
Thursday, February 3, 2011

28 weeks...

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 28 Weeks
According to the I’m in my third trimester now!
Size of baby: Baby C is the size of an eggplant/Chinese cabbage (?).
Around 15 inches long, he weighs about 2.4 pounds.
Total Weight Gain: No idea. I have an appt on Monday so I’ll find out then.
Maternity Clothes: Still wearing a mix of everything, some maternity and some regular.
I got a few more maternity shirts at Gap over the weekend, they had a lot on clearance and then an extra 40% off!
Gender: BOY!! Baby Cullen!!
Movement: He has been moving a lot I love every second of it! I have a feeling I’m going to miss the bond that Cullen and I have right now. I know we will have a special bond once he’s here so I'll just enjoy the bond we have right now while he's still in the oven.
Sleep: Sleep is still pretty good.
What I miss: Nothing.
Cravings: Still sweets. Yogurt parfaits, I’ve been making my own for breakfast at work.
vanilla yogurt, grapes and granola...num!
Panera and McDonalds sound kinda good too;)I haven’t had either in a long time.
Symptoms: I think my hormones are jacked up this week. I don’t feel like myself. I’m cranky and just not feeling very happy. Yesterday I got home from work and crawled straight into bed for the entire night.
What I’m looking forward to: Getting the nursery set up! Billy has the room painted, now we just need the office furniture out of there and we need to get all Cullen’s furniture in there and set up. I can’t wait for his room to be done. I have ants in my pants about this!
I’m also looking forward my doctor appt on Monday!

pics for the week...
Growing lots!
I never feel that big until I see myself in these blurry pictures.
New shirt from Gap.
It's a small and I have some more room to grow into it. 
This is another one of my new shirts from Gap, pic taken yesterday. 
This gray shirt is a medium, I'm hoping it fits another few weeks ;)

So glad it's Thursday! I'm ready for Friday/the weekend!!


  1. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE PUMPKIN! Hope you start feeling better!!!!

  2. You are the cutest! I hope I can look as great as you when I get preggers! Love your outfits!

  3. You really do look amazing for being 7 months pregnant! Sounds like everything is going perfectly.

  4. I had those days when I was preggo too, they stink but I am sure your emotions will turn around soon! You look great, love the new tops!

  5. You are so tiny! I love your hair!!!!

  6. How sad is it that I love your shirt... would it be bad if I purchased it even though I am without child?

  7. that top look sso cute! i love the necklace too!

    your hair makes me want to cut mine!

  8. Cannot believe you are already in your third trimester!!!!! Craziness. You are looking so so great!!!!!! You are beautiful, Momma!! :)

  9. you look so beautiful!!! that granola looks good too! :)

  10. Those tops are great! Welcome to the 3rd trimester...can't wait to be there myself:-)

  11. Okay, you are seriously the CUTEST pregnant person ever! I am loving the tops! Can't wait to see little C's nursery! xoxo

  12. YOu are so DANG CUTE!!! I hope I look that good preggo... :) and that breakfast looks delish!

  13. Too cute for words! It must be that kind of week, because I am dealing with the same thing. Let's blame it on the weather :) I have that same gray sweater from GAP. I love it. So comfy! Have a great weekend!

  14. wow! it has flown by. I remember when you first announced you were preggos =) and very very cute shirts and cute diaper bag from the previous post.

    hope you get out of your funk.. pregnancy hormones are so jacked up =) but you'll be normal soon.. promise!

  15. You are way too cute... as usual!

  16. I didn't even know Gap sold maternity clothes.
    You look great! and yes Panera does sound awesome.

    Love the necklace in the first pic!

  17. Love your new shirts. Lookin' great as always!

  18. Too cute!! I love these updates. You look great! I am still waiting to feel those first movements.... I can't wait!!!

  19. 3rd trimester already?! You look so beautiful!!

  20. wow you have popped! I love it and your are still soo skinny! Can't wait to see the nursery.

  21. Oh my hell, you're so cute. You are seriously the most put together chick I (kinda) know.

    Is it just me, or have the past few months just flown by? When I read 28 weeks I thought, holy crap she's that far along already?!

    Not that I'm obsessed with your pregnancy... it was just a shock... okay, shutting up now.

  22. omg seriously soo cute and great outfits that are put together!! such a cute pump! good luck with everything girl!

  23. Annie, you make me hungry with every one of these posts. mmmmmm parfaits...

    xoxo inna :)

  24. Sounds like everything is going good with your pregnancy...minus the crazy hormones!! Can't wait to see photos of the nursery!

  25. I ate a fruit and yogurt parfait EVERY day when I was preggers...that wa smy #1 craving this past time :)

  26. I dont feel THAT big until I see picture of myself! Then I am horrified! haha I guess the good part is at least I dont feel the extra 40 pounds? Those tops are adorable!! Once you get the furniture set up, the nursery will be ready to go in no time! I JUST finished ours yesterday and I am kind of sad I have no projects left. My husband thinks I am making the room too busy by finding more things to add...he might be right :) She better get here soon..or else!

  27. I think you look great! You're so close!!!

  28. I love your new shirts!! Very cute! That Parfait looks so delish!! I will be trying that out!!

  29. you are such a cute pregnant lady! I've said that a million times but you are :) that granola looks yummmmmy

  30. Girl, I mentioned in my last post that I think my hormones are crazy right now too! This is the first time in my pregnancy I've been in such a funk and I'm hoping it won't last. But I feel your pain! If it makes you feel any better, you still look precious! I wish we had a Gap Maternity around here. Maybe I should check the website.

  31. I am like you, ready for the weekend. You oatmeal with grapes and milk looks so good. I eat a cup of oatmeal before bed every night.

    thank you for the comment about my engagement ring. I am in love with it. <3

  32. you always look so great! i'm sure i'll be a big fat mess when i get prego.

  33. Girl you're killing me with your size S and M...You look amazing!

  34. Girl you're still looking fabulous! And yay for the third trimester!

  35. You're looking so amazingly adorable-- hope you start to feel more like yourself soon! That is no fun :-( It's FRIDAY! Have a great weekend, friend! :-D

  36. I LOVE your hair - I also have the same cut but it doesn't have half as much body and oomf as yours - what products do you use??

  37. you are still looking adorable with your baby bump! I hope you feel better :)


  38. you look amazing mama!! love the hair :)

    stumbled upon your blog just now and I am your newest follower! cant wait to read more about the lil babe!


  39. seriously you look adorbs! i love your haircut too! so jealous of your volume... my hair would look like that for a matter of 2 seconds and be flat the next!

  40. You still wear small at 28 weeks preggers....I'm not sure we can be friends :)

  41. hey girl! you won the $45 gift card giveaway on my blog!! email me so i can send you your gift code.

  42. You've got to be one of chicest pregnant girl I've seen lately! Love the hair!


    20 York Street

  43. so so so cute! And if I havent told you before I am in love with your hair! Once I have some hair Im so going to ask for a cut like yours!

  44. SO CUTE!!! i love the pics!


  45. feel better honey, dealing with hormones are no fun at all! you look so beautiful - love your growing baby bump and hope your Dr. appt goes well! or it might have already happened, xo. also have fun decorating the nursery!

  46. Congrats on having a baby boy! They are so fun! When I was pregnant, I came home from work everyday and went straight to bed. I craved Taco Bueno and Subway and have only had both a handful of times since I had Jack 18 months ago!

    Thanks for stopping by Jumping Jack today! I'm now following! :)

  47. Hi Annie! Found you through Jumpking Jack. I'm your newest follower! How cute are you and your sweet baby bump? Congratulations on a baby boy. They are so much fun. Mine is now 3 and he is CRAZY fun. Anyway, I look forward to reading more.

    Hope you will pop by:
    LOVE for you to follow if you want!:)

  48. Adorable! Love the shirt! I awarded you on my blog, go check it out! =)

    Heather @


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