
Monday, December 14, 2009

weekend recap...

I had a 3 day weekend and I didn't do anything productive....including no Christmas shopping! YIKES! I really need to get on that. Thankfully we don't have many presents to buy this year. Billy's family decided we weren't swapping gifts, just buying for the kids. My family is doing a gift game where everyone brings one present around $40 and we draw numbers and make a swap/stealing game out of the gifts. It's practically impossible to buy the gift (let alone 2) because I can't think of one thing that everyone in my family would love. Any ideas??
We do already have gifts for all the kiddos.
I didn't take any naps this weekend ;) & I don't think I was lazy but thinking back over my 3 days, I didn't do all that much.
Babysat 6 hours during the night
Cleaned the house
Finished laundry
Put away 4 baskets full of laundry
Babysat another 6 hours at night
Slept in
Took Dominic to the zoo with my sister
D had an auntie day
We also had lunch with uncle Billy
After, I went to the gym
Then Billy and I went to my parents house for sloppy joes and homemade mac n cheese!!
We were at home and sleeping by 9:00
I guess my weekend of not doing much wore me out ;)
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!!
I'm so glad some of you ladies wanted to swap holiday cards!!
I plan to get mine out today/tomorrow!!
Have a great day my sweet bloggy friends!!


  1. Are there any movies that you know everyone wopuld love...or get a couple for different ages so the whole family would enjoy? That's all I could think that is a hard present to buy! Good Luck.

  2. My family does a gift swap too. Board games, gift cards (Target, iTunes, etc...) and lotion sets have always been popular. You could do a board game package (I don't know if yall are board game people). You could do a "night in" Package with popcorn, wine, a nice throw, and a couple movies. Packages are always the post popular with our crowd. Especiall if you're doing a dirty santa stealing then people will typically end up with something they like :)

  3. Sloppy Joes? That sounds sooooooooo good!!!

    Glad you had a nice weekend!

  4. sounds like a fun weekend :) i think the ones that are least productive are my favorite :)

  5. hmmm what about a board game? or a gift card? or some wine? or coffees and candies? umm that is really hard! A picture collage of your whole family? Good luck with this one chicky! it's a tough one!

    Glad you had a relaxing weekend!

  6. Id say that sounded pretty productive :)

  7. Hey, every now and then we NEED those "do nothing" weekends!!!!!!! :) Sounds like a very relaxing one!

  8. Hi! I found you via Jennster.

    Ok, homemade sloppy joes and mac n' cheese? Sounds delicious! Jealous over here...

    Also, I know it might be cheesy for the holiday gift, but what about a gift card for the movies or a restaurant? Not fun to open something like that and no mystery to it, but it might be a crowd pleaser.

  9. that sounds like a great weekend!!! hmmm maybe games?

  10. Nice weekend :) Quite the opposite of mine. I was just GO GO GO all weekend but I did finish all my shopping (except for the hubby since he was with me)

  11. I am totally impressed you made it to the gym all those days. I was extra lazy this weekend but I'll be back at te gym tomorrow (I swear!)

  12. What about some type of theme gifts? Like a movie night? A giftcard for two movie tickets, some popcorn, a cute bowl, and maybe some popcorn seasoning? Or ... a game with a giftcard to a pizza place or something? Those kinds of things usually go over well?

  13. Sounds like my weekend except I'm jealous of the sloppy joes! Glad you had a nice relaxing time!

  14. Hmm restaurant gift cards? And I like Lucy Marie's idea of themed "night" gift cards, I was going to suggest the same thing!

  15. I am only half way done on shopping..Oops!!!

  16. Sounds like a good weekend but without any naps no one can be too sure! Ha! You better get with shopping sister...all the good stuff is going to be gone!!!

  17. at least you went to the gym! that's more than I did! haha

  18. This is one very nice weekend you had girl! Plus, I'm impressed you managed to visit the gym each and every day, too! :) I'm a lazy butt which is pretty bad, so you're my little role model here. :) Happy?! Yeah!!! And you better start the shopping soon though, the sooner you're done the better and the more you have time to relax etc. ;) Plus, yes, good things might be gone hurry!!!! Can you feel me push you out the door towards all the shops and all?! Can you? good! ;) Have a good day! :D

  19. homemade mac and cheese?! yuuuuum! glad you had a great weekend, girl. :)

  20. Hi! Cute blog - Just found it :) Looking forward to reading. Hope you find some good gifts! DVD's are always a good idea!

  21. I so need a weekend like that right now!! I am so worn out - we always have something to do it seems! And homemade mac & cheese sounds soooo good right now!! :)

  22. ok now i can't stop singing 'sloppy joe, slop sloppy joooeeee' if i think of any gift ideas i'll let you know!! that's a tough one!

  23. oooohhh your weekend sounds nice!!! and man i cannot remember the last time we had sloppy joes! it's be awhile...may need to correct that soon! hahaha...

    and gym time?!? awesome! i have been shredding but am looking forward to getting back into the gym tonight!

  24. you are a gym-going fool!! 3 times in 3 days!! good for a coupe of miles for me...i have fallen off the work-out bandwagon :(

  25. Sounds like a great weekend.
    And I love the idea of a basket or collection of things like board games, or a good book and a cozy throw, etc.

  26. My family does that present swapping thing too and I actually really hate it. ;) It's so hard to buy something that everyone will like. I usually go for gift certificates. Not very original but at least you can't really go wrong with it!

  27. Christmas shopping is so much fun, even though it is time consuming. Sounds like you had fun and go to relax too, yipee! Good job for going to the gym love!

  28. Sounds like a great idea..and I would totally be down for the swap except I suck at picking out presents.

  29. If you went to the gym then that is productive!!! You went all 3 days! :)
    We do gift swaps like that for our family too...I get gift certificates to restaurants everyone loves around here. MY whole family loves to go out to eat, so they are always the most wanted gifts! :)

  30. Sometimes the best weekend are those we spend doing nothing of what we planned to :)
    Happy Monday, hon!

  31. How about a board game? Those are pretty universal. Apples to apples is fun! I think that's what it's called. : )

  32. I need a weekend just like that!!!! Unfortunately, I have only purchased 1 gift for Christmas, so looks like I won't be getting a relaxing weekend until Christmas!

    I too also have a hard time with the Dirty Santa gifts. Luckily we bring a female gift or a male gift, so if all else fails I always bring neat make-up! I always know that my 18 year old cousin or myself will love it.

  33. mmm homemade mac & cheese...sounds delish!

    my work is doing a swap/steal gift exhange too but the max is $10. i bought a nifty wine opener. nnot sure if anyone will like it but whatev. it's hard coming up with good gifts for only $10! at least you have more options. i'm sure you'll find something good.

    just fyi, bed bath & beyond has a bunch of fun stuff.

  34. Sounds to me like you did a ton... very productive!

  35. Your weekends kick my weekends arse :)- Lol
    I love your NEW header up top...did you darken your hair?!!! It looks FaBuLouS ♥

  36. Your weekend sounds amazing...and good for you you lil gym goer!!!!

  37. I think buying gift cards is a good idea too. That way, everybody can get what they want..P.S. I love the new layout!!

  38. My hubs family plays a gift swap game with gift cards. No one leaves unhappy!

  39. I think your weekend sounds fantastic! Oh my goah I haven't had sloppy joes in forever, yum!

  40. Wow I just realized how many blogging friends you have, lol, how do you do that! haha :)
    Our family plays the gift swapt every Christmas too, I love it! I think Candles for a girls gift would be a good idea, w/ maybe a cute picture frame or costure (cup holders) picture frames are pretty neat! Hope that helped! Hope you get your shopping done soon! :) It seems like Christmas is just creeping up on all of us! Yikes 2 more weeks! ;)

  41. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! And, thank you for the sweet comments - you're too kind! The wreath, while I made it much harder on myself, isn't that hard to make. Take a wire hanger, bend it into a circle, and then string your ornaments on it. The important thing is to not use glass ornaments, and to make sure you glue the ornament to its hook. Otherwise, you'll end up with a bunch of balls...going everywhere! ha ha ha ha. It was kinda funny...but after the 400th ball fell off, well, it was losing its funny feel. ha ha ha ha ha. LOVE YOUR BLOG! Have a great Tuesday!!!!!!!!!

    PS - You and your fiance are PRECIOUS!!!! What a lucky man he is to have such a pretty woman!!!!!!!

  42. you know, I've never sent out holiday cards...
    Maybe I should try it. And don't worry, I've been on "vacation" for about 5 days now and I've done just about nothing of real use. It feels good too. What can I say, that's what a vacation is for right?

  43. sounds like a great weekend! good for you for going to the gym on your days much better than me!


  44. You always seem to have such great weekends!!! I need to do laundry like no tomorrow!

  45. Homemade mac and favorite.

  46. That's all I could think that is a hard present to buy! Good Luck.

    Work from home India

  47. It sounds like you’re doing one of those Yankee swap things with the family. Those are super fun! I like the idea of doing a movie gift basket like you mentioned above. I’m sure people already said this, but you could pick a new release or a few cheap oldies but goodies with some candy, drinks and snacks!

    It sounds like you had a productive weekend around the house and that is so sweet that you took Dom to the zoo! You’re such a sweet auntie :)

  48. my doggie has that zebra too! except he tore it to bits!


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