and phew! way to get out of a ticket!

    glad you had a great weekend!

  27. D is such a cutie, and that's awesome the cop let you go! :)

  28. Lucky girl - Work it on getting out of tickets ;)

    Sounds like you had a really good weekend

  29. Fun weekend! It's awesome when cops are nice.

  30. That tea cocktail you told me about does sound so good . . . and refreshing! It sounds so good that it could get ya into trouble if it tastes so yummy, ha ha! Those type of drinks can sneak up on you!

    SO glad you got out of the ticket! I hate getting pulled over! I have gotten out of a few myself, but the last 2 I got last year I wasn't so lucky. =(

    Glad you had a good weekend! I ate too much, so I am deff. going to have to watch it and hit the gym this week! ;)

  31. that poor horse!!! lol...he's too cute! and that poor officer was probably just captivated by you guys!! you blinded him with your hotness!! good job :)

  32. awww....poor horsie!!! hahaha!! seriously he is TOO STINKIN CUTE!!! CANNOT GET ENOUGH OF HIM!!!! and ooohh...lady i hate HATE getting pulled over! c got a ticket on the way home from!! what a terrible way to end a vacation!!! and an expensive one at that just became THAT much more expensive...

    but i bet you got let off cause your so gorgeous!!! of course!!! love you friend!!!

  33. Great story! Glad you didn't get a ticket, lol. Nothing like that to made a day stink. ;-)

  34. Hahaha what a fun story and what a perfect weekend!!

  35. SO cute as usual!!! Such an adorable story...I'm so glad you had a great weekend. I have MISSED YOU!! So happy to be back! Woop woop!

  36. So glad you had a great weekend! Love the pics, he is adorable!

  37. the cop let you off without giving you a ticket?!??!?! DUDE. that is so good. i am jealous!!!!!

  38. such cute pics!! :) And so glad the cop let you off the hook! Glad you had a great weekend beautiful lady!

  39. It looks like you had an amazing 3 day weekend!

  40. omg. i'm glad i'm not the only one who likes that song...

  41. I love your blog and look forward to reading it everyday!

  42. yay for no ticket!! and he is soo cute! those pics are adorable! hope you're having a great week!

  43. first of all, love that song.. sing it all the time haha

    second, dontcha just love nice officers who let you go?!? not that i would know about that...

    third, little boys are precious. haha

  44. Loving your blog!!! Thank goodness you got out of the ticket (I love when that happens) and your nephew is adorable!!! XOXO

  45. Sooo what did you think of SYTYCD?!!! :) And thanks for noticing my bloggie changes!! :) I get bored and change it every few mos... haha! :) XOXO!

  46. Too funny! we both have the same layout ;).

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