
Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Almost every day when I get home from work Billy plays his NHL hockey game on playstation, that is if he's not working that evening, and I will either catch up on blogs, do stuff around the house or go to the gym.

We are big snackers in our house, hence us all gaining pregnancy weight ;)
The last 2 nights have looked liked like this....

Billy and Gus hanging out eating cheeseballs.
Gus gets so excited when the cheeseballs come out.
Billy has tried to teach Gus to catch them in his mouth but Gus and would rather let the cheeseball hit him in the head than open his mouth to try and catch it.
We know we shouldn't feed our dog people food but he is so cute when he is chomping on cheeseballs, its impossible not to share with him.

Cheeseballs from Target, only $3.50 for the giant tub!
Go stock up now! They don't last long ;) 

Happy Wednesday!!


  1. I love cheeseballs! We share with our doggies as well. How can you resist those sweet faces?!

  2. Have you seen the dog treats called PUPCORN? They are like cheeseballs but shaped in the shapes of dogs. They have cheese and peanut butter flavored ones. Layla LOVES them.

  3. lol but it's ok for you to eat like that because you have an excuse!! lol Cheeseballs sound amazing! lol Working out makes me want bad things.

  4. I wish I could have those in my house! LOL That picture is too cute!!! I just don't think I could resist the whole tub at one time so it's better left on the shelf at Target then in our home LOL

  5. Oh we love them! My daughter is obsessed! i did a post about it! Lol!!

  6. Haha, cheeseballs. My dogs don't catch anything. Super will at least try and if the timing is right whatever I'm tossing to her may end up in her mouth. Roman on the other hand, moves out of the way at whatever we toss to him.

  7. We aren't big snackers but I refuse to buy cheeseballs and cheesepuffs because they will be gone in like a day!

  8. I love Target's cheeseballs, so do my kids!

  9. Oh. My. Goodness! We have these in our pantry all the time. Ellie lives off of them and they are CHEAP!!! XOXO

  10. I haven't had cheeseballs in FOREVER/ Now I want some.

  11. cheeseballs sound SO good right now!! :)

  12. Yum! I could do some serious damage to a bucket of cheeseballs like that! And the kids...they'd have a ball...haha!

  13. I must get some of these cheese balls! And I definitely feed our dogs people food. They don't know they aren't human!

  14. haha love it! my mom and I are addicted to the gold fish crackers that come in a similar size container!

  15. Oh gosh. I see these all the time and I think "NO! Don't do it!!" I know I would eat the whole thing all by myself. I'm so tempted now!

  16. MMMM! I am addicted to cheeseballs. I also feed them to my dog, he loves them, and I can't resist sharing the cheesy goodness!

  17. YUM!!! Lol I give the boys people food, Harley loves ice cream. Oh gussy he's so cute!

  18. hahahaha we toss popcorn at tiki hoping for a catch! we have witnessed one success! hehe

  19. hahaha! cheeseballs! i haven't had them in forever! we love snacking too! :) love those kinds of evenings!

  20. Haha! I love cheeseballs. No worries about feeding Mr. Gus human food :) I give Snuggles food all the time. She eats chicken every night with her food. Talk about SPOILED! She also loves fruit too :) Vet says it's fine for her too so I don't worry lol. Her favorite is Cheez-Its though

  21. I always walk by them and wonder if they actually taste good. Now I'm going to have to try them! And what a lucky pup you've got!

  22. I am a cheese puff girl myself :)

    You have an award on my blog :)

  23. omg I love cheeseballs!!! now I want some!

  24. How cute! I haven't had cheeseballs in soooo long but I used to love them!

  25. LOL.. too funny!! I'm a puffs fan, myself.

  26. I swear I feed my dog for the SAME reason. HYSTERICAL!
    I have to try and see if I can find those at my Target I just love cheeseballs! YUMM!!!

  27. OMGSH girl, I LOVE cheese balls and I saw these at Target the other day. I had to walk away

  28. Better cheeseballs than like left over bones from meat or something. The ultimate No no food for dogs is grapes. You can google that if you'd like. My step mom's best friend is a vet. It's like poison to their systems.

  29. You are far from the only person who feeds their dog people food- just today our dogs got half a peanut butter sandwich each and they were in heaven! Who cares, you only live once right?

  30. ohmygod. cheeseballs!!!! LOVVEEEE them!!!!! haha.

  31. hmmm, should probably try cheeseballs and see what the fuss is about : )

  32. Haha! That is the biggest bucket of cheeseballs! Love those things!

  33. I love to buy the big container at Sam's. I kill those things! And we share with our dogs too. You kind of have too!

  34. I heart cheeseballs, too! Ain't no shame.

  35. LOL at your husband teaching the dog to catch food in his mouth! That's so cute! :P

  36. haha! SO funny. I love this little glimpse into your life (:


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