
Monday, March 12, 2012

random iphone photos...

all these pictures are from the weekend :)
C and I went to the mall on Saturday.  I needed to find some pants and shoes for him to wear to a wedding.     I still have to get clothes for me and B and I have no idea what we are wearing. C is so easy to shop for. I also got him and B matching under armour hats ;)

my sis and i went to chilis and they messed her order so we got this delicious dessert!
her and i both ate too many chips and salsa, we brought our lunches home, ha!  they do have the best chips n salsa though!

dinner friday night was baked chili cheese hotdogs and sweet potato fries...

saturday night dinner was...
Ha, just kidding....we actually had a huge deep dish pizza for dinner and wings! Boxed wine was just the appetizer ;)
and i wonder why i'm gaining weight like crazy...jeez

This is how C fell asleep Sunday night...
melt my heart!

lastly, this pup hasn't been on here lately...
gussy loves sleeping in the boppy!  
i actually love using it as a pillow as well, so comfy ;)

hope ya'll had a great weekend!! and thank you for all the sweet comments on my previous post!


  1. He's so cute! And that dessert looks amazing!!! Must go to Chilis now!!!

  2. That dessert look delish!! :)

  3. Oh the heck do you stay so tiny eating like that? I do love me some Chili's chips and salsa...mmmmmm`

  4. I love your fuschia top so cute!!

    and what!?! baked chili cheese hotdogs, I've never heard of baking my chili dog should I be doing this?

  5. Boxed wine and pops of teal ... my kinda gal!! xoxo

  6. annie babeee! you look absolutely gorgeous in that pic with the cute pink shirt!! And those freakin hot dogs of your are making me salivate all over my shirt, wtf.
    Also, cully looks like suchhh a big boy in that sleeping pic! aww!

    xoxo Inna :)

  7. LOVING that pink top! Where did you get it?

  8. Yeah to boxed wine and awesome desserts!!! You look fabulous mama!!!

  9. Cullen is just too cute! Love that first picture of him!!!
    Love your bracelet!!! Where did you get it? I need it..haha

    I love chili's chips and salsa, my fav!!!

  10. Yay! You're a box wino like me!!! :) He's so stinkin cute!

  11. Mmmm box wine :)

    Love the top you're wearing in the first picture!

  12. haha about the boppy- we didn't use it much past 3 months in this house but i do recall tiki loving it! AND my hubby even liked laying on it- i might have to get a new grown up print and cover it for re-use ;)

  13. Nothing wrong with boxed wine!! Your lil man is so cute!!!

    And that dessert looks delish!


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