
Thursday, August 27, 2009

A + B = <3

I've seen this on a few blogs lately so I figured I'd join in and do it as well! :) I included some pics cuz I heart pictures! ;)

♥ What are your middle names? Elizabeth and Carey

♥ How long have you been together? 2 years and 8 months

♥ How long did you know each other before you started dating? We didn’t know each other before we started dating, we hit it off the first night we met and we’ve been inseparable ever since. ♥ Who asked whom out? He asked me out on our first date. I think after you have been dating for a while it was just obviously we were “official” ;)

♥ Whose siblings do/did you see the most? Mine. His sister lives close as well, we just don’t see them as often. B has a really busy schedule so it just works out that way.

♥ Do you have any children together? Not yet. If B could control this decision on his own, we would probably already have two kids! ;)

♥ What about pets? Yeppers…our baby G!
♥ Did you go to the same school? No.

♥ Who is the smartest? I’ll say it’s a tie

♥ Who is more sensitive? Me. I’m a cry baby!

♥ Where do you eat out most as a couple? El Azteca, it’s a little Mexican place by our home. Also we like Applebees for the ½ price appetizers! ♥ Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? Is it bad that we have not even traveled out of the county we live in and it’s been almost 3 years!?! B has a very busy work schedule and with coaching hockey, we only have a few hours a night together. We couldn’t even take a weekend trip because he has to work weekends. Hopefully in the near future we will be able to get away. Somewhere, anywhere!

♥ Who has the craziest exes? Neither of us have crazy exes.

♥ Who has the worst temper? We are both pretty easy going most of the time. I’ve been known to be a drama queen once in a great while, so if I push B’s buttons I can make his temper flare up.
♥ Who does the cooking? Usually me. B is always in the kitchen ready to help if needed. He also does all the grilling! He is the grill master ;)

♥ Who is more social? Him, when it comes to work and talking to hockey parents and just meeting new people in general. Me, if it’s with friends. I love spending time with my friends. Again, poor B’s life is all about work and hockey right now, he has no socializing with friends time currently.

♥ Who is the neat-freak? ME!

♥ Who is more stubborn? Him, no me…ha, we are both stubborn!

♥ Who hogs the bed? B or Gussy. B has flailing arms and legs, I get elbowed in the face sometimes. Gus is small but we only have a queen bed so with all of us in there it seems crowded at times. King bed will be purchased if we ever move into a home!

♥ Who wakes up earlier? Me, I’m up by 6 and he usually gets up an hour or so after when I’m leaving. On the weekends we usually wake up around the same time, whenever B gets up for work….around 7:15 or so.

♥ Where was your first date? First date as in going somewhere or first date as in the first time we hung out? Maybe I’ll save that one for another day...

♥ Who has the bigger family? Me

♥ Do you get flowers often? Maybe once a year. The last ones I received from him were totally out of the blue, I loved it!! He sent a sweet card that said “Thinking of You!!!!!”.

♥ How do you spend the holidays? Since our families both only live about 5 minutes from us, we see both families for the holidays.

♥ Who is more jealous? Me.

♥ How long did it take to get serious? Seems to me like things were serious right away, haha.

♥ Who eats more? Usually him but I can eat a.lot! We love food!!!

♥ Who does/did the laundry? Me.Me.Me. If he does it something might get messed up or not folded or put away correctly ;)

♥ Who’s better with the computer? We are equal on his one.

♥ Who drives when you are together? Always him.
and they lived happily ever after....the end


  1. Oh my gosh, could you two be ANY cuter?! I don't think so! LOVE your pictures!

  2. Ha! Too cute Annie! ♥
    You need to tell him to take a break every once in a while and get away!!! =D

  3. woo hoo for minnesota vikings! this season matt told me that he was going to get me a shirt so we would match :) haha. yall are such an adorable couple!

  4. LOVE your dress in the first picture!

  5. You guys are so stinkin' adorable together!! Loved this post and I love your black dressi n the first pic!

  6. this is too cute! i might steal this from you and do it on my blog one day :)

  7. You ROCK that short hair!! It looks so good on you!!

  8. aww that was cute! Josh and I are both really stubborn too! haha

  9. So cute!!! Maybe I will copy you and post this too!

    P.S. We have an El Azteca right by us too!

  10. the cupcake cake picture is classic. flippin adorable. and i love how you answered ME to the who's more jealous question, and then left it at that. HA!

    very cute lady. you two are perfect together!

  11. Cute post!! I love it when I get flowers for NO REASON!!! Those are the best kind!!! Thanks for your comment yesterday!! I love reading your blog too!!! How long have you been blogging? You sure do have a lot of followers . . . . =) Hope you have a great day!

  12. CUTE! :) I'm going to steal it someday... hehe!! Have a good weekend, xo

  13. So cute with the pictures and everything! Y'all are a gorgeous couple!

  14. aww this is cute! you guys are such a cute couple!

  15. What a cute couple you guys make! I love your black dress in the first pic, and that shot of you two and that GIANT cupcake!

    That's great that you're both chill people and don't anger easily.

  16. So sweet <3
    I love, love, love your hair in that first picture (well all the pictures) but the first one the most!

  17. These are so fun to read and I love finding out more about my blog friends. I think you both sound like nice, fun-loving peeps ;)

    We love going out for Mexican too and also have a Queen bed (we really need to upgrade to a King!)

  18. Cute! I plan to fill this out too whenever I get a free minute.

    Btw my middle name is Elizabeth too!

  19. What a fun blog! Just found you...and you both are a very cute pair together!

  20. seriously i am putting you in the running for MOST ADORABLE COUPLE EVER!!! i heart every one of these photos!!! you two seem like you'll be the couple to envy for years to come! love it!!

    love you!!!!

    and seriously how much can two gals have in common before they HAVE to meet just out of obligation for the two of them to get together and spread their awesomeness out...hahaha...okay taking my cheesy self off your comments...but seriously love you and us!

  21. Freakin adorable girl! I love how you posted pics to go with the questions. MMMmmm that cupcake looks delicious :)-

  22. Aww, what a cute post ... You guys seem so genuinely happy, it's great to see that. I just might do the same thing for one of my posts. I love the black mermaid dress you're wearing at the top, I love that style/cut of dress the most.

  23. aw, you guys are such a fab couple! and so cute, too! :)

  24. Cute post - I love the pictures of you guys together.

  25. you two are just so fabulous and cute!! love it!!

  26. Ya'll are toooooo cute! Love this post! :) The bday cake pic is so adorable. :) I'm so happy ya'll are getting married b/c for real... ad.or.a.ble!

    (and thanks for the tips on tanning stuff!!!!!!)

  27. LOVE IT!!! You guys seem like the perfect match, I love when things just fall into place!! SO CUTE.

  28. You two look sooo cute together! Great post!

  29. Very cute post! Phillip and I have been together the exact same amount of time, Monday will be 2 years and 8 months. :)

  30. I just found your blog, and this is so cute! I might just have to borrow this idea!

  31. ahhhhhwwww you guys are just too cute! :) but even cuter is your gangsta dog... baby GGG!! hehehehe! ;P

  32. Love your dress in the first picture!
    Adorableness. :)


  33. So cute! Glad you did this! Loved learning more about you guys!

  34. Thanks for coming by my blog! My white pizza recipe is on my website and if you want chicken pesto one I'll gladly email you =0)

  35. How sweet! I love all of the picture of you too, you guys are precious.

  36. Hey! Just found your blog and wanted to tell you that I just love it! I look forward to following! p.s. this is a super cute post!!

  37. Hi! Thanks for commenting on my post today! I think you have the cutest blog design!

    I loved seeing all of your pictures - you have the most adorable dog!

    And, I love, love, love that black dress you're wearing in the 1st picture!

  38. I love reading these things, they are SO sweet. :)

  39. what a neat post... I learned a lot about you guys!!

    ...and I may steal this idea to do it on my blog :) I'll link up to you!

    PS: thanks for stopping by my blog today!

  40. aaaaahhhhhhhhhhh.......

  41. I love your list so sweet!

    I will for sure get pictures next time! I didn't realize it would be such an adventure or that it would be all evening! I was thinking like maybe 30 minutes! Thanks for following! I'm following you!

  42. Cute post! You have great hair. I love the color and all the different ways you wear it.

  43. You guys are just the cutest couple! Apparently everyone else thinks so too:)

  44. Your pictures are super cute!

    Isn't the weather amazing!? I'd take this vs. hot weather ANY DAY! I hope we have a good fall!

  45. You two, and your pup, are too cute!!!

  46. This was sweet. I loved all the pictures!

  47. you look so happy together! loved this.

  48. What a great post! You two are terrific together.

    I love this post so much I think I will do it for our anniversary this month.


  49. I know I'm late commenting, but I love reading other blogger's answers to this's so much fun. :) Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog. <3

    p.s. We love Applebee's 1/2 price appetizers too!

  50. Cute!!! Ok I'm loving that black dress!


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