
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

creepy crawlies...

last night when we were all sleeping...
there was some charlotte's web action taking place in billy's suv...
i opened the door to get in his truck...
then really didn't want to get in...
if i didn't have a bus to catch in 3 minutes i wouldn't have...
because this was on the passenger side...
pretty impressive home she made herself in under12 hours.
i didn't have time to run back in the house and get anything to get it out of the car...
and i hate spiders....
i never kill them...
that's billy's job ;)
he left an hour before me.
i really had no choice, i had to just get in the truck and go or miss the bus (the last bus of the morning).
so i drove to the bus stop with that web and tiny spider as my passenger...
the whole bus ride i felt like i had spiders crawling on me, so ICKY!!
i guess i should be thankful she didn't chose the driver's side...i would be at home right now ;)

billy has been driving my car to save on gas since he drives much further than i do.
and our vehicles have been parked outside at night because i've got my spray painting projects in the garage.
i think the spider shacked up in the truck because it's so humid and nasty outside.
ms. spider will need to find a new home asap!
i'm already dreading getting into the truck after work :( ha...
what if she has babies or something while hanging in there all day...

anywho, i better get spider off the brain i have more than enough work to do.
happy wednesday!!

p.s. the count down is on....ONE MONTH!!!


  1. Oh my!!!! They seriously will make their home anywhere, haha!!! Funny but freaky, LOL!!!! :)

  2. Ahhh, I LOATHE spiders. I would have had a panic attack while driving. Props to you!

  3. You did better than I would have! I would NEVER have gotten in that car!

  4. I think I would be more afraid to get in the car and the spider not be in the web....

  5. I would have been more worried about what giant creature that spun that thing then the web itself....though that white part in the middle might have made me nervous. Ick. I get the creeps just thinking about spider!

  6. Yikes! I would have freaked, I hate bugs of all kinds especially spiders. I probably would have stayed home haha, you did well with that passenger by your side. Oh and congrats on 1 month and counting!

  7. Eeeek! I hate spiders... We live in Florida and the spiders are HUGE!

  8. One month!!! Ahhhh...thats such great news.

    And I would be creeped out by that spider as well. But hey, at least they keep away other creepy crawlers:)


  9. Very impressive web she made there. It looks perfect haha.

    One month?! That's crazy! Going to be here before you know it :)

  10. Wow that is some web. I would have been freaked out worrying where the spider that made it was lurking. And probably would have run back in the house. You handled it great!

  11. How funny. I had a web like that going on above my car (connecting to a tree) just yesterday morning. Drew didn't want me to move the car because he didn't want the poor spider to

  12. I hate spiders too...gross! One month will be here before you know it :)

  13. OMG no way I would have gotten in the car. aggghhh I would have screamed.

  14. EEEEEEK! that would have freaked me out!

  15. Oh my! That web is huge. I wouldn't have gotten in the car. I hate bugs, spiders, anything that is a creepy crawlie.

  16. Haha, I would have done the same thing- driven to work with one eye on that spider to make sure she didn't crawl off of her web and onto me!

  17. O.M.G. Ready for the worst spider story ever... so a few years ago a broke up with my ex boyfriend... and he sent me flowers to work... well, I brought them home and left them on the kitchen table. I left and went out with the new boy, and we came home, were in a pretty heavy make-out session and I look up and see spiders hanging... all over my living room ceiling. I start screaming and squeling. We try and kill them. They covered the entire ceiling, and it carried on out into my kitchen as well. Talk about freaked. I didn't stay in my apartment for a week. No wonder he is an ex right? LOL!!!!

  18. Smash it! Eeew I killed a spider and babies started coming out after I smashed it.. Eeew sorry I totally just grossed myself out and you..

  19. ew! Gives me the willies just thinking about it.

  20. ha...I would freak too!!! I mean, if a spider built a web that big in 12 had to be a pretty big spider, right?!!? IDK...I dont want to thing about it!!

    on another note....YAY for one month :)

  21. that's a beautiful web though!

  22. Ooooh I HATE spiders more than anything . .. yup that's my hubby's job too, YUCK! Lol

  23. Ahhh I hate bugs, that would've grossed me out, haha!

  24. I would be freaked out too! :)

  25. YUCK YUCK YUCK! That just makes my skin crawl thinking about it!

  26. Spiders absolutely freak me out. I can't kill them either.

  27. Wow, that would freak me out too. Just knowing a spider was living in there. YIKES!


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