
Friday, February 19, 2010

you gave my life direction, a game show love connection....

Woo Hoo it's Friday!
hope everyone had a great week!
mine was good and it went quite fast.

i have to admit, lately i feel like i'm a riding a very hilly roller coaster and i just want to get off.

i don't have much else to say today so here is a song i've been listening to on repeat.
it's my most favorite song right now by Train, Hey Soul Sister.

i heart this song!
i heard it on someone else's blog this week too.
it's upbeat and fun, makes me wanna dance a little ;)
i'm just gonna keep on listening to it....

have a great weekend everyone!!


  1. I also love this song! It was funny because that song was playing on my radio when I saw the title of your post! Happy Friday to you!!

  2. Happy Friday! Hope you have a great weekend!

  3. That's my most favorite song of the moment right now too! I love it!! Hope you have a good weekend and the roller coaster of life slows down soon!

  4. It's a great song! I get happy everytime I hear it on the radio. Hope you have a great weekend ♥

  5. Ahhh, love that song too! I could listen to it over and over! :-D Hope you have a great weekend!

  6. I <3 that song! Such a great tune for working out too!

  7. Love this song too! Have a great weekend!

  8. Heard this song on the way into work and it made me smile... it always does!

    Hope you have a great weekend :-)

    love you soul sista!

  9. i adore that song :) have a great weekend love!

  10. Oh my I Love this song thanks for sharing it..

  11. Love that song! Hope you guys have a great weekend!

  12. I have never heard that song! I will have to listen to it. Hope you have a good weekend!

  13. I love that song!!! I started listening to it b/c Hubby said it reminded him of me...which I STILL don't understand but I'm just going to take it as a compliment! haha Have a great weekend

  14. Awesome song! Have a great weekend!

  15. I love this song!!!!! :) Could listen to it over and over again. :D YAY!!

    Hope you're having a great Friday and then a wonderful weekend hun.


  16. ahh...I LOVE that song too and have made a Pandora station for that song and now and getting TONS of great songs popping up!! Loves it.

    Have a great weekend :)

  17. Hang in there girl. I know life can go up and down but it's all worth it! If you need to vent just email me!
    Have a great weekend!

  18. That is definitely one of my favorite songs! I bought it on iTunes the day I heard it! It's great! Enjoy your weekend.

  19. Love this song. Love, love, love! In fact, I think I will download it right now!

  20. I know just how that feels! My week and life seemed to spiral out of control too. I hope you have a great weekend.

  21. Love this song! I had it on my 365 blog recently :) listening to it on repeat too!

  22. I've been on a roller coaster too lately. I'm ready for the ride to be over! I hope you have a great weekend :-) And that is a good song. Have you heard the new Uncle Kracker song "You make me smile"? It's pretty cute & upbeat too.

  23. i LOVE this song, too!! then again, i love most of train's songs!

    have a great weekend!


  24. love that song hope you have a great weekend pretty!!

  25. Have a great weekend girly!
    Love that song too, I jam to it in my car.

  26. Oh I DO love this song. :) Great one for a wedding!

  27. What a great song and have a great weekend sweetie!

  28. Awwww - sooooo sweet :) Have a fabulous weekend!!!!

  29. I adore this song! Great choice. Hope things get better for you hun and you get off that ride! Happy Weekend =D

  30. have a good weekend Annie! You deserve it!

  31. I feel like I have been on a roller coaster lately too! No fun!! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, love!

  32. I hope your roller coaster ride slows down a bit. I love this song too, great choice!

  33. i know the feeling! have a wonderful weekend lady!!

  34. I heart that song as well! Thank you for posting that... I sat there and listened to the whole song :)

    Your fiance and you are so cute together! Can't wait to read more :)

  35. Hey girl! All your pics are GORGEOUS <3 I LOVE that song too (:

  36. I love that song too! We got to see them last summer and they did this song, but it wasn't popular yet - but at the time I thought it was really good and just knew it was going to be a hit!!

    Hope you are having a great weekend cutie!!

  37. great song:)! I hope you're having a wonderful weekend!

  38. love this song too! doesn't it just make you dream. love it and love you darling girl! xoxo

  39. I hope you've had a great weekend, love! :)

  40. I am a HUGE Train fan, and this song is just another reason one. This song makes me smile and always puts me in such a good mood. It's the perfect song for this summer too, as it practically begs for you to ride with the windows down belting it out!!

  41. I left you a little "happy" over at my blog!

  42. I really like that song too. It played a bunch of times on our drive back from CT last weekend and it grew on me. I just like Train.

    I hope you had a great weekend, sweetie!


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