
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

who wants a cookie?!

when i was in SD i found a little place that sold
gourmet cookies for dogs. we have nothing like
that around here in MN so i had to get Gussy one.
He obviously loved it!

chowed it right down...

now some gourmet cookies for us....
click to see enlarged pics
i think these are so cute and scrumptious looking!
i would have a hard time eating them since they are so pretty.

random fun cookies....
seasonal/holiday cookies...

images found here
happy wednesday! :)


  1. Pretty cookies! :) I hope they taste as good as they look :)

  2. Those are so cute. I want some for my puppy!

  3. All of those look so yummy, even the doggy treats! LOL!

  4. Aww so cute and they look yummo for dog treats, haha!

  5. happy wednesday annie!!! it's not even 10am and already i want a cookie (or two)! haha. we have a million dog stores here in the bay that offer those doggie cookies. kind of deceiving though because they look so much like human cookies. and the peanut butter ones smell good.

  6. I want a cookie!!! I heart cookies! Happy Wednesday gorgeous!

  7. Happy Wednesday to YOU!!!

    Cookies!! I want COOKIES!!! ahh they look so good! lol

  8. They look great. A lot of detail on each cookie! How cool.

  9. those cookies are adorable!!! and look how much bus loves them! too cute!! your such a good mom!

  10. Aww I buy those for Big all the time!! He hates the frosted ones... LOL :P Next time I pick some up I am going to send some out to GUS!

  11. OMG, those look sooooo good! :)

    PS - how do you get your pictures in a grid like that? I need to figure that out.

  12. YUM!!!!! I love cookies!!! It's good that your doggy liked his too. We have a really good cookie shop that makes the best cookies where I live; they always bring a giant box of them into my office on Friday, it's really dangerous!!!!

  13. Don't ask me why...but Im drawn to the watermelon ones. They're so cute with the little cookie bite already taken out! AH! Now I want a cookie!

  14. Now I want a cookie STAT! Bella wants one too.

    Happy Wednesday lovebug!! XO

  15. yum! they look delish!

  16. Those are too cute! I bet my dogs would go crazy for one of those treats!

  17. cute cookies! my dog would be all over those!

    Hope you are having a great day! :)

  18. Just found your blog! Very Cute! BTW, those cookies are amazing looking!

  19. Soooo cute and so pretty!!!! :)

  20. That's a new meaning to: "Here's Your Cookie".
    They all look so pretty to frame and watch mold grow.

  21. I saw a place like that when I was in Indianapolis a few weeks cute!

  22. Ha! You probably aren't going to believe this, but I've been reading back through your posts and learning about you and your adorable pup, and my phone vibrates to tell me that you left a comment on my blog.Haha, it must be fate :)

    The story about Gus breaking his legs seriously almost made me cry :( your blog is adorable, and I can't wait to keep reading.

    ps. that dress you're wearing at the very bottom of the page??? HOT HOT HOT. I love it.<333

  23. Yum, those look really cute & tasty!!! =)

  24. Those look SO good!! I love the little gourmet cookies for dogs, such a sweet little touch for our little fur babies :)

  25. I agree with you! Those cookies, look way to pretty to eat, not saying I wouldn't eat them though :) Now I'm hungry! :) Super cute doggie treats too!

  26. Your dog is adorable!! Have a great day!


  27. Those cookies look amazing!!! I wish there was somewhere around here I could find those!

  28. LADY!!!! i need to e-mail you about your card and the what it did to my heart!!!!! LIKE MELTED!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!! i am sorry i have been m.i.a. lately...but i completely and totally needed that card and there it was waiting for me!!! FROM YOU!!!!! love you...amazing amazing friend!!!! it is most def getting a shot out on oofa this week!!!! you're the best!!

  29. That looks yummy! Gus definitely enjoyed his present. We have a bakery in town called Sweet Paws Bakery, it is all gourmet doggie cookies. I need to actually go there tomorrow because the owner ordered me a tuxedo bandanna for Noodle for pictures with us on Saturday! I will buy the kids a present!

  30. those cookies are so cool! hubs would LOVE the poker ones!

  31. Omgosh those look soo yummy - I would totally eat the dog treat! Cheers to the spoiled puppy club :)

  32. ahh I want to eat them all!! (well not the doggie ones :)

  33. These look so YUMMY! I wish I were crafty enough to create something like that! Instead, I'll just admire them!! :) I bet they taste as fantastic as they look!

  34. Wow, those cookies are impressive!

  35. I officially now have a cookie craving. Thanks girl. ;)

  36. Lots of places in Houston feature dog cookies and a few of the begal shops even have doggie bagels!

  37. I cannot believe that those cookies are for dogs! They are so cute. I love the little watermelon ones.

  38. I just gt Mia some cute puppy cookies that I stupidly tried...I would much rather munch on the gourmet ones tho, those look delish! :)

  39. Oh my gosh theese cookies are all so cute!!

  40. These cookies are so pretty... Yum.


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