
Monday, April 5, 2010

cha, cha, cha, changes.....

the big change i have been talking about...
happened friday...
a few months sooner than it was supposed to.

i am a little nervous about it, yet excited...
change is almost never easy but we will adjust...
and the news...
billy quit his job at the zoo.

this was not an easy decision...
for many reasons...
he loved his job...
which, by the way, was not playing with monkeys...
he was the retail operations manager.

that chapter of our life is closed...
now we just wait and see where the wind takes us...

b has hopes, dreams and aspirations...
some he has had since he was a child...
he has an opportunity to work in a field he is passionate about...
it will be challenging but i know he will be much happier.

at the end of the day...
we have each other and that's all we need.

dave matthews band

i hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and a very happy easter!
i have pictures from our fun weekend that i will share tomorrow!!


  1. Change always has an element of scary, but the doors that open because of it are sometimes so totally worth it!

  2. Change is always a bit scary, but it's so exciting too!

  3. Change is good!! :) maybe scary at first, but always ends up great ;)

  4. Good luck with everything! I'm sure everything will work out exactly like it's supposed to! lots of hugs your way!

  5. aw so sorry to hear that! everything will turn out fine. :)

  6. will say a little prayer for your new journey!

  7. Changes can be scary but sometimes are for the best! It sounds like this change is for the better! Good luck :-)

  8. Wow, big change! How exciting, and nerve racking all at once!!!! Good luck on the next adventure.

  9. changes are always scary but part of life and will open new doors for him and you guys as a family

  10. Good luck to you and B on this new chapter!!!

  11. congrats and good luck for what the future holds!!

  12. Good luck to you and B, changes can bring amazing things! So glad you have each other to share with.

  13. Change is definitely scary, but usually for the best! Good luck!!

  14. Good luck with everything, lady!! Just lean on each other and everything will work out like it should!

  15. Good luck to Billy! I'm so glad he's pursuing his dreams!

  16. Change can be good. Best of luck to you two!! :-)

  17. Change is good, and that is great that he is going to follow his dreams and that you are right there beside him! :)

  18. I get your feeling! I am not one that welcomes change, usually.... but I know that this change will be good in the end!! :)

  19. Ok that is one of my fave songs right now, we love DMB! Anywho that aside, things will be great:-) Good for him to take the step he needs to to open up other doors!

  20. Hope this change works out well for you both, and congrats to B for being able to pursue something he is passionate about XOXO

  21. Wishing you both the best of luck!

  22. I know everything will work out wonderfuly! Sometimes you have to do what you have to do! And I can't wait to see your pictures from the weekend!

  23. I'm sure great things are going to happen for you and Billy!! Good luck! Change can be a great thing!

  24. awww good luck! things will work out and especially when you follow your heart!

  25. Good luck! I'm sure everything will work out great. :)

  26. that is so exciting! he will be so happy if he can do something he loves, and you two will be just fine!

    (ok, so weird, i was just typing and got a comment notification from you) :)

  27. Congratulations! How exciting! Now that you guys have opened this door, I bet all sorts of blessings will have the room to come in!!!

  28. Good luck to you guys! I love that you're excited about it and have a positive attitude!

  29. CHange could be a good good thing. Stick together and stay happy...everything will fall into place.
    BTW do you know I love DMB and that is where my boyfriend and I met? We love that song...i always tell him that we need to have one of their songs for our wedding song...if we ever get married.... :)

  30. Good Luck Doll! Remember when one door closes more open. Good Luck to Billy!

  31. Best of luck to you both! I can't wait to hear where life will take you both next!

  32. Good luck to both of you! Change can be a really great thing. Can't wait to see your easter pictures, lovely! :)

  33. I am sure that Billy is going to find some amazing opportunities now that the doors are open Annie! Glad you have each other to lean on, this is so important. Hope you had a lovely Easter darling!

  34. I'm sure things will work out wonderfully! Change is always scary but sometimes it leads to even better things. I can't wait to hear more.

  35. well it sounds like a good thing...wishing you both the best in your new life together!!!

    happy monday my dear! xoxo.

  36. Good luck with the career change! You're absolutely right - what matters most is that you have one another. :)

  37. change can lead to great things! can't wait to see the easter pics!

  38. That is a big change! Good luck to him in his new adventures!

  39. Change really is icky and uncomfortable, but it opens your life up to all kinds of possibilities that would otherwise never present themselves... you are blessed to have someone to share it with :)

  40. Congratulations on the new and exciting journey you are going to be taking!

  41. agree wholeheartedly with whoever said when one door closes, another opens. i am a firm believer in following your passion! good luck to your man on his new endeavor :)

  42. change is definitely good...though I was sure hoping that he played with the monkeys, that would have been awesome! And I'm being 100% serious, I was super jealous of him!

  43. Good luck on your upcoming adventure! I hope all goes well! I like jumping and seeing where I fall.. change can be amazing!

  44. you are ur future hubby are toooo cute! love your blog!!!
    Change is scary but it always works out the way it should be :)

  45. change is so good! thanks for following :) can't wait to see where life takes you both!

  46. Just remember when God closes a door, he opens a window. :)

  47. I gave you an award on Friday!! (I'm a little late announcing it!)
    Hope you had a great weekend!

  48. Congrats on the changes!
    Kudos to him for following his dreams.
    Awesome of YOU to support him in all ways.
    Thank you for the sweet post on my blog :)

    Make this a great week!

  49. Good luck on the new journey and have fun EMBRACING the change - Means something new and fun is right around the corner!

    i adore you

  50. How bittersweet for you guys!! I hope the new opportunity works out wodnerfully for you guys! :)

  51. Good luck to y'all!!! It seems like it is going to work out just fine and prolly even better since it is his passion!!! Hope you have a good friday pretty girl!!!

  52. Good luck to Billy and yay for pursuing passions! :)


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