
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

my butt hurts...

i thought as i woke up...
my a$$ is really sore...
i stood up...
oh my goodness...
my legs are too...
i hope i can make it down the two flights of stairs...
i reached for the railing...
realizing my arms were quite stiff as well...
my back, ouch...

so maybe i was a little ballsy thinking i could handle the shred and the biggest loser cardio max.
i was still doing level one of the shred and it seemed like i needed a little something more and more exciting. i picked up the cardio max dvd at best buy for $8!

i did the shred, level one on saturday morning and then proceeded to do cardio max.
bob does the workout routine and it was actually fun!
at least a bit more upbeat than the shred.
it is high energy, you continue moving the entire 20 minutes.
even the 5 minute warm up is a mini workout.
the workout is weight lifting cardio almost the whole time.
i used 5 pound weights and didn't struggle.
you can go as hard or light as you want on each move.
bob just wants ya to keep moving!
you can choose to not use weights as well.
i did struggle on the pushup part of this workout.
i need more upper body strength.
the pushup routine they do is intense!

when i was doing the workout, i felt no strain on my muscles.
which is why i was quite surprised at how sore i was all day sunday!
it literally hurt to walk.
i don't get that from the shred.
it might have also been because i did 2 workouts and probably only needed to do one.
i'm looking forward to continuing the cardio max!
i will NOT be combining it with the shred ever again!

yesterday, i did the shred level 2.
today i am going back to cardio max level 1.
i don't know for sure if i'm going to continue to alternate the 2 workouts.
i might just stick with cardio max.
there are 3 different levels to the cardio max work out.
level 2 and 3 are 10 minutes each.
it is set up as a 6 week program.
2 weeks at each level.
if you need a new workout dvd, i would totally recommend this one!
i still want to combine the gym into my workout routines.
i miss the treadmill.
can't believe i just said that!
also, i'm paying for a membership so i should use it.

4 days and i'll be in a bathing suit....
not in a tropical/warm destination....
ha, only in my dreams...

i want to attempt to eat better...
i'm good during the day...
i eat healthy all day long...
i'm not bad at home but i'm not that good...
i like gummy bears...
billy has a stash of peanut mm's in the freezer...
we also don't usually eat dinner until 8:00...
then we are sleeping by 10:00/11:00...
i know that is not good...

tonight, biggest loser is on....
so is american idol...
thankfully we have 2 dvr's...
billy isn't into biggest loser with me...
we'll be watching american idol...
may be the last season we watch...
simon is leaving!!

time to slice up my apple ;)
have a great day everyone!!


  1. Ooooh that sounds great I am going to go get that DVD!

  2. Thanks for sharing...I thing im gonna try soon as my foot heals itself. Have a good week!

  3. OMG girlfriend, that is totally the reason your butt is hurtin'! Good luck going to the bathroom, LOL! That, to me, is the WORST part of being sore in the thighs and butt, even if it is TMI!

    I think your plan sounds awesome, I am the same way with eating. I eat great all day and then when I get home I eat a good dinner and then I HAVE to have some sweets. Have to. You can do it!!

  4. Great review of CM! I love level 1 with Bob, it's my fave but you will also love level 2 with Jillian!

  5. I struggle with push ups as well. My upper body is so weak as a dancer from ages 3-17 then a runner my legs have all the power on my body. That is something I am trying to improve this year.
    I am so glad to hear this is a good workout I can't wait to try it out!

  6. I always have trouble on the push ups too... I have to do girl push ups! Oh well!

  7. Ooooh, how good odes being sore feel? Right before Christmas when we started our Power90 DVDs the front side of my hips hurt soooo bad (from the kicking). Add in a six hour drive down to Kansas in a car and I was sooo sore and stiff that weekend. I walked, stretched, and sat like a preggo lady :-) I absolutly sucked at pushups when we started a month ago and can already feel such a difference and improvement. Keep up the hard work! :-D

  8. i am purchasing cardio max RIGHT NOW!!! let's hope i use it.....

  9. Great review! My butt needs to go and get this!


  10. you are so brave to do them both! the shred KILLED me at the first level! i don't konw how you can do it and do something more!! crazy!

  11. Good for YOU! It hurts, but it's such a rewarding feeling! :)

  12. I can't believe you combined the two and are still living! The Shred is bad enough by itself! I haven't tried the other one, but it may be worth looking into!!

  13. I have been doing Bob's boot camp video and I am sore too!

  14. You are sticking to it! So proud! And you are inspiring to me (as I am sitting her contemplating my greasy lunch). ha ha ha ha!

  15. Awesome! I'm doing the shred and it is kicking my butt! But now I will go out and buy the cardio max too, maybe do them back to back.

    I want to be bikini ready too ahahah :)

  16. I need to pull out my Jillian DVD.. :)

  17. Your title to this post cracked me up, haha!!! I tell you, those workout videos can give you a run for your money!!!!!

  18. i heard about simon leaving! crazy!

  19. My whole body was aching just reading about all that you attempted to do. Ouch!
    I can't wait for American Idol! It is my very favorite show! But I like it better once all the auditions are over!

  20. Wow woman! Go you!! That DVD sounds AMAZING to me! I enjoy being sore - means I worked hard!!

    I love gummy bears too! As long as they are soft... I think they should make sour gummy bears like sour worms... ya know?

  21. Thanks so much for stopping by and following my blog! I'm following you too :) Those workout DVDs definitely sound like they are worth checking out! I'm pretty sore from the gym myself & my abs totally killed when I just sneezed haha

  22. Id suggest going up to level 2 on the shred if you werent sore from level 1, and you felt like you needed more of a workout. that should leave you a little sore again in the beginning! ;)

  23. I did Cardio Max last night for the first time and it rocked! I am feeling it today!

  24. I do the Cardio Max 3-4 times a week! But I do level 1,2,3 all together. That way i get a 45 min cardio workout in!

    It is hard work, but worth it!

  25. that cardio max sounds really interesting but i am so horrible about staying in a routine with workout dvds like that... i always give up after a week or two.

  26. wow girl....good for you!! i love to feel that pain in the buns...means that it is working!! maybe i should try that one out!

    i am freaking...BL and AI remote is going to be smoking from flipping back and forth so much!!

  27. Oh good for you girl! Maybe you will inspire me!

  28. Shoooweee! Great for you lady!! Can you do an extra workout for me?! You're my inspiration to get my butt into gear!

  29. great recap of the DVD...I think I may have to run out and purchase a copy of my own!

  30. Ouch!!
    I guess there's nothing wrong with being sore because that means that somethings getting into shape right?! I am jealous of your motivation because I seriously have NONNNNNE! Help!

    Happy Tuesday my friend. Can't wait to see Ellen on AI!

  31. You go girl! Way to feel the burn!

    And don't worry: I like gummy bears too!

  32. Wow great job ... you go girl!

    Your workout routine is considered CRAZY in my dictionary lol but you're definintely an inspiration ... I don't even remember the last time I worked out and I just got a gym membership so better get my butt there cuz only a couple months till bathing suit season :(

  33. Wow! I can't imagine doing both of those workouts at the same time. The Shred is enough to kick my butt all by itself!

  34. Ah I need that dvd!!! i've been getting so bored with the gym! and next week i'm switching it up and starting my workouts at 6am so that my mom can join! what am I thinking?!!? Next trip to the store i'm buying all fruits and veggies! i'm determined to look and FEEL good in my bathing suit this summer!! love you tons!

  35. hmmmm I may have to buy that one!!! I'm doing "Bridal Bootcamp" by Cynthia Conde. It outlines diet and exercises to do and explains the right way to shed pounds. My sis did it and lost 30 lbs in 4 months!

  36. Shred does kick my butt but I am still sold on P90x..I feel you on the stairs...I kind of lean and hop down as best I can...Ouch!

  37. I wish my butt would be sore, but nope. :( haha. I so need to work out more. I started and now failed. Blame it on the weather and me being sick. :( Oh well. Enough rambling here...I so need to buy me this DVD! :) xoxo

  38. that cardio max DVD sounds like fuN! i might need to try it out. although i dont think you need to workout that hard at all. you look amazing as is! thanks for the post. i will go get this this weekend !

  39. the cardio max sounds great.....might have to invest in that one!!

  40. I hope you're able to walk now! I've found that sometimes after my Cardio Sculpt classes that the pain doesn't really hit me until two days out - OUCH!

  41. hahahah! i hate the feeling of hurting everywhere but it almost feels good in a weird way. haha


  42. I left ya a little something on my blog! Check check check it out!!!! Enjoyyy

  43. I need to try Bob's video! I've tried Jillain's shred, and like it!

    I think I'mg oing to join Lifetime tonight...I've been a member at any time fitness and I think I need a bigger gym =)

    Cheers to working out!

  44. yup, i think i might have this dvd. i have so many! and so many that i don't use! lately i have been watching a lot of tv while riding an exercise bike. hahahaha! i love being efficient like that! but i know i need to mix up the workouts and i know i should try this dvd out! even if it hurts. :)

  45. hahahah oh annie, you are a MACHINE! at least you know you've worked hard right!??!? ;P

  46. WOW good for you honey!!!! I need to get my ass back on the Shred.

  47. You are inspiring girl! I swear it is the same for me with eating...i am good all home, not so much...then we eat dinner late usually between 8 and sometimes after....then off to bed by 11...really bad i know...but i just cant starve myself. I am all about eating a little less and exercising a lot more! :)

  48. I am hearing about the Shredder everywhere. Does it really work? I love feeling sore in the morning! You know you did something. :)

  49. I am dying to try the Biggest Loser workout. I am in love with the Shred and if you say the other rocks, well I'm all for it! Come on April so I can get back in shape.

    Is it sick that I love that sore feeling?!? Makes me know I did something!

  50. Thanks for the review, I may have to pick that DVD up. I'm looking for some new stuff!

  51. I need to pick that DVD up too, because I'll definitely need to get in gear after Weston arrives, and I don't know that I'll have much time to spend at the gym.

  52. That is good to hear! I need to get that dvd!

  53. Good for you for getting healthy!! Sounds like you are doing fabulous. :D I really want to get that workout DVD! I have the shred, but this cardio one looks even better. Thanks for the reccomendation!

  54. Mmmmm peanut m&m's.... I started dieting/getting into a healthy routine this week too! AND I am still sore from doing the Shred 4 days ago, ugh!

  55. Holy cow you're hardcore! Good luck with your workouts...I have minimal upper body strength, too!

  56. You're impressive, lady! Both workouts in one day. I have a hard time convincing myself to do even one...I think I'd go after the M&Ms. :)

  57. You go girl! That is awesome that you did both, but they sound intense. I don’t blame you for being sore. I really need to get more into the at-home DVD’s. It sounds like you’re doing a great job of keeping in shape. I’ve been so busy with work and really need to make the time for myself to do this.

    I love Biggest Loser and American Idol too. We need another DVR…that would solve our problems…LOL!

  58. good for you !! just stick to whatever works best for you!! Gummy bears call my name all the time ;)

  59. wow girl! now this i may need to try! i love my p90x, but it is 90 min/day. sometimes i just don't have time for all that!

  60. You are amazing!! I can't believe you are on the Shred level 2. I can't get past level 1. It exhausts me and makes me feel like a pathetic loser so I just give up and go back to the normal gym (:

  61. I love this thought process!! My Sister and I do the Shred but I've never done the Bob one- LOVED your notes on it- seriously, too cute!

  62. Good job darlin! I too have both of these DVDs and they really do kick your butt, lol! My favorite is The Shred, for some reason it is a bit easier for me than The Cardio Max. I do love both and I especially like Jillian! She will get us bikini ready for sure. Hope your muscles feel better soon! Good work!

  63. Oh girl, i totally feel ya!! Im that way today! :)

  64. i cannot believe the shred doesn't make you sore. at all?!?!?! shred level one makes my legs slightly shakey and slightly sore- but nothing at all unbearable. shred level 2 ONLY hurts my freaking shoulders. maybe i'll try cardio max. i like a GOOD, HARD workout. i like to feel like i kicked my own ass, and it's hard to get that feeling on a treadmill, or elliptical, you know?!??!!

    i'm leaving tonight for arizona for a girls weekend and i'll be fat and lardy in my bathing suit! lol

  65. I def am going to have to get that DVD

  66. I think I really have to go get that DVD!!!

    LOVE your blog!!

    Please follow me:

  67. I have the Shred but I'm dying to find a Zumba class.

  68. Girl I so wish I had the energy & modivation that you have everyday! I'm sorry that busted your butt working out to this, but at least you know not to mix the two! :)

    (catching up on all your post, been a little out of the loop lately) :)


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