
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

FABULOUS, i've been tagged....

Today is all about tags.....lots of pics included!
The first award I received is from little Miss Stevy @ The rest is still unwritten.

There are 2 rules once you receive this:

1. You must list 5 current obsessions.
2. You must pass this on to 5 people.

My 5 current obsessions are as follows…

1. My boys! Billy and Gussy! They are like an addiction, when I don’t see them I miss them like crazy and I have withdrawals….ha! just love them both to pieces!

2. Arizona Pomegranate Green Tea. It’s a cold drink, you mix the powder in a pitcher with water. It’s all natural and delicious!! Zero calories and no aspartame. It’s good for you.

3. Morning Star Farms Grillers. I love these things! I eat at least one a day…pretty sure I could live off them. They taste like real hamburgers and they have just about as much protein with half the fat. 4. Blogging! Need I say more?!?! Even though it’s like a full time job, I LOVE IT!!

5. Fall. I might not be totally obsessed with Fall but there is so much that I love about Fall and it’s right around the corner! Cool weather, changing leaves, Halloween, Thanksgiving, the many scents of Yankee fall candles!

I received these next awards from sweet Meg @ My Life in Words and the adorable Shana also tagged me with these awards!

The rules are to list 7 things that you love!

My 7 are….

1. MY FAMILY of course that includes my lil family of B AND GUS!!!

2. My ring! Being engaged….to the man I’ll spend the rest of my life with. I love my B with all my heart :) (my ring is my most favorite possession, i know most of you have already seen it but for those that haven't)
3. Target!

4. Being lazy – (naps, relaxing in bed with gus, watching tv on rainy days)

5. The Gym – I love being lazy but I also love going to the gym and feeling so good about myself when leaving.

6. Mine and B’s home….it’s so cozy and just perfect for us! Our time together at home is split between the living room/kitchen counters and our bedroom. I think when either of us are home alone we spend most of the time in the office.

our bedroom....
7. Blankie (LOL) I have a blanket that I sleep with every night, it’s not a small baby blanket. Just a blanket I’ve had for the past 10 or so years. I love it! It travels with me as well. Yep, I’m 26 and have an attachment to a blankie! Haha!!

DONE! Thanks for the tags ladies!! :)

I will tag anyone that wants to do either of these! I have soooo many favorite girlies in blog world that I could not pick just 5 of you!! I also know some people don’t like to do these. So if you are wordless for a day and need something to blog about, I suggest you think about these awards and consider them from me and post about them!! :)

btw, if you have tagged me and i missed it or didn't post on it, so sorry! i'm going to try to be better around these!!


  1. LOVE your ring!! And Yankee Fall scents are my fave too!

  2. congrats on your award, your ring is beautiful!

  3. I had not seen your ring yet....IT IS STUNNING!

  4. target is the best. seriously, i don't know what i'd do without it. and i love my boys too! my bf and 2 pups make my life complete. this is such a cute list girlie. thanks for sharing!

  5. Congrats on your awards! You definitely deserve them, you fabulous lady, you!

  6. I LOVE Morning Star grillers too!! I take a box to work a lot so that I have something quick and easy to eat! Love them!! I am SO ready for fall too! Love the cooler weather and I can't wait to break out my boots! ;)

    btw . . . like your bedroom!! I had a sleigh bed for a long time and loved it -still do! We got a canopy a few months ago so the sleigh is in our guest room now!

  7. Oh and I love your lamps by the bed too!!!

  8. That tea looks yum! I've never tried it. Your ring is GORGEOUS!!!

  9. Love your pics! Congrats on the awards.

  10. Absolutely beautiful ring!!! :-)

  11. Yay! That was cute! :)

    And I totally still sleep with a stuffed cow, so don't fret. I'm almost 30!

  12. Love this post =) It's great how you incorporated your pics into it instead of leaving it as a plain "tag post" .... Your ring is SO nice!! Pretty big rock you have there!

  13. Okay, I am totally going to have to try that Arizona tea, I LOVE that is has no aspartame (hate that stuff) AND we have almost the same wedding/engagment ring! And it is also my most favorite thing I own. When Hubby first gave it to me I would stare at it for so long he would cover it up sometimes so that I would quit staring at it :)

  14. I absolutely LOVE your ring, girl! It is so beautiful, I love the square cut!

  15. love your ring!!! he did good!!!

  16. Popped in from Kristen's to say hi! Gorgeous ring!

  17. Hi love!
    How have I never seen your ring's GORGEOUS!

    And Target...Umm yeah. Cant live without it!!!

  18. I love your ring, it is gorgeous!! And congrats on the award, YOU are fabulous!!!

  19. I have never seen your ring before, it is SO beautiful! Loved reading your lists!

  20. I love tags! It's so fun learning new things about my favorite bloggers!

  21. what a great list! and girl, your ring is BEAUTIFUL!

    congrats on the tag :)

  22. lady we ARE SO SO ALIKE IT IS MADDNESS!!! and your engagement ring is just oh so gorgeous!!! congratulations on the awards!!! i am SO SO bad at sending them out...uggg!!! but yey for them!

  23. I love your ring--B did such a wonderful job. Thanks for the award, I'll get right on it. I love my boys also, Phillip and Roman Noodle...they're fabulous. :)

  24. thank you for coming by my blog and leaving such sweet comments! love your blog!

  25. that was a fun post!! i loved seeing your ring (b.e.a.u.tiful) and your bedroom (SO cute)....

    I am also SO pumped for fall...this just started like, today!!

  26. Your ring is just gorgeous!! I love reading these kinds of posts. :)

  27. i'm pretty sure i would be lost without target!! it's a daily stop for me! and life without my boys (and girl) would be torture!! loved your lists!

  28. I can see why that ring would be one of your most prized possessions-he did a great job on that! And about the blankie...haha don't feel alone; I made a quillow (cross between a quit that folds into a pillow for traveling I suppose) in 9th grade home ec class....and still sleep with it to this day! It's just my favorite blanket even if it does look like it's had it's better days! I don;t know it keep me the perfect temp while I sleep-weird I know!

  29. I just realized how uneducated I sounded in the post above...forgive me but the comments box needs to have a spell check to catch typos!

  30. Congrats on all the awards! :)
    And I am in love with your ring!

  31. YAY! congratulations on the awards! and your ring is simply beautiful!

  32. Love your ring, it looks a lot like mine! Target = Best store ever!

  33. congratulations on your awards!!!

    and i am MAD for those morning star burgers, too! LOVE THEM!!! sometimes i eat them for breakfast! YUM!

  34. Congrats on the award! And you have me SO wanting to try that pomegranate tea! I love anything pom! :) Your ring is GOR.GEOUS!!! Good post, lady! :)

  35. And omg.. you once said you've used tanning lotion at home.. what was it?! I tried Jergens and the smell was too much for me. Do you use something different? :) Help needed from your getting-paler-by-the-second- friend. :)

  36. Congrats on the awards and we have a lot in common! Fall is by far my favorite season and I love Target. Your ring is so pretty :)

    That Arizona tea sounds really good!

  37. I love your list. It's very happy!!!

  38. I absolutely LOVE your ring! I don't think I have seen it before.... or if I have, I have forgotten how pretty it is!

  39. I love your ring!!

  40. Beautiful ring & bedroom! Also I had to Lol @ the blankie thing. I still have my baby blanket hiding in a basked in our nightstand.. lol :)

  41. Congrats on the award!

    Your ring is stunning!

  42. Your ring is gorgeous!! I also love Morningstar Farms stuff, the spicy black bean burgers are my fave! And, I sleep with a blanket too :) Except that mine is actually a baby blanket! haha, I'm okay with admitting it :)

  43. Okay so I love the Ring! Beautiful! I love the bedroom!!! Great post!

  44. Honestly, I think we may be sistahs from anothe mistah;) Fall is my favorite, I live off Grillers, I'm obsessed with my engagement ring AND Arizona's Promegranate Gree Tea...and I have a "blankie" that I've had for life. Great minds think alike:)


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