
Monday, May 10, 2010

before and after...

my dad and billy recently redid our upstairs flooring.
we had carpet and it needed to go in the worst way!
i only have photos from our office for now, i'll get bedroom photos eventually.

first up, billy ripped out the carpet and my dad went to work on installing recessed lighting.
our office had no ceiling lighting.
we love the new recessed lights.
our window seat/ledge need to be sanded and stained.
my dad sanded and taped and i stained.
i got to do the easy jobs :)
my mom is making us a window cushion.
we have the cushion part and we are going tomorrow night to pick out fabric.
i'm torn on doing paisley or damask.
our office "theme" is black and white and i'm incorporating some lime green in as well.
so i'll be getting some lime green fabric for accent pillows.

here is the new flooring....
to say i am totally in LOVE with it would be an understatement.
billy works from home right now so the office is "his" ;)
he had to have a new little tv which will eventually be mounted on the wall.
the mirror on the wall above the computer will have a few more picture frames joining it.
i want to make a collage.

i have some new "art" to go in these frames.
my art is free pictures/paper i've printed from the internet.
some of the new paper/art has lime green in it.
i also added some lime green ribbon to the lamp we already had.
billy does not like knick knacks at all...
i do...
i still need to get a few more things.
not sure what though.
just sticking to simple accessories.

hallway looking into the office.
we decided to get new carpet for the stairs.
putting wood flooring on stairs is very expensive because you need a $30 end piece to go on each step. we are on an extra tight budget these days so this carpet was perfect. it's super soft!
billy also said carpet will be easier on little ones knees ;)
no baby, yet...
landing at the top of the stairs...
once i have more done in our bedroom i'll post some pictures.
i will also post pics of the office once EVERYTHING is done.
which will hopefully be soon.

i'm so thankful my dad was able to do this for us, for free!
since billy is not working full time and just doing some work from home he was able to help and learn how to do some stuff himself.
i appreciate their hard work SO much! :)

i hope everyone had a great weekend and i hope all my mommy blog friends had a WONDERFUL MOTHER'S DAY!!!


  1. Wow! It really looks awesome, you guys did an amazing job!

  2. Oohhhh pretty pretty room and I LOVE the touch of lime!

  3. Looks awesome you all did a great job! And I personally love the knick knacks :)

  4. The room looks so fabulous!! I love the hardwood!! And my favorite part is seeing the room come together with the decor!!

  5. First of all, it looks GREAT! I love the floor so much and your style. Secondly, what system did you use to put font your pictures?

  6. I love the new flooring! We have hardwoods & have some areas that need to be replaced. We also need to redo our stairs. I like carpet on stairs because it helps keep you (me) from falling down them in high heels.

  7. Looks A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!!!!!!!!!! :) Awesome job!!!

  8. Oh I LOVE IT!!! The room look so great. I think a damask cushion would look great and match that lamp on Billy's desk! It's going to look awesome either way!

  9. oh i love those boxes at the bottom of that thingy...and the lamp! where did you get them?

  10. Looks great. I am way jealous!! We wanted to replace our upstairs carpet for wood floors but don't have the funds right now. Soon enough!

  11. It all looks great!!! I love the color scheme!!

  12. Oh it looks just wonderful. I'm in need of some design tips myself since we're finally at our new place. It came out great!

  13. it looks soooo good! i love the color palette. lime green is my favorite color to decorate with. if i could, i would totally have a lime green house! haha.

    anywho, FABULOUS JOB!

  14. Looks amazing! I love your color choice. The hard wood is so clean looking. Consider me jealous = )

  15. It looks gorgeous!!! And i love how you framed Kelly's print. That one is my FAVORITE...and in my daughters room :)-

    Glad to see you had a wonderful weekend.

  16. It looks absolutely perfect!! I love it all. Can you come and decorate my house:)

  17. The office looks wonderful; I LOVE the floors!! They did a great job!

  18. The office looks great! I love the colors that you chose.

  19. Love the redo. I think think the rustic color of your office floor is awesome. I can't wait to see the window cushion.

  20. Your office looks great! Isn't hard wood flooring to die for? I hope our future home has lots of hardwood- to say it's my favorite is an understatement!

  21. it looks awesome!! i love the lime accents, super cute! i can't wait to see everything all finished!!

  22. Looks great! The floors are SOO nice...and I love your color choices!!

  23. everything looks FABULOUS! great job!!

  24. Looks great, the office looks fab now!!

  25. Wow that looks great. They did a wonderful job and I love the decorations you put up. We are in the process of re-doing our computer room as well, and we are doing black and white also :). Its taking way longer than I would like but oh well. I'll have pics of ours as well. Yours looks great though.

  26. LOOKS incredible! GOod job! :) You are such a talented little decorator! bravo!

  27. lol you're so cute with your written comments on your pics! It all looks great. And I laughed when you said triumphantly 'i win!'

  28. Looks great! Love the hardwood floors :)

  29. this is rad! it looks super! and i have to say i am admiring your GORGEOUS hard wood floors! they are superb! but it is very smart to carpet those stairs. very smart, indeed!

  30. It looks GREAT! The whole room looks so nice!

  31. We are redoing some things in our house as well and are on a tight budget and my uncle and the hubs uncle have been helping us out as well! Isn't it great to have family members who know how to do this kind of thing!

    It looks great and I can't wait to see the finished product.

  32. LOVE it!!!!! Will you come tdo mine?!?hahaha......seriously it looks GREAT!!!! Hop over and join my bracelet swap!!!!!!It ends friday!!! Email me your address at
    and what is your fav........bangle, beaded, trendy, vitnage,silver..........and so I can partner you up!!! Everyone will send their partners out monday!!!!

  33. LOVE the floors! Your decor looks great too!

  34. Oh I love what you have done! Your floors are fabulous!

  35. Wow you guys did a great job!!

  36. I love the new flooring! It looks great!

  37. Wow you guys did an awesome job on that room! So for some reason I have a feeling I wrote half an email to you with the other half not making sence. I'm just that great :) ha I already deleted it out of my sent and trash so I can't go back to look, if I did i'm really sorry! ha

  38. oh lady!!! it looks SOOOOO good!!! i absolutely love it!!! the wood floors are perfect! and he did such a good job!!!

  39. wow Annie!! It looks great! I can't wait to see what you end up with for the window cushion!

  40. Looks SO good! Love the flooring and all of your decor and yes, YOU WIN in regards to the knick knacks. Every room needs a few ;) Very cute!

  41. What a gorgeous transformation. I wish my hubs was handier. HA!

  42. wow!!!! the room looks amazing!!! good job :)

  43. Everything looks gorgeous :) Can't wait to see the finished product!

  44. It looks awesome!!! I LOVE the new floor!!

  45. Everything is looking great, loved this since I've been taking interior design classes. :) Love the touch of lime and the boxes, they should look adorable when you put some fun things inside! Carpet on the stairs was a good idea too, nice work dad! :)

  46. you guys did a great job! those curtain rods were a steal for .50!!!!!!

  47. it looks awesome! my guest room is black and white with red accents... great minds =)

  48. I love the redo- and your ring is to die for- I love it!!!

    Have a great week!


  49. It looks amazing! I can't imagine that it could look better, but I'm sure you will do it!

  50. It looks great-I love your decorating style! I think I have that same black and white damask lamp :-)


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