
Sunday, May 15, 2011

birth story...

Cullen was born on Thursday, April 21st.
I'm going to start his birth story on Wednesday, the 20th.

On Wednesday night Billy and I always go to my parent's house to watch Survivor.  The 20th was no exception.  When we left, my parents walked us to the door and my Dad said see you tomorrow at 4, if I don't see you sooner. (he was picking me up from work at the time) When Billy and I got home we sat at the kitchen table just talking about life and Cullen.  Billy kept saying he was convinced Cullen was going to come late and it would be the weekend he was away for 4 days, which was just this weekend.  Thankfully he was way off and we already have a 3 week old baby!  Back to the story, I was ready for bed by 10 so Billy tucked me in and he went back downstairs to watch TV.  While pregnant I didn't watch TV once in bed, I got into bed each night and I was out like a light.  Billy slept on the couch that night.  He had been sleeping on the couch the past few weeks, it just worked best for us and I had no complaints about having the whole bed to myself ;)

I woke up around 2 to use the bathroom, which I never really had to do while pregnant.  I could sleep all night without bathroom breaks.  I got back into bed and a few minutes later I thought I wet the bed. ha! I was so confused since I had just went to the bathroom.  Only a little bit of fluid had come out though so I just got up changed and ignored it.  Gus came out of his kennel a few minutes later and I knew that meant he had to go outside.  I stood up to bring him out and little more fluid came out of me.  I grabbed my computer to google what happens when your water breaks to see that only 13% of women's waters actually break.  I read a little bit and still didn't think my water had broke.  I went downstairs to bring Gus outside and Billy woke up, I told him I was leaking.  Then I went back upstairs to read more on Google.  Billy called the hospital and the nurse asked to talk to me and I explained what happened and she said to come on in.  It was 2:20 in the morning now.  

I decided to take a shower and get ready because I knew I wouldn't be showering anytime too soon.  I was now leaking fluid little by little as time went on and I knew it was the real deal.  
Billy put Cullen's car seat in the car and loaded everything and we made it to the hospital around 3:45.
The hospital said they didn't have my paperwork so I had to re-fill out everything.  While I was standing there I kept dripping.  I asked Billy if it looked like I peed my pants...thankfully it didn't and I'm glad I wore dark pants ;)

After I was all checked in the nurse gave me my robe and I got hooked up to the 2 monitors.  One for contractions and one to monitor Cullen's heartbeat.  The nurse then checked to see if I was dilated, I was only at 1 cm! BTW, I loved the nurse we had!! She was so sweet and motherly.  The nurse called my doctor around 7 that morning and he said to go ahead and start the pitocin because I still wasn't dilated.  Time was going really quick and I was having contractions although I wasn't feeling any of them.  Around 10 Billy decided to run home and shower and let out Gus.  He got back around 11:30 looking all handsome.  The nurse checked me again, I was only at 2 cm.  Billy decided to go eat some lunch.  When he got back the nurse upped the pitocin drip.  I was also hooked up to a water type fluid drip thing to keep me hydrated, I'm not sure exactly what it was.  Once the nurse upped the pitocin my contractions almost instantly started coming quicker and were more intense. By 1:30 I was beyond ready for the epidural BUT remember that bag of fluid I mentioned? It was still half full and in order to have the epidural all that fluid needed to be in me.  The nurse turned the drip up as much as she could but it seemed like it took an eternity to drain out.  By the time I got the epidural my contractions were so close together and so painful I started crying and with every contraction I was convinced I was going to throw up from the pain.  Poor Billy held my hands and tried to help me through each contraction.  He ended up in tears as well because he felt so helpless.  Finally when I didn't think I could take another contraction the doctor came in to give me the epidural.  Praise the lord!  To the ladies who go all natural, I'm sorry but I think you are nuts and ya'll must have a pain tolerance like no other ;)  I'm just not one for pain and would never want to be in pain if I didn't have to be.  Hello epidural, you saved me!

The epidural almost instantly numbed my right side but I was still feeling pain on my left.  The nurse said to just wait a few minutes and see if it kicked in.  It didn't so she gave me one more dose of the meds through the drip and the pain I was feeling on my left side went away.  It was crazy to go from being in so much pain to feeling perfect!! Besides the dry lips and mouth, thankfully I had Billy to feed me ice (it was the cute little circle ice) and I had plenty of chapstick on hand.  By now it was 2:30, time was going so quick.  Our nurse was only scheduled until 3:00 with us and I was nervous about getting a new nurse before having Cullen after spending the entire day with the sweet nurse we had. The nurse left the room and said she would be back to check me in 10 minutes.  When she stepped out I asked Billy to hand me my makeup...and he wouldn't!! haha!! I wanted to touch up my face before having baby so I looked half way decent in pictures ;)  Oh by the way, my mom and sister were at the hospital by now and my dad, brother and nephew were on their way.  

The nurse came back in at 2:40, my mom and sis stepped out of the room while the nurse checked me.  I was at a 10 and Cullen's head was right there.  Our doctor came in ready to roll!  Since I had gotten the epidural I couldn't feel anything down there, at all! No pressure, nothing.  The nurse would tell me when I was getting a contraction and I would push.  Although I didn't know if I was pushing correctly or not because I couldn't feel a thing.  I must have been doing something right because within 4-5 contractions Cullen was out!! Born right at 3:00 pm on the dot!  From start to finish I was in labor around 12 hours.  Another thing,  I had my 39 week appt scheduled with my doctor that day for 3:20!

I was in shock when Cullen came out and the doctor put him on me right away.  I couldn't even say anything, I just had a huge smile on my face.  Cullen looked exactly like his ultrasound pictures, absolutely perfect in every way!  Billy and I were instantly in love!!  Billy did cut the cord but he didn't watch Cullen come out, he stayed up by face and held my hand and knee.  He was the best support/coach through the whole labor and delivery, I never could've done it without him.  So thankful for him :)
Cullen a few minutes old...

Daddy trying to calm Cullen, he doesn't like being cold...

The doctor stitched me up, I had a slight tear and he had to cut me a little.  I didn't feel a thing then but wow....the days/weeks following, ouch! 
I never read on any blogs what happens after you have a baby, not sure I would have wanted to know. ha!  In the end of course all the pain in the world is worth it!!  I might have said during the horribly painful contractions that I would never have another baby but my mind has already changed.  I can't wait to have time! I mean, we did make one perfectly cute baby :) 

My parents, sister, brother and nephew all came to meet Cullen around 4:00.

my brother, uncle Rob

my parents, Grandpa and Grandpa

my sis, auntie Lexie

We were moved to a new room around 5:00 and Billy's parents, his sister and her two kiddos came around 6:00.
Billy's niece...

Billy's Dad...Cullen's Papa

Cullen had his first bath that night...

After the bath Billy went out and got us some Burger King, we enjoyed our first night as a family taking turns holding our sweet boy.

Total perfection :) 

I hope I didn't miss any parts of the story....I waited a little longer than I wanted to get this posted.


  1. This is beautiful... having had my own baby, and reading so many of these no one is the same.. and they all make me tear up a little

    and I agree... I dont think I could ever go natural

  2. I love it! And I love him, you both look so fabulous right after he was born :) I'm not a fan of pain either, epidurals are awesome. Sounds like it was a pretty smooth labor, good job mama!

  3. Thanks for sharing! I love hearing everyone's stories! Cullen is the cutest!!

  4. So cute! I'm glad everything went well with the birth! I love hearing everyone's birth stories as I get closer to giving birth myself!

  5. thanks for sharing so much Annie! I read every word... and I must say as someone who has never had a baby, I am not THAT freaked out.

    Cullen looked so perfect right after he was born! I didn't even know that was possible! You have the most adorable family!!! Congrats hun!

    oh and my future hubs will ABSOLUTELY no questions be at my head and not my feet when our little ones make their grand entrance!


  6. This was a beautiful story Annie!! I agree with you on so many things! Praise the Lord for the epidural!! I agree, that saved my life during labor!!

    I also agree with you about the pain in the weeks following, the first week was the worst. But now 12 weeks following her birth, its hard to believe I feel great compared to all that pain I had! I'm sure by now you are feeling lots better!!

    Loved the story!!

  7. Great birth story, Annie!! Cullen is so lucky to have you and Billy for parents!

  8. Congratulations....he's perfect.

  9. I loved reading your birth story. I love how each woman's story is their own and no matter how you choose to give birth in the end a perfect gift comes at the end.

    Cullen is beautiful and perfect. I'm glad he is doing so good!

  10. I love birth stories. This is so sweet, and he was adorable even a few minutes after birth (and being honest, some babies really aren't ;-)).

    I can't resist throwning in on natural birth, though :-) My mom had a horrible reaction to the pitocen and the epidural. The pit made everything super painful and the epi gave her nerve damage that she still has, which is one of the reasons I decided to go natural. Yes, the contractions hurt like hell, but I was only sore for about 2 days after because I had a whole lot of control of the pushing.

    BUT that was my path, and everyone's is different. Birth is amazing no matter how you choose to do it. Congratulations again on the beautiful baby.

  11. What a great story Annie!!! Cullen looks perfect! :) So happy for you!!!


  12. I read every line of your story! I have to ask, you said the doctor told you you tore a little, with a tear down there, does it hurt to go to the bathroom?Ouchie!!!

    How is Gus doing with his new brother?

    I am terrified of the pain that if one day I have a baby, i won't be able to handle it. I throw up now from period cramps being so god awful to me.

    Kudos to you Annie!

  13. Great pictures, and wonderful story!

  14. WHAT a cutie!! Congrats again! AND, I talked about the pain after birht!! the pain after birth was worse than the actual labor and delivery (for me), and I went natural! I think once you have your prize (baby) you dont want pain anymore. Did you experience contractions after he was born? I did every time I nursed for a few days and it sucked.

  15. What a beautiful story! Thanks for sharing!

  16. Loved reading your story! You had a really similar labor to mine except my water didn't break on it's own. I agree about the epidural...amazing! I'm glad everything went well for you and Cullen is doing so well!

  17. Aww.. so sweet!!
    The exact same thing happened to me when my water broke w/ #1.. a little here, a little there. Thank goodness for panty liners!!

  18. Sounds like everything went well! I'm so with you, I'm so happy I got the epidural! And I made sure my makeup was perfect before Wyatt was born too- ha! :-) It's important to look good for those pictures!

  19. So glad delivery went well! Cullen is adorable

  20. Awww, that second picture is the BEST! And, yes, haha, going all natural is HELL but totally worth it.

    But the epidural is pretty awesome as well. Congrats again!

  21. Love the pictures...he is precious Annie. :)

  22. How sweet! Loved it! Thanks for sharing :) I don't deal with pain/needles well AT ALL, so I am super nervous (already!) when we do have our first baby, someday!

  23. What a great birth story! Glad it was pretty quick for you!

  24. Thanks for sharing this wonderful story!

  25. I couldn't agree moer - the epidural is a life saver! Those Momy's who go without are some seriously strong women!!!

  26. 4 or 5 pushes?! I pushed for two hours!!!

  27. Aw I loved reading this! Thanks for sharing! I like the part where you said Billy came back looking all handsome! :) Adorable.. and shame on him for not giving you make up.. I'm totally with you on that!

  28. sounds awesome! so glad you shared, i never read birth stories but i FOR SURE read yours!! i can't WAIT!!

  29. Oh my goodness! Thanks for sharing with us :)


  30. Beautiful Annie... Congratulations to you both... xxx

  31. Love this! Thank you for sharing this story, girlie! I can't believe your water really broke! That's so cool! :) My friends all said the birth room looks like something from the matrix. It's like a normal room and tehn stuff comes out of the walls, bed, etc, so they can have the baby! ha! I love that part of their stories. I think it's awesome that you took a shower! You seemed so calm!

  32. I'm pretty jealous you went into labor on your own!! I feel like you never hear that much anymore. Somebody wanted to come out and meet his parents!!

  33. What beautiful story! He is such a handsome little man!

    I totally know what you mean about how no writes about what happens after you give birth. I mean, you think that someone might mention that you're going to have the mother of all periods for a ridiculously long and you have to wear boat sized pads. Or how going to the bathroom (the bowel movements) is akin to torture. Yeah, there were a lot of things that happened after I had Spencer that I wasn't really expecting, haha :) Hopefully you are making your way through the unpleasantness!

  34. he is so sweet!! haha, it's amazing that the first thing we all think of these days it to just google it! Thank goodness for the internet!
    Congrats mama!

  35. Aw, that sounds like such a great birth story!! Congrats to you guys!! He does look perfect!

  36. Perfect story. I love that you posted your birth story of your little Culley bear. He is so freaking cute. It sounds like Billy did wonderfully too!

  37. You are completely amazing did you know that?! Thank you so much for being so honest. It is really nice to hear the truth from moms~ you will help all of us who haven't had kids know what to expect a little bit more!

  38. What a great story! Glad everything went so smoothly! And no, you never hear the bad afterbirth stories. I had a 4th degree episiotomy and ouchie mama!! It was miserable the few weeks following!

  39. I agree with you on the epidural...anyone who doesnt get one is CRAZY :).....and I just dont think about the after abor passes, and as you is SOOO worth it! Culy is just perfect...gald that you had such a great birthing experience!!

  40. Loved reading this! He is a doll. :)

  41. Aww, I read every word and loved your story. Thanks for being so open and I couldn't be happier for you! You better believe when I have a baby one day that I am going to have that epidural too! I would pass out without it I'm sure, lol. Cullen looks so beautiful!


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