
Thursday, January 19, 2012

haven't done this in a long time....

i'm referring to linking up with someone....
BUT, i have a few free minutes and this link up just happened to sound perfect at the moment....
SO....five question friday here we go! 
(i jumped the gun and posted thursday, bada$$)
1. where do you hide the reeeally good snacks?
no where, B doesn't like snacks! i have no need to hide them. this is NOT a good thing! anything i buy snack wise, i know i eat ALL alone! B does not help with this is as he is frequently bringing me home skittles and starbursts in any and all flavors. that man has a different soft of way of showing affection, filling my heart with sweets ;)
2. do you keep your vehicle clean? 
YES, i can't stand messy.  period, end of story.
3. have you ever been to vegas?

annie as a blonde! i kind of miss being a blonde but the upkeep, no thank ya!
4. warm room light blankets or cold room warm snuggles?
i am in between on this one.
cullen is my beddy buddy and he is a sweaty little man. so, we turn the heat down at night and it's still warmish upstairs.  i used to LOVE being cold so i would turn the ceiling fan on high and hide under the blankets but babies bring priorities... 
he is numero uno and needs to sleep comfortable :) 
he has a blanket and once he falls asleep i swaddle him with it and he's right next to me. i'm the lightest sleeper ever, during the day i'm a walking zombie....
who wouldn't want to sleep right next to this sweet boy?!? ....

vegas to 180 BUT i love my life RIGHT//NOW! :)  
wouldn't trade it for anything.
i'm just waiting for the day... 
hubby and i get to go to vegas together!!
5. worst airplane ride?
i don't think i have a WORST plane ride but probably my first plane ride i would consider my worst because i was in 9th grade and i was 14.  i had never, ever been on an airplane before and i was flying with my two best friends at the time.  my parents let me board an a plane and go to florida with my two best friends for spring break!  it was so much fun! we stayed with my friend's aunt.  i think i acted very goofy on the plane, due to the nerves. 
ya know in tommy boy when he says "there's a fat whale on the boat" well.... us gals had watched tommy boy a million times that year so i started "there's a fat wale on this plane". gave all of us girls the giggles, nervous giggles....
inside joke, had to be there ;)

p.s. happy weekend to you all!!


  1. Oh my goodness - Miss Blondie!! I LOVE your dark hair - simply gorgeous!!

  2. AHHHH you were blonde!? OMG crazy! But it looks really good! I barely even recognized you. I'm going back to blonde next Friday, can't wait!

  3. I like the blonde on you, but dark is way better! cute post! lil bit is getting so big!

  4. Love the dark hair:) My hubby does not snack at all either and so when I bake, I eat. I'm trying not to bake until March 3rd-my birthday. I NEED to shed these last 12 lbs! I also tend to like Lena Kate's snacks better than she does. She prefers fruit! I should take a note from her book :) Culley is so snuggable!

  5. Blonde Annie! I think I'm going to take a picture of me when I was really blonde and post it.

  6. Look at you and that blonde hair! ;o)

  7. You look so different blonde, luv u with both blonde and dark!! I totally get what you mean about the upkeep!

    Fun post!!

  8. Oh my gosh, girl, can't believe you used to be blonde! You look like a completely different person but I love it! I love the dark too, hard choice! ;) Also, I was wondering if you have had Cullen sleeping with you since he was born? I have had my baby sleeping with me and I get a lot of funny looks for it.

  9. You look cute as a blonde but I really like your dark hair!! :)

  10. I love all your pics!!!

    your newest follower:)

  11. Look at you, you hot little blonde! You pull off both colors so well, girl! :)

  12. Ha look at you and that blonde! Cute! Cullins getting so big!!

  13. I like that that you say {as|like} my friend thanks


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