
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

it's the little things in life...

I don't think it's any secret that I LOVE being an anutie...
my fiance LOVES being uncle Billy...
we can't wait to have a little one of our own...
until then, we enjoy spending any time we can with our nephew Dominic....
I had off last Wednesday and spent the majority of the day with Dom...
Uncle Billy works at the ZOO so of course we went to see him....
we all roamed the ZOO...
then we all ate lunch together....
after chow time silly uncle Billy...
wanted to get some giggles out of Dom...
D just turned 2 but a good ol' fashion game of...
was just fine with him...
I think uncle B might be the goofiest guy I know...
I love how billy makes dominic so happy....
the little guy couldn't get enough of him...
I'll never get enough of either of them...
we all had a splendid time together...
days like those are irreplaceable...
enjoy them when you have the chance :)

at this rate...
i honestly don't know if we'll get married or start a family first....

i hope everyone is having a great week so far!
i know i am!


  1. Aweeee!!!! I feel the same way about my nieces and nephews!!!

    Love those stinkin kids...

  2. He is adorable!! Good practice for later, hehe.

  3. He is a cutie! I am an aunt, one niece and 3 nephews are they are the light of my life!
    Hope you have a great day!

  4. Awww... great pictures! =) He is too cute!

  5. Aww!! Those are great pictures. I can't wait to have both kids of my own and some nieces/nephews!

  6. Absolutely precious! He is adorable and you and your finace will make such wonderful parents someday. :) You're beautiful, by the way!

  7. What a sweet post! I love spending time with my nephew! Isn't being an aunt the greatest thing ever!? That's so sweet how Billy is with Dominick. Just elope or go to the JP...I'm ready for y'all to be married ;)

  8. There is nothing greater then being an Aunt!!! :)

  9. Being an aunt is the best!

    He really is such a precious boy! and so happy ;)

    Great pictures!

  10. you are so lucky! i can't wait to be an aunt and i make sure my sister is fully aware of that! ha! its days like that that i am sooo ready for! :) :)

  11. awwww....your guy is going to make THE BEST DADDDY!!! and i know i've said that before but truly he is!!!! and i LOVE the zoo!!! i think maybe a trip to ours may be in order soon now that the weather is not so blazing hot!

  12. Aww that looks like the perfect day! Don't you just love watching the guys with kids! omg shopping for the my niece and cousins has made me want a kid so bad!! Financially we need to get better at saving money though!

  13. That looks so fun! He's one lucky guy to have you guys for auntie and uncle! I can't wait to take our kiddo to the zoo and such!

    Love your pictures!

  14. You're going to make a wonderful mother someday! He is such a cutie and is very lucky to have such a sweet auntie ;)

  15. awwww annie you are so ready to have a kid. i wouldn't be surprised if after you get married, you'll have your own beautiful child. i dunno, maybe it's just wishful thinking ;)

  16. There is NOTHING like being an aunt. It's like being a young grandma. You get to love them and spoil them and send them home!!! And the kids think you are really awesome too!! :) I love your pictures, and I know you all will be fabulous parents!

  17. Dominic is adorable! I totally know how you feel about being an auntie. I've only been one for about 2 months and I can't get enough of my niece. How fun that Billy works at a zoo!

  18. you two are so ready to be parents! and GREAT ones at that :)

  19. SO PRECIOUS!! I love how happy he is!!

  20. Thanks for commenting on the blog!

    He is SO. Cute. he makes me want a baby pronto. Maybe I should work on getting a man first though...bahaha.

    and Hi, you're absolutely gorgeous! Have a great day!

  21. Awww so cute! You are making me want to be an aunt!

  22. he's such a cute and happy kid! i can already tell both of you are going to make GREAT parents! :) happy hump day! (and i dont mean that as a play of words since you guys want to have kids, hahahah! was that inappropriate?) ;P

  23. He is such a doll!! :) Happy Wednesday, girly! It is indeed a good week. :) XOXO!

  24. That is sooo cool that your fiance works at a zoo!

  25. such funny pictures. Billy will be such a great father, it is sweet how nurturing he is with D.

  26. He is just too cute and the way you handle being an Auntie, your going to make one baby proud! ♥

  27. What adorable pics! Looks like you all had a lot of fun = )

  28. He is precious!! I love being an aunt too, isn't it the best?!=)

  29. You two are so sweet to take him out on a play date! It inspires me to be a better aunt...

  30. Aww, just adorable and he is so full of life! I know, if I was hanging around adorable kiddos I think I would want to start a family pre marriage as well. Lol! XOXO love!

  31. He is such a cutie, and I love men who love children, they look like they have an absolute blast together! I can't wait to have kids!

  32. awww what great pictures!! i agree, days like this are wonderful. i'm glad you get to spend so much time with your nephew! :)

  33. Your nephew is the cutest thing ever and it's great that your fiance is so good with him! Looks like you all had a great time (and how cool that he works at the zoo)!

  34. awww your nephew is soo cute! those are great pictures. i love how close you guys are with your nephew! you are going to make great parents!

  35. what a lucky little sweet guy to have such an awesome auntie and uncle! what a fun day! and such cute pics! i second the comments about the guys with the little ones! i love it! and it never gets old! =)

  36. That's so sweet! What a fun day! Nothing melts your heart more then to see the guy you love play with kids and just the way they are with kids period. And then when kids love them back so much - it's the best!!! Something kinda sexy about it I think! ;)

  37. How presh! I love when my boyfriend acts cute with babies and little makes my heart melt! :)

  38. Aunties are the best! The dude lights up when my little sis comes around! Your nephew is a doll btw.

  39. awww! how cute! looks like such a fun time!

  40. awwww I have a 8 month old nephew and I can't wait until he's running and talking!!!

  41. okay that first picture made my heart melt!!!

  42. Such a cute kid. Love having nephews myself!

  43. you guys are so dang cute!! i love it! and you are going to make the best parents ever... i can't wait to see what gorgeous little bundles of joy you have!!

  44. How precious!!! My nephews live in Florida so I hardly get to see them. I wish my sister would have some kiddos so I can spoil them rotten.

    Oh and y'alls kids are going to be gorgeous!

  45. So cute! I wasn't an aunt until I got married, but now I'm loving it! =)

  46. Girlfriend... I vote START A FAMILY ;) hehehe

  47. it is fun and EASY to be an aunt or an uncle! i love being an aunt! and i also like leaving the kids with their parents when i am all tired and worn out. hahahaha.

    but YOU sound like you are ready for a family. go for it!!!!! :)

  48. Such great pics..looks like you guys had fun.
    Isnt it just the cutest thing to see your man with a kid?!? I LOVE watching mine with our baby!!
    We did it backwards...had Blake...and then got married when we were ready....worked for us :)

  49. OMG love it!!!! he is so stinking cute! i would be in love with him too!

  50. Being an auntie is just great, isn't it? My 5th niece/nephew will be arriving on Friday morning and I have two more on the way!

  51. i like auntie-hood. i get to enjoy my niece and nephew without any of the responsibility. : )

  52. He's a cute little guy!

    That's cool that your soon to be hubby works at the zoo! What does he do there???

  53. such cute pics..he's so handsome! :) I LOVE being an aunt as well!!

  54. Aw, he looks so excited and having a ton of fun!

  55. I have 12 nephews and nieces and feel the same way about ALL of them... they keep me busy!!

  56. It's so wonderful that he's so good with his little nephew!

  57. being an aunt is the best! you can spoil them rotten and then send them home to their mommy and daddy!

  58. What a lucky little boy! I loved being an auntie (I still do but now I am a mama too!).

  59. He's too cute. Being an aunt is the best. As an only child, I have my friend's kids to spoil and call me aunt Selma. lol ;)

  60. I can't wait to be an auntie!!! So excited about that! He is adorable!!

  61. My godson is a cutie...I can't wait to move home to be closer to him! :)

  62. Those pics are too cute!! Sounds like a great way to spend the day with your "boys". Before I had Drew, my nephew Justin was my entire world and I spent every free second with that kid.. being an Auntie rocks!! Looks like you two would be more than great at the whole parenting thing... I think it's time to give it a try =)

  63. Ahh how fun - I can't wait to be an aunt and have a cutie to tote around to fun places.

  64. U 2 R going 2 make the best parents!

    Dom is delightful :)


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