
Monday, November 8, 2010

i have issues....

like serious issues with both of my legs.  my left knee hurts so bad i would rather be pushed down a flight of stairs then have to walk down them (ok, not literally). but i am in pain.  it even hurts just sitting.  i've never had knee issues and i have NO IDEA where this horrible pain came from or what caused it.  i worked out monday-thursday last week and all was good.  friday i didn't work out because my nephew was over when i got home, he's much more fun to play with than the treadmill.  after he fell asleep late that afternoon i went to the grocery store.  when i got back billy and i sat and chatted for a while and when i stood up so we could leave the pain was all of sudden just there.  it's still there and the intensity of it comes and goes. 

friday night billy and i went to this place called bierstube, i had the best cheeseburger i think i've ever had!! the place is a total dive bar but the food was so good! we will be going back for sure!  after dinner we went to a 9:00 hockey game for a team billy is helping out, there were a million stairs to climb and on the way back down i should have sat on my butt and slid down, i was in tears by the time we got to the bottom, i held it together so i would embarrass billy or myself. 
after the game we decided to go to buffalo wild wings to split and an appetizer and just chat.  it was a fun,  perfect night! when we got home on friday night we got into bed and watched some show on amazing food, i can't remember what it was called, maybe modern marvels. but looky what they were showing how it's made....
the world's largest gummy bear!!
he is 5 pounds of pure yumminess....

they also make one pound gummy bears on a stick...
i must get one! you can order them here ---> gummybearonastick
they are $9.95 and i'm sure totally worth the price ;)

so, saturday morning we sleept in then had cinnamon rolls for breakfast. i spent the next few hours cleaning and doing laundry.  billy left for hockey and i went to watch 4 boys for the evening.  my knee bothered me all day but mainly only on the stairs and i can't avoid them since we have 2 flights of stairs in our house.  i also thought if i walked/used the steps more the pain would maybe just go away.  notsomuch.

sunday i woke up with a major charlie horse in my right calf.  it's still there, i walk with a limp on both sides, both of my legs hurt SO bad!!! well, not my entire leg but my left knee and right calf, i'm a mess. ha!  i've read that the charlie horse might be because my body is low in potassium.  so i might go get some bananas after work.  i don't know how else to get rid of it.  i took it easy sunday, billy and i just laid on the couch and watched part of the vikings game.  he left for hockey so i decided to get up and stop being a bum.  i ran a few errands and limped along the whole time.  i met billy at my parents house for dinner and once we were home i was in bed for the night to rest my two broken legs ;) 

i think my body is also low in iron, my engagement ring (that was obviously not cheap) is leaving a really dark ring around my finger!

okay, that's all my whining for the day ;) overall, i had a wonderful weekend and it was so nice to spend so much time with my hubby! :)  we don't get out of the house together much or get to spend much time together just in general.  i hope everyone else had a great weekend!!! :) 

p.s. i'm sharing baby's name tomorrow!


  1. Be careful.. while pregnant your body loosens the joints to prepare for child birth.. that is probably where the aches and pains are coming from. Looking forward to the name reveal!

  2. Glad you had a good weekend! Can't wait to
    see the name!

  3. I'm sorry you're having knee pain. I had weird knee pain this weekend also and I didn't even work out. Strange. Hope you feel better soon!

  4. I'm sorry you're going through that : ( Definitely look in to taking iron supplements along with your prenatals. Cant wait for the name reveal!

  5. Oh noo- that's not good- maybe you just pulled something- give it time -after a few days if still hurts see a dr.
    I also can't wait for baby name reveal- Take it easy


  6. poor honey!

    I Think you can take potassium pill instead of just eating bananas!

    I got charlie horses when I was preggo with Aidyn! They SUCK!

    Glad you got to spend time with your hubs, but I hope you start feeling better!

  7. I get the same thing in my calves at night every once in a while .... the really intense pain usually lasts for a minute and then I'm sore from it for a few days. I also heard that Potassium helps so hopefully yours will go away soon soon. My mom told me that she would get it all the time when she was pregnant so that makes sense seeing that you are too. I don't know about the whole knee pain .. hopefully you just sprained something and will get better soon. Have a good week and can't wait for the name reveal!

  8. Oh no! That really sucks. I hope you feel better soon honey!

    I can't wait to hear the babies name!

  9. Awe, I'm sorry about you leg. I hope you figure out what it is soon. Maybe take it easy working out...? Hope you feel better!

  10. That happened with my knees RIGHT after I delivered my lil girl. Hmmm....but, went away after a few months on its own. I think it is your body adjusting - the way you are carrying, etc....I hope it goes away soon! Take care. Stay hydrated.

  11. You poor thing. I remember having really bad charlie horses when I was pregnant. I think my doctor had me take an extra vitamin if I remember right but now if I get them I increase my potassium by eating a banana or two. I really hope your knee gets better. And those gummy bears would be so much fun to have!!! XOXO

  12. I can't wait to hear baby's name!!!!

    And hope the body starts feeling better!!!

  13. Aw I hope you feel better! I'm excited to find out the baby's name!!

  14. first of all? i want that gummy bear. in every color. now. second? i have been having terrible knee pain in my right knee for about 2 weeks now! i have never ever had knee pain and don't know what i did to injure it! i hope you get feeling better because i know it's not fun! love you girl!

  15. Knee pain is a horrible thing, sounds like you need to take it easy, maybe soak it in some epsom salt. =] Also, with the leg cramps, try drinking LOTS of water, and eating a banana before bed. I used to get them a few times a week, and the doctor suggested that for me. Now it only happens every great once in awhile. It's a HORRIBLE way to wake up.

    & I'm definitely buying a gummy bear on a stick!!! Delicious! :)

  16. i am excited to hear the name!

    be sure to take a daily vitamin/prenatal that has at least 90% iron.

  17. I hope you feel better sweetie!

  18. Girl I can totally feel your pain when it comes to charlie horses! I've had the absolute worse cramps in my legs this pregnancy! They bring me to tears and leave me hopping for days! They are related to potassium deficiency, but more than that is a lack of calcium. So increase your calcium intake from yogurt and cheese, and you can also chew on tums. Tums are pregnancy safe, and they are basically flavored calcium tabs :-)
    I'm excited to hear his name tomorrow :-)

  19. I went through the exact same thing! I was woken up by a charlie horse one Friday morning and hurt from it all weekend and into the next week! Your body does the weirdest things during pregnancy, all my doctor said was to stay well hydrated. And the potassium could be an issue too. I hope you feel better really soon!

  20. Being prego does all kinds of things to your body that you wouldn't expect. Just take care of yourself, yadda yadda.

    Oh, that gummy bear thing? I'm all over it right now.

  21. Oh no!! I hope your able to find some relief from the horrible pain! That stinks! Mmmm now I want gummy bears.

  22. those gummy bears are amazing! I hope your knee feels better asap sweet girl!

  23. Sweet girl! The leg cramping could come from overuse of the muscle, dehydration & not stretching (just a few). I've also heard that sometimes pregnancy can bring it on because of the increased pressure on your legs' blood vessels.

    Bananas can definitely help - OJ has a good deal of potassium too.

    Stretchhhhhh and get Billy to rub that little leg for you! :)

  24. I'm sorry your knees have been hurting you. Maybe you should go see a chiropractor? Maybe they can do something to help.

    I must get one of those gummy bears!!!

  25. My goodness! Hope your legs get better quickly!

    Cannot wait to hear the baby's name!! :)

  26. Girl, GO TO THE DOCTOR! You've got me all worried about you! That leg pain doesn't sound like it's something to just dismiss lightly. I don't think skipping out on the doctors while being pregnant is a very good idea. Feel better, and let us know how you're doing so I won't worry! Lol. :)

  27. YAY For the name tomorrow! Cant wait :)

  28. I bought one of those gummy bears for my friend's birthday last year. He loved it!

  29. I just found your blog and I love it! I cannot wait to hear your cutie's name tomorrow! I hope you start feeling better!

  30. so sorry to hear about your knee! Let me say that I know EXACTLY what you are going through! I woke up one morning 4 weeks ago and my knee had swelled up and was aching horribly. It is still that way. I've gone to the dr's once and they gave me some anti-inflammatory stuff, didn't help at all. I go back this week. Good luck with yours!

  31. Girl those are pregnancy pains! I had TONS of them when I was pregnant! I would soak in a tub with some of those salts for pain and sore muscles.
    Thanks for blogging about those GUmmi Bears! My niece asked for one for her birthday and had no idea where to buy one! ha She heard about them at school!

  32. I once had the oddest knee pains and I swear it had to do with taking the stairs. I hope you feel better! Cannot wait to hear the baby's name!

  33. aww you poor thing, i hope your legs feel better. i would think working out could help, but maybe give them rest and they'll get better. i'm so excited to hear the baby name you and the hubs have chosen!

  34. You poor thing! That does NOT sound fun... you might want to mention that pain to your doctor the next time you have an appointment. Just to be on the safe side ok?
    And I can't wait to hear what the name is that you guys have chosen!! WOOOHOO!!

  35. oh my you poor lady :( get your iron up and take care of yourself!

  36. So sorry bout your legs. :( Get that checked out, girl! And omg, those gummy bears. Wow. That's all I have to say about that.

    Can't wait to hear baby's name! :)


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