
Monday, December 13, 2010

18 inches of snow later...

What a snowy weekend we had here in Minnesota!
I have lived in the state for 15 years and never experienced a blizzard like that.
Plows pulled off the road, gas stations closed, Mall of America closed, the Metrodome collapsed...
It was crazy.

Friday I was off work early so I ran a couple errands, including the grocery store where everyone else seemed to be.  Only problem, the store only had 4 checkout lines open, madness.
 The lines were so long and took forever to get through.
Once I was home Friday evening I didn't leave until Sunday evening. 
It was nice to be at home the entire weekend.
The house was cleaned from top to bottom and all laundry is cleaned and put away.

On Friday night I decided to make something with this pretty glitter....

and these clear ornaments...
Cullen needs some ornaments for his Christmas tree for next year!
mod podge
pretty glitter

glitter was/is everywhere!!
what's Christmas without some glitter though...

I think they turned out pretty good although I think I'll be buying the rest of his ornaments! ;)

I hope everyone had a great weekend!!


  1. Those are adorable, I might have to steal the idea! It was crazy here, my older two loved playing in the 4 foot mounds of snow in our yard! Boo to the dome and all the craziness of the Vikes game getting played tonight instead and in Detroit! Glad you had some fun with glitter, it is always so messy but so pretty :)

  2. you're so creative! I've been seeing the dome collapse on t.v., crazy! Glad you were able to stay inside!

  3. Such a crafty Mama!! They came out super cute. Hope you guys don't have any trouble with all that snow. =)

  4. Those turned out gorgeous! Glad ya'll are safe inside!

  5. I LOVE the oranaments. One can never have to much glitter in their life :) Happy Holidays.

  6. Crazy all that snow you got!!!!!!!! But makes for a nice and cozy warm weekend inside!!! And those ornaments are precious!!

  7. that glitter is ammmmazing! my husband would absolutely flip though. he cannot stand the stuff and freaks out if it gets anywhere in the house! haha

  8. those came out soooo cute! was it a messy project? i'm guessing it could be contained though if you rolled the ornaments in a bowl or tray. i saw another ornament DIY somewhere where they took clear ornaments like that, but filled them with sequins!

  9. That is a ton of snow! Stay warm girl!! And, I love the ornaments you made!

  10. sooo cute! I love Marthas glitter!!!

  11. Aw very cute!! Glad you stayed safe and warm, girlie! My friend in Minn posted a fbook photo of herself sitting atop a MOUNTAIN of snow! I was like "ohgosh!" Crazy!!!!

  12. What a great idea! Hmmmm, I just might be making some of those for next year. Give me something to do while on Maternity leave till the little man gets here. They turned out ADORABLE!

  13. The ornaments are adorable..I'm sure the little guy will love them!

  14. I'm glad you stayed inside and safe this weekend!!! What a fun craft to pass the time and they turned out fantastic!!! XOXO

  15. oh I saw the dome! I woke up Sunday to hubs telling me it collapsed. that's crazy! The ornaments look great!

  16. this is so cuuuute! i love the name Cullen! :)

  17. those ornaments are so cute. i can't imagine all that snow. we hardly ever see snow in Louisiana!

  18. The footage of the dome collapsing was crazy! I'm so glad no one was injured; could you imagine if there was a game! Your ornaments are so pretty and sparkly.

  19. ive always heard that the snow could be brutal in minnesota...

  20. 18 inches?! Holy moly thats a lot of snow! Stay warm over there! Love the ornaments!

  21. Those are so cute!!! I love them, you did a great job. Glad you stayed safe inside!

  22. Can't believe all the snow you guys are getting!! Stay safe...and warm love!!

    PS- Love the ornaments!! You so crafty like that:)

  23. What a cute idea for the ornaments! I think they turned out super cute! I will have to get a hold of some glitter and the balls and maybe just let the girls go at it!!

  24. Just popped on over to see that you are expecting! CONGRATS! Where have I been? SO happy for you! HUGS

  25. You're so creative! They turned out so cute! I'm so lazy. I always convince myself it would just be easier to go buy things I know I could make. Lazy I tell you!

  26. Super cute!! I wish I was crafty!

  27. I love these ornaments! I wish I had more time before Christmas! I would make these as gifts if I had the time!

  28. that's so much snow! we got about 4, maybe 5 inches and that's a lot to us. i could never imagine 18 inches of snow. i love those ornaments. they turned out great!

  29. Reading this gives me total déjà vu to the freakish snowstorms we had in PA last year. We were absolutely buried. It did force me to get lots done around the house though ;)

    You’re so crafty and I absolutely love your pretty glitter ornaments. I love the one you made for Cullen. So sweet!

    I hope that snow melts for you soon!

  30. These are so cute! You did awesome!

  31. that is so neat! I need to get my creative juices flowin

  32. omg i love these!!! so cute!


  33. I heard about all that crazy snow you guys got!
    Those ornaments are beautiful! It's going to be a gorgeous tree!

  34. Crazy snow! It's just been raining here for dayssssss, I wish we had snow:-)

    Love your project! They turned out super cute, gotta love modge podge!

  35. I thought of you when I heard how much snow Minnesota was getting!! We got some but nothing compared to you!!

    Everything you touch turns out so perfect!! I am so lovin those ornaments!! Cullen will love those next year!!

  36. those turned out SO cute!!! I LOVE Martha Stewart's SO pretty! But you're sticks everywhere FOREVER. :) These are just precious though!

  37. Nice work girl! I love glitter but I am always hesitant to play with it, I am proud of you for going all out! Looks gorgeous.


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