
Thursday, December 3, 2009


This year for my best friend's birthday she wanted to do something a little different. She invited 20 of her friends to volunteer for 2 hours last Saturday night.

We participated in FMSC - Feed My Starving Children.

It was SO MUCH FUN!!! As a whole we packed up 72 boxes of food, with 18 packages of food in each box. There were 6 different stations with around 8 people per station...chicken, veggies, soy, rice! That was the order of the assembly line. We had bag holders, sealers and packers as well. Each bag had to be weighed out and if it reached the "perfect weight" we would do a little cheer. It was for a great cause, the time flew by and it is something I would definitely do again!

Bestie and I!
don't you just love the hairnets!!
Billy didn't have hockey until 10:00 that night so even he got to come!
He kept our team entertained :)
love him!
working hard packing up the food
the whole gang

bestie and i out for dinner after packing food

some of the girls that went out after

I hope everyone is having a GREAT week!!!
Blogger was whack yesterday! I'll be on the prowl catching up today.

GLEE last night was awesome, AS ALWAYS!!
I totally missed it because I was watching a WILD hockey game.
The WILD take first priority in our home.
At least we got to watch GLEE commercial free ;)

My parents are coming over tonight for pizza and to watch Survivor, it has always been a family show for us. We each vote for someone to win and the winner takes home the pot of money. My girl is out, shucks....

My Christmas decoration pictures will be up on Monday!
Enjoy the rest of your week/weekends!!
Ciao lovelies!


  1. That is such a great idea idea! I think it's awesome that all of you were able to help out and have fun at the same time! Happy Birthday to your bestie! I've been working so didn't get a chance to watch Glee, but I'm about to right now! SO excited! That show is amazing :-)

  2. its great to see people that help with charities!! you look lovely even with the hairnet thingy on!!!!

  3. What a great way to celebrate your birthday! I love it!

  4. The volunteering looked like soo much fun! And you feel good afterwards, which is a plus. Can you believe that Wild game last night? Hockey takes precidence at our house too :-) Go Wild!

  5. What an awesome way to celebrate a birthday. That makes me want to do something charitable for my birthday.

    BTW, loved the picture of Gus you posted yesterday!

  6. That is so beautifully generous. How inspirational!

  7. That's the best idea I have ever heard of for celebrating a birthday! My husband and I were honored enough to serve food at a local mission in our city the day before Thanksgiving. It was such a humbling experience, and gave me a huge hunger to serve more!

  8. Yeah last nights glee was pretty much my favorite. I loved it!

    You are just way adorable. I love it

  9. What an amazing and selfless way to celebrate!

  10. What a great idea and wonderful thing.
    You look hot in a hair net babe!

  11. How increbily awesome and what a great cause!!!!!! :)

  12. Aw that was sweet of you ladies!
    Great way to spend time together!

  13. What a great cause and a fun way to spend time together! Good for you!

  14. Awww that looks like so much fun!!! I LOVE your family show fun! You sound like you are surrounded with such great friends and family!

  15. Such a great idea! We will do something like this on Christmas Day, since we will not be heading home to see the fam!


  16. What a fun idea for a party! That looks like you all had a great time and for such a good cause. What cute pictures in the hairnets!

  17. what a great and giving thing to do for her birthday! glad you all had fun :) and you looking hot as always! get it girl :)

  18. What a great friend to ask you all to volunteer in celebration of her birthday! Mine isn't for 10 more months but it sounds like a good idea :)

  19. That's a great idea and you're a great friend for going along with it!

  20. that was such a great idea! Good for you guys!

  21. what an awesome idea to volunteer for your b-day! your bestie sounds great :)

    the hairnets are just icing on the b-day cake!! haha

    i didnt really get into survivor this season...i used to LOVE it!

  22. aww that is sooo wonderful that you and your friends got to do that! what a great idea! and you still look cute in a hairnet, haha! hope you're having a great week!

  23. What a fabulous idea! I would never have thought to celebrate my birthday by volunteering, but when you think about it, it's fabulous!

  24. That is awesome and esp sweet that it was the birthday girls idea!

  25. What a wonderful and fantastic thing to be a part of! Good for you guys!

  26. Oh my gosh, I love this idea! What a great way to help out a charity that might not have gotten that many helpers otherwise... oooh so many ideas have just popped into my head... hehe

    Your bestie must be one awesome person. Good for her! :)

  27. oh my gosh, that is such an awesome thing you guys did!!! and how do you look so dang cute in a freakin' hair net?!?

  28. What an amazing idea!! I love it! And the hair nets were dead sexy!

  29. That's such a great thing to volunteer for!!!

  30. look at you and your good deed. what an unselfish way to celebrate a birthday. you and your friends are AWESOME!!!

    and you look beautiful...even with a hairnet!

  31. That was such a great thing for you guys to do! Looks like you had fun doing it as well! Hope you had some fun family time too :)

    Have a great weekend girl!

  32. Aww what a great cause! I usually spend my birthday slightly depressed because I'm yet another year older - I should probably get over myself! :) :) :)

  33. I love it!! What a fabulous idea!!!

  34. What a great idea! And you look so cute, even in a hairnet! Have a great weekend!

  35. How cool! What a terrific way to celebrate a birthday and give back to others in need. Love it :)

  36. Good for you girlie!!! Great idea and proud of you for rockin that hairnet! You look sexy!

  37. What an awesome idea! I think I may ask my friends to volunteer for my birthday. :-)

  38. you are so gorgeous even with that hair net bag on! hehe (=

  39. That's a really cool way to spend a birthday. Kudos to all of you.


  40. I LOVE this idea! Just found your it!

  41. What an amazing idea!!! I may have to do that next year....

    And how fun that you are close with your parents...that you WANT to hang out with them!

    Wonder what thats like! lol

  42. Good for you all being selfless for a "selfish" occasion such as a birthday!

  43. that is such a great idea/way to spend a birthday -- we should all do stuff like this! And it looks like ya'll had a great time doing it too!

  44. What a great idea! Looks like you all had a blast helping others.

  45. This is an amazing idea! :) I think I should do this, too. :D And it looks like you had a ton of fun there. :D
    Love your winter background!

  46. You are amazing and I love your heart. What a great way to give a part of yourself during the holidays. I love your new layout, it totally puts me in the festive mood. I hope you have a great day today! I am going to request you as a friend on Facebook. I just noticed it on your page! :)

  47. What a fabulous idea for a birthday celebration!!! Glad you all had a wonderful time. XOXO

  48. That is such a sweet way to celebrate a birthday!! And how do you still look gorgeous in those hair net thingys?! NOT FAIR! :)

  49. That is a really neat idea and something that I've never thought of! Love it!

  50. That is seriously inspirational! An amazing idea during the season!

  51. What a great idea ... You look GORGEOUS even in that hair net!

    I just volunteered for "Run to Feed the Hungry" on Thanksgiving ... it was super hard to get up at 5 in the morning but soooo worth it!

    Can't wait to c your Christmas Decorations!

  52. What a fun way to do something for others and spend time with friends to celebrate a special occasion. I love this idea! And can't wait to see your Christmas decorations! :)

  53. I think it’s really special and selfless that your friend volunteered her time and requested the same of her friends. That is a wonderful person in my eyes. I give you a ton of credit for doing it too. Some people just write a check to charity and that’s that (which is a great thing too, don’t get me wrong). I just think it’s wonderful when people donate their time to those in need to really make a difference. So sweet!


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