
Thursday, September 23, 2010

taking little break....

i'm going to be taking a short blogging break....
i'll be back sometime in early october.
life right now is pretty routine and mundane.

i go to work.
go to the gym.
make myself dinner.
walk gussy.
watch a little tv and go to bed.

it suits me perfectly fine
and i have no complaints.
fall tv has started ;)

my billy works every night until 10:30.
i am almost always sleeping by the time he gets home.
my only tiny complaint would be i miss him.
but work is work and he is doing what he does for us.

i talk to my friends and family and i still see them on the weekends.
i also go to my parents for an hour or so on wednesday evenings for dinner and to watch survivor. 
we have a game going with survivor and if one of my people wins i have a chance to win $90.

i plan to continue reading blogs, which i have been doing lately and just not commenting much.  i sit and read through blog after blog after blog on my google reader but i am bad and don't actually go onto your blogs to comment.  i will attempt to comment more!! :)

it's thursday which means tomorrow is friday and then the weekend!
hope ya'll have a wonderful day!!!


  1. your posts will be missed, i always look forward to read them & will look forward to your return :) ENJOY married life- seems like you are doing just that! xo -A

  2. Enjoy your break! Everyone needs one sometimes. I'll miss ya lady!

  3. You'll be missed girl but I totally understand. :) Have a fantastic break!!! :)

  4. We will miss you! But I get it. Need to reboot and refresh! :)

  5. We all need a short break every once in a while. Not a bad thing at all.

    I've been doing that lately, too. Reading through, but not commenting.

  6. Me tooo! I'm drained and decided to take a break from posting but will still comment. Have a good break :)

  7. We'll miss you....see ya in October!

  8. I feel ya it's always good to take a break and not have to comment!

    I like the routine! Sounds like me..

  9. I know how you feel... my hubby is working all the time too... it's tough isn't it? we will miss you while you are gone!

  10. I'll miss you on your break Annie....but will be here when you come back :)

    Sometimes (well all of the time) I feel like I have nothing to blog about...I have no clue why anyone would want to read about my boring life..ha! I guess I just do it for me, my mom, grandparents, and a couple aunts that read it. There is no substance most of the time...just pictures!!

  11. you'll be missed! Don't stay away for too long!

  12. Aw, I'll miss your posts!!! Hope you have a good break girl!

  13. Enjoy your break!! Love ya girl!!

  14. Not to worry, I am ALWAYS reading but I hardly ever comment...and I don't even use google reader! How lame is that? I guess my best excuse is that I hate to wait for the word verification to load. Lol. Anyway, have a nice little break!

  15. enjoy your break, and we'll be here when you come back :))) LY!

  16. I have been finding it hard to find things to blog about too with the same monotonous routine. my man also works till late at night (11 pm) so I am asleep for 3 hours before he gets home. Oh the lovely life of a teacher's bed time.

  17. No!!! Why are all of my fave bloggers taking breaks at the same time?!?

    I'll miss you. =( Please come back soon!

    Oh. And I'll quit being selfish now and tell you to enjoy your break =)

  18. awww, well have a nice break! I think a break is nice every now and then!

  19. Enjoy your blog break hun!!!
    We will definitely miss you.

  20. Enjoy your break! We'll miss you, but I know it is definitely needed sometimes! See you in October!! :)

  21. We'll miss you :) Enjoy your time away from bloggy world

  22. Have a lovely break Annie! My routine sounds just like yours except I'm all the way in Czech Republic for my husband's hockey season. Looking forward to your return!

  23. hope you have a nice break!!!


  24. enjoy your bloggie break!!! and enjoy the new married life! xox

  25. Enjoy your break! We all need those once in a while!

  26. Hope you are enjoying your little hiatus. I found you on a comment you had left at Modern Mom's blog. Have been looking at your pictures and am very jealous of your most evident, I'm not stalkerish or anything like that, I just calle 'em like I see 'em.
    Have a great day!

  27. I hope you're doing great! I love all of the wedding pics you have on your blog! SOO pretty!!

  28. You are not back yet so I hope that you are enjoying your break. Thanks for the comment on my blog. I have been taking days off from blogging because my life has been crazy since school started for the kids. Somethings got to give...guess the blog is taking the hit this fall. Hurry back.

  29. I hope you enjoyed your little break! It's early October and I want you back now! I've missed your posts!! :)

  30. I do the same thing. Read hundreds of blog posts a day and never comment. . Well thank your even more for your comment!

  31. I understand how you feel! When we first got married , my hubby was working at night. He would leave around 10 or 11 and not get home till around 5 am. It was NOT fun!! That lasted for a year. Atleast he gets off at 10:30, I would have killed for that! But I know it's still not fun and you wish he was home for dinner and all of that!!

    I have been taking our doggie for walks too, I love it right now with this weather!! Enjoy your break from blogging!!


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