
Thursday, November 11, 2010

16 weeks...

I'm 16 weeks!
That is 4 months people!!! Crazy how time just flies by!!

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 16 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby is the size of an avocado.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Still growing every day, I have no idea how much I’m up right now but I’m guessing around 6-7 pounds!
Maternity Clothes: I'm wearing my normal clothes and loving leggins!
Gender: BOY!! Baby Cullen!!
Movement: None yet but I can’t wait!!
Billy feels my belly all the time, he can’t wait to feel the baby C move either!
Sleep: Sleep is good….great…fabulous, I love sleep.
What I miss: not a thing
Cravings: I’ve been craving Subway/Jimmy Johns/Erberts and Gerberts, I guess just a yummy sandwich. I have not yet had one so I’m still craving one!
Also, on Tuesday night I didn’t get home until 10:30 and I was hungry for egg salad so my wonderful hubby peeled and chopped eggs and made me a giant egg salad sandwich. It was perfect. Love him!
Symptoms: None! :)
Best Moment this week: Ordering stuff for baby C from Etsy!

I took a break from the gym. The pain in my right calf went away but my knee is still really bothering me at times. Thanks for all the sweet comments from my last two posts, ya’ll are seriously the sweetest ever!

pictures for the week
front view...
 left side view...
 right side view...

 I'll spare ya'll the back side view, ha!

And with a comfy shirt on the tummy is hardly noticeable ;)
I love this top, I have it in black too.

Well, it's Thursday ladies!!
Finally Friday tomorrow :)

In other news...I started babysitting for a new family this week.
Twins that are 22 months, a girl and a boy and a 4 year old boy.
I am watching them again today after work.  They certainly keep me busy!

I hope ya'll have a great day! :)


  1. Annie girl you look GREAT and I seriously puffy heart the hair!!!

  2. I'm so excited for you and you look awesome!

  3. Seriously- this is what i look like after a big dinner and a glass of wine! You look awesome! Where is that last shirt from!? I love big cute shirts like that with leggins!!

  4. Congrats sweetie! You are so so cute!

  5. You look great! I just love that gray top!!!!

  6. you look ADORABLE!!!! i love the baby's name too! glad you are feeling great!

  7. I wish you lived by me and we could babysit for each other! You are only a few weeks away from feeling movement now!!

  8. love it! also, at just about 16weeks ... craved egg salad yesterday. made a big ol' batch for myself and sad to report ... it's already gone. oops.

  9. You are so freaking cute!!!

  10. you rock preggers... you are too cute!

  11. OMG--you are preggers, I had no idea. I need to get more free time to get on here. Congrats to you--that's amazing!

  12. You're so cute!!

    And I love that top too! Where did you get it?

  13. Ya know, I always forget that your hair is short...I love it both ways!!!

    So glad things are running smoothly with Baby Cullen!!

  14. Hi!
    I'm a new reader and love following your preggo post's. having just finished a pregnancy myself I know how exciting it is to see each week pass.

    Did you just cut your hair or do you have extensions in your last photos? I love the short hair.. I have really long hair and would love to have your cut but I have super thin hair so I don't know how it would hold up.

  15. I bet you will feel baby move soon! I felt baby at 16 weeks and since you are *tiny* you are likely to feel him soon :) It's the best feeling ever! I can say that because I'm not to the getting kicked in the ribs stage yet. haha.

  16. Lots of extra practice for being a mama! :))

    You are seriously the cutest mommy to be ever! Could you get any more adorable!?

    I almost bought your little man a baby present the other day.. and thought "I wonder if she'd think that was weird?"


    So do you...?

    Think thats weird?



  17. yay! Congratulations! You will be such a cute mommy! I have 3 months to go and can't wait.

  18. Omg, congrats on baby boy Cullen! (P.S. I read your last post just to see if you were a huge Twilight fanatic - relief!). It really is a gorgeous name, and is unique, but not weird unique. I love the meaning behind the name too! :)
    You are still such a skinny minny for being preggers - you look absolutely fabulous :) Can't wait for when you feel the baby move. And seriously, how sweet is your hubs for making you egg salad when you were craving it!?
    Great post, great pictures and CONGRATS again! :)

  19. Looking good! Starting to see that bitty baby belly pop!

  20. Aww, you are adorable!!!

    I always try to figure out how you get your hair to be so pretty and poof life that. I can't make mine not just lay on my face :(

  21. Yayyy 4 months! Loving the hair:)

  22. You look WONDERFUL girl and LOVE your hair!!!!!! :)

  23. Such a cute comfy sweater, where did you get it? It's funny you craved an egg salad sandwich cause around 11 weeks, thats all I wanted haha

  24. you're soo tiny!! you cant tell from the front!

  25. You look fabulous!! You are so tiny! I do not see a 6 or 7 pound weight gain! Must be in the boobs! :)

  26. You look adorable! It doesn't look like you've gained an ounce!

  27. how sweet!! CUTE haircut!! And you are soo tiny!!

  28. Somewhat new reader here. Just wanted to say congrats on the baby boy! Love the name you picked. I too babysit on the weekends (At almost 28 years old) and often wonder when I will stop babysitting for families that I am not related to. I think maybe when I have my own kids? When do you think you'll stop babysitting? It's easy extra money when the boyfriend works at night and is never home, but surely at some point I am too old to babysit?

  29. Your HAIRCUT looks Fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my goodness I love it!


  30. Love the hair it is super short :) But your gorgeous either way! Such a cute little bump!

  31. You looks fab mama!! Love your little updates :) I have seriously been craving subway too haha but not bun in the oven here just me being hungry ;) I love that great top you have on too! I have a similar one in maroon, where did you get yours?

  32. To, too cute.. Love your hair!

  33. You are so cute! Love your new hair!

  34. OMG!! Love the hair!! So fun and sassy!! :) You are just the cutest preggo ever!! I bet you'll feel baby C real soon!!! Yay!! ;)

  35. Gosh you're a busy girl! Working at your job, watching kids as a second job, and cookin' your little one! Geez! Haha. :)
    Glad to hear your leg is feeling (somewhat) better! Take it easy girl. And show us the fun etsy stuff!

  36. You look adorable!! Love your hair!!

    That top looks so comfy, I love tops like that!

  37. You're just so cute and fashionable!

  38. You are just adorable! I love that sweater!!! Must know where you got it!!!

  39. You look fabulous!!! And love your hair!!! Glad everything is going so well with your pregnancy!

  40. You are simply glowing sweetie!!!:)

  41. Oh my goodness your so tiny....You 16 weeks is what I look like after a regular meal.

  42. now you look like me! hehe. you are the cutest preggo!

    please share where you got that cute top. love it!!


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