
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

well, it finally happened....

it was inevitable...
i mean, we do live in the frozen tundra...
yep, i'm talking about snow...
we had our first snow fall of the season on saturday.

i dislike snow...
i dislike being cold...
i dislike wet socks from stepping on melted snow...
ya know, right after you take your shoes off from coming in from outside...
ugh, wet socks are icky.

i can say one positive thing about the first snow fall of the season....
i know this cute baby...
cute baby's, handsome daddy got him all bundled up in a snow suit...
then put a red and white striped hat on his head...
put the cute baby in the snow pile....
happy cute baby in the snow...
makes his momma smile :)

on saturday morning when tiny flurries were falling C and i went to the mall...
we got there right when it opened...
there was not even a line for santa...
as we walked past i so badly wanted to let C visit him...
but that is one of the "firsts" that daddy has to be with us for...
we both just took in the scenery...
we went to the few stores we needed to visit...
christmas outfits were bought...
and we were on our way...

we headed home as the snow was really starting to come down...
while at home all nice n' cozy in our comfies...
i got a call from B that his car wouldn't move on the road...
having performance tires on slick roads don't mix...
said car had to get towed....

sunday the sun was shinning...
the snow not melting...
we spent all day inside in comfies...
well, until we went to my parents for family dinner...
wouldn't want to miss that, family time is the best.

oh monday, november 21st...
said cute little baby mentioned above...
he turned 7 months old...
time, please slow down.

now its tuesday...
i received my first tasks for my part time job....
time to brew up some coffee...
and get to work!

p.s. don't forget to enter the GIVEAWAY!!


  1. I feel your pain...I live one state to the south of you. The snow is pretty while it's falling but once it hits the ground and gets thanks!

  2. I really dislike the cold too! But what a cute snow baby!!

  3. awww I'm sure it's tough to love snow when you get it all the time. me on the other hand, grew up in Portland, OR where we get SO excited if it snows! And now I'm living in Amsterdam with my husband and we feel the same way... we're WISHING for snow this winter :)

    Your little baby boy is so cute!!! Happy 7 months to him!

  4. Gosh he's such a cute boy! I sweare I say that every time but it's true! He's the chubbiest and I love it!

  5. that sounds like a fantastic few family days (yikes say that ten times fast)

    I too hate snow and cold so I feel your pain... we've been getting cold rain for the past 3 days. UGH... the cute pics of C brightened my day though!


  6. Those jammies Cullen is wearing are SO stinkin' cute!

  7. i'm sorry about the snow!! it is 80 degrees here today...and i wish it would cool off for the holidays!

  8. So jealous that you guys get snow. it's still warm and not feeling like the holidays here!

  9. BRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! Cullen looks so darn cute in all the pics!!!! The snow is pretty from inside the house haha but not so much fun to venture in to!! Stay warm mama!!! xo

  10. look at those lashes!?!?
    You didnt get snow during that weird storm that hit right before Halloween? Lucky. I always think of you getting the same weather I gethaha.
    A turned 8 months on Monday. I cried when I pulled out the 8 month sticker. ITS just going by TOOOO fast :(

  11. ps. I got the straw wreath and the felt...and IM going to get the ornaments for it this friday on sale. So, do you use a hot glue gun to put the ornaments on? They stay on in the cold?

  12. Can't believe he is already seven months! he's adorable!

  13. ehhhhh I also hate being cold! I'm in Arizona, and I still have my heater on full blast right now. :) Cute blue chair, btw. I love the texture.

  14. aww.. time does fly!
    i'm not a fan of the snow either! but your little babe sure looks adorbs!

  15. Love that 7 month picture of Cullen, too cute!!!!!

    I am not a big fan of snow either girl! I like to see one big snow a winter and that is it..

  16. He's growing up fast!!!! And yes, family time is the best! Never miss out on it!

  17. Yuck for snow, I think I'd die!

    Culley looks super cute though.

  18. Awe! Love the snow pics and fun you guys had! Your little guy is GROWING! he's adorable! Can't wait to see holiday pics.:)

  19. Oh my gosh, that's so much snow already! Booo. I'm not ready for it! Love his cute pjs


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