
Thursday, February 16, 2012

15 miles to the love shack...

since i'm always scatterbrained in my posts i decided to just post random things on my mind...

1. i came up with that title while watching glee.  i recorded it and watched it late the other night.  i almost cried twice, who am i?  i don't cry during tv or movies...

2. on valentine's day i cut my thumb on gussy's can of dog food and it bled through two bandaids so i wrapped it with masking tape. turns out masking tape is not just for wrapping presents.

3. i was in the process of making a valentine's day dinner for B and I when i cut my thumb, not being able to properly use my thumb i realized just how much i use my thumb...A LOT

4. we both ate dinner about an hour after it was ready. we had burgers and fries, same thing we ate last year.  might become a tradition!  i ate my dinner cold. it was still tasty. C was fussy since i didn't let him take a nap so i had to tend to him lots ;) we did have a nice little family valentine's day evening though.  cullen liked his presents....

vibrating elephant, he also got a puzzle and a book.  b and i exchanged cards.  it was great just to have him home that night, he played hooky from work but he still had work to do on the computer.  after i got cullen to bed we hung out for a few hours talking about our future.

5. getting cullen to sleep at night is such a literally wears me out.  but, by the time he is out i need some time to myself or with billy. the last two nights billy and i have stayed up way too late, 2 in the morning last night and 1 the night before.  not sure how i properly function on a daily basis....maybe i don't ;)

6. when it comes to pinterest, i'm hit or miss on that site.  some days i'm addicted to it, like right now i am loving it for party ideas for cullen!  i just can't stand when there is a pin for a recipe or DIY instructions and you click on it and it's nothing but a picture.

7. cullen's first birthday party is going to be a mickey mouse them!.  please tell me you are not having a mickey mouse party for your child as well, i don't want to compete ;)  i am not going crazy with his first birthday but it is going to be a par-tay and it is going to be awesome....just sayin.  still can't believe he is almost ONE :(

8. what are good presents for a one year old??  i'm thinking outdoor toys.  we have no more room inside for toys.

9. cullen hasn't been feeling the best this week.  he has a deep barky cough at times :(  so perry, the penguin, has been near him all day and night...

10. i posted the other day on some new spring clothes for myself....i'm even more excited about cullen's spring/summer wardrobe! i'll be posting about it soon because i've never shared my favorite stores to shop at for him. there are many and i love everything baby boy.

11.  i jumped on the bling your nails train...i was skeptical because i remember glitter nail polish from middle school and it being a bitch to get off BUT just two nails, i'm fine with that.  loving the fun/different look and i might have gone overboard with buying glitter nail polish for a trend that will probably not even be around come summer ;)
& my momma got me some more fun glitter polishes yesterday. can't wait to try them out.

12.  i got extensions.  again....
my BooBooChicken and i on love day!

13. i can tell cullen is not needing my milk as much...he nurses but with all the food he eats he just doesn't need as much from me.  how can i tell, i've gained 6 pounds in 3 weeks!  TIME.TO.DIET. and majorly start watching what i eat. boo...  on that note i am going to pizza hut with my sister today, ha! maybe i'll start eating better next week. i failed this week.

14. HockeyShape, our business, has taken a turn and partnered up with a newer gym! skills sports training!  billy is very excited about this so of course i am as well.  b works so hard for our family, i can not wait to see what our future holds.

15...miles to the love shack....b and i hoping to have a new shack within a year.  i will have owned our townhouse 10 years this may! CRAZY!  when B moved in the townhouse became a home, OUR HOME but we are so ready to be in a bigger HOUSE.  any well wishes are appreciated! :)


  1. YAY for house hunting!! Sending lots of well wishes!!

  2. have fun with the house hunting process we are starting that process soon to buy our first house. I cant wait.

  3. House hunting is fun...good luck! Can't wait to hear about it!

  4. Congrats on the impending move!!! And awesome theme for the birthday! He will love it. I have some cutie stuff I designed for another client if you need ideas. Anyway, yay on all accounts!

  5. Yay for house hunting, such an exciting adventure! Cant believe he's almost 1. Time goes by to fast.

  6. Great post! Be sure to post pics of your Mickey Mouse themed party!

  7. I thought you must be doing a Mickey Theme for C's bday, I saw lots of Micky pins. Can't wait to see how it turns out!

    Happy House Hunting!

  8. i love that pic of you and cullen! it's my fav ever!

  9. GOOD LUCK with your house! Is it going to be in TEXAS???

    We do pizza every Valentine's day,at home! We did it on Wed. since Pittman had school on Tues. It's becoming my fav tradition!

    I'm singing Love Shack now.

  10. Since Patty and I share a brain, I too am singing. love Shack now.... You look fabulous with your extensions and I know exactly how you feel with the gaining weight as baby nurses less thing, that happened to me when Kelsey was like 9 months and we went to Disney and holy shit I think I gained 12 lbs in that trip- then major dieting happened and thankfully it was lost again! Prayers for things to go well with house hunting love!

  11. Love the extensions! I miss mine :( but it was fun to see how much my hair grew, when they were taken out.

    I also love doing the glitter accent nail.

  12. Great post title! Glee is the BEST.
    Randomness is addicting...i have it too & the extensions again ;)

    P.S. check out my giveaway!

  13. House hunting is so fun!
    For Henry's birthday I'm just thinking of doing an animal theme and it won't be over the top. MM is a good idea!!

  14. Great post! I can't believe they'll be a year soon. Best wish for a new home!

  15. If your looking for some real life Mickey or Disney pictures, I have some one my blog if you want to use them...

  16. Well that is definitely some different topics you've covered, lol.

    I can't believe you and B stay up so late, I would be dead to the world!

    A Mickey party would be fantastic, I am sure C would love it!

  17. I can't believe you can stay up that late and still function the next day!!! Wow!

    Exciting about the possible move!

  18. Can't wait for your fav stores post! I'm always bugging you about that cause theyre so dang cute. Your hair is gorgeous!!! Where in MN did you go for those??

  19. House hunting goes right up there with opening up a box of girl scout cookies and putting both kids down to nap on my list of favorite things to do! Best of luck and have fun searching for your dream home!

    This South Korean's Got Seoul

  20. I wish you guys all the luck on finding a bigger home!! I CANNOT WAIT to have my own home! Literally! :)
    Nails are supper cute, I thought about trying that out but haven't polished my nails in a few months.. boo.
    Cullin is so adorable, love your hair!!

    Glad y'all had an awesome relaxing V-day!

  21. Here there! I was catching up and looks like you have a lot to look forward to! Congrats on house fun. Also, your little man is growing:)....glitter glam...I love it!! You can never have to much glitter nail polish. Random comment, I know, but just wanted to let you know I am still following along:) Last, I swear I think we have identical rings!!!, I'll have to post!:) Have a great week! Yomaida

  22. The mickey mouse theme will be so cute. I havent seen anyone do that (In recent years) so I cant wait to see it. I went to hobby lobby this weekend and bought a ton of stuff to start crafting away for A's party. I am having her party late though so i have some time :)

  23. Yay for house hunting. Its my favorite! Cullen is such a cutie!

  24. Oh Annie I have been so behind on my blogs, I just love catching up with whats you and Cullen are up too!! House hunting sounds like it will be such fun, I hope and pray you can have a great experience and that you found the right one!!! Savannah also has a little cough right now, and it sounds kinda barky too:( CANT WAIT FOR SPRING!!!

  25. Thanks for sharing these important information.


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