
Monday, April 26, 2010


This weeks Top 2 Tuesday is 2 favorite things about

i pretty much heart every.little.thing about summer!!
i guess i'll attempt to narrow it...

1. cookouts!
summer drinks and foods are definitely faves!!!
fruity cocktails...
we spend a lot of time at my parent's house during the summer...

we enjoy fresh watermelon...

we grill every sunday, unless it's raining...
sometimes we even move the grill to the garage ;)
who doesn't love a yummy kabob...
hot dogs and burgers are always a fave!
chicken and steak are always in the mix as well...
we include lots of pasta salads and potato salad as well!

my absolute favorite summer food is corn on the cob!
tastes the best grilled! delish!
2. swimming/laying out
this also takes place at my parent's house!
i quite literally spend all my free time at my parent's house in the summer!!
i love it over there and so do gus and billy!

even though gus is a big hair ball and black he insists on being outside with me.
sometimes we dip the pups feet in the pool too attempt to cool them off...
my sister, mom and i spend countless hours laying poolside over the weekends :)
dominic loves playing in the water as well, we usually set up a baby pool for him to play in.
i just love being around my family!!
living less than 5 minutes away from them allows us to spend a lot of time together.

i had more photos to share but the macbook is being lame tonight :(
okay time to eat, i'm starving after this post! ha!

head on over to the undomestic momma's blog to play along!!

food photos from google images


  1. awww every Sunday huh?! That's fun:-) Gotta love summer, can't wait!

  2. Laying out and soaking up the sun is one of my favorite things about summer too :)

  3. I love the summer! I wish I lived as close to my family you lucky girl : )

  4. definitely my top 2 as well!!!

  5. Oh goodness, the picture of Gus in goggles cracks me up!! I love it :-) .. I love cookouts and laying out as well. Summer is just a fabulous time of year!!

  6. Okay now I want a big juicy cheeseburger please!!

    I wish I lived that close to my parents, I would definitely be there all the time!

  7. we have sunday dinner at my parents every week as well - i LOVE the summers when we can sit on the deck and relax

  8. YES & YES!! Those are all my faves!! I dont know which I love more, cocktails or corn on the cob?! Ha!

  9. You have my stomach growling! I want me some grilled food!YUMMMM-O!

    I am so blessed to live by family too! Its best gift life can give!

  10. how fun!!!! We are always at my parents having cookouts during the summer too! your pics are so cute!

  11. Love the pic of your dog with the goggles on! Too cute!

  12. Sounds wonderful! I could go for some warm sunshine. :) And what an adorable picture of Gus! Love the little goggles. :)

  13. I am sooo jealous!!! I wish I had a pool to go lounge by :( Although, we do have a grill and cute dogs! :) (PS-LOVE the doggles. haha)

  14. OMG!!! Your pup has doggles! Ha! I sooo need to get my Lucy a pair!! How adorable!

    I love a good fruity drink, too!! :)

  15. Love that you spend so much time at your parents. That is awesome! Summer grilling and cocktails are so fun!!

  16. That watermelon looks fantastic! My mouth is watering.

    I love the pic of Gus with the goggles on--too cute! Roman is all black (not nearly as hairy) but loves to lay outside with us. :)

  17. I'll take one of those cocktails! They look delicious! I love your blog, I am a new follower!

  18. Oh, I looove summer time! I also love fresh watermelon and a yummy kabob!!! Love the looong summer days!!!

  19. mmm! I love me some corn on the cob!

  20. OMG I love that pic of Gus in the goggles!!! hehe too cute!!
    I got a HUGE yearning for summer myself from reading this! Thank God it's coming soon =)

  21. Oh gosh a grilled burger sounds amazing right now...and it's 6:45
    Have a great week!

  22. love the pic of Gus in his googles!! i love the summer too but prefer the beach over the pool any day... too bad i don't live close to one!

  23. I couldn't agree more and that food looks delish.

  24. Looks like tons of fun. Great picks.

  25. Haha, I love that pic of Gus with the goggles!

  26. Your top 2 things are right up there with mine! I love laying out and grilling!

  27. I love your picks! All your food pictures have made me hungry!! Your blog is too cute!! Love it!

  28. Love this post! It makes me realy want summer to be here!


  29. OH my goodness, the picture of your pup with the goggles on is hysterical. I LOVE IT!! ANd seriously, I can't wait for summer and all the amazing things it brings

  30. LOVE your pictures!!!! And your doggy is so cute!!!! Thats what we used to always do when I had a house with a pool and was younger!! I miss those days!!!!

  31. I LOVE cookouts. We have been wanting to cook out for the past couple of days, but it has been chilly and rainy outside :(

  32. I cannot WAIT for summer! Love the picture of your dog with his doggles on :)

  33. HA! I'm lovin' Gussy's doggles!!!

    One of my pups has a life silly! She just sinks...HA!

    I am a HUGE fan of corn on the cob! YUMMY, yum.

    Cute blog you have here, have a great week!

  34. These are both my favorites too. I can't wait to lay by the pool all day and then grill for dinner!

    How many days until summer?!

  35. Ahh, can't wait for our Minnesota summer to show up either!! That picture of Gus cracks me up!! And don't get me started on how yummy all of that food looks!! Hope you're having a great day, girl! :-)

  36. I love the summer! I cannot wait for it to actually stay one temperature so we can enjoy it. :) Ha, that pic. of Gus is hilarious!! :)
    Hope your having a great week.

    I read that you are going to gym in the a.m, good for you to find that motivation back, now if I can just get some help over here! :)

  37. Pass me one of those fruity drinks :)-
    OMG...your dog is THE CUTEST in those goggles.

  38. Gus looks so cute with those goggles, what a crack up! That looks so relaxing, glad you had a nice weekend sweetie.

  39. Fresh grilled corn on the cob is goood. Yum!! Love Gus and his swim

  40. Ok, now I want one of those summery cocktails! Yum!!

  41. I want to come eat & lay out with you! Especially if we're sharing watermelon & then eating kabobs!!

  42. Mmmmm watermelon!!!
    The best summer treat!

  43. I LOVE both of these things!!! I have a feeling my summer this summer will be different but I won't mind :) I'll pretend with your pics:)

  44. Yay for summer! I cant wiat til it gets here in MI...still too cold :(

  45. Oh my word, this is making me so ready for summer and I LOVE that picture of Gus with the goggles, haha!! :)

  46. I love those goggles that Gus has!!! They are adorable!


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