
Tuesday, December 14, 2010


  i forget that everything happens for a reason...
sometimes, i'm a negative person...
wishing to be more optimistic.

i let little things get to me...

i stress about things i shouldn't stress about...

because life is not always easy...
or seem fair.

in those times...

i'm thankful i have a husband who is...
in almost any and every situation.
he keeps me level headed.
and reminds me...
that things always work out.

i'm a realist & he is a dreamer...
we even each other out.

our life is a roller coaster...
we just take the ride day by day...
today is a good day.
happy 4 months to my one and only!
i will love you forever...

holiday photos found on photobucket and weheartit


  1. Happy 4 Months! LOVE the pictures! :-)

  2. Happy 4 Month Anniversary!!! XOXO

  3. this is so cute Annie! I love all the wintery pics. U guys are adorbs!

  4. That was so cute! And I love the last picture

  5. awwww, so sweet! I am the same way (though I am more of the dreamer and he the realist, but I still worry and he keeps me sane, haha)! That pic is so sweet and beautiful! :)

  6. It's funny because Brandon and I balance each other out too.... :) Makes life so much happier! Happy 4 months!

  7. Aw Happy 4 months!
    I'm much more a realist and my bf is a dreamer. We both get on each others nerves sometimes because we just don't get where the other is coming from!

  8. *smiles* Happy Four Months! :)

  9. so precious!@ happy 4 and many, many more!

  10. Happy 4 months! You will be celebrating a year like us before you know it. Thanks for the sweet comments on our decor, I try! :)

  11. Such a beautiful post! It is so true too! (Especially about the negativity part and letting little things get to me - I do that all the time).

    xo M

  12. That is us exactly! I'm a realist that sees things exactly as they are and he's the dreamer! But, it works! Happy 4 months!

  13. All of those pictures are absolutely gorgeous. Happy Anniversary Gorgeous!


  14. beautiful post! I never would have thought you to be a stresser, you're so good at reminding me to relax! :-)

  15. I feel the same way. Just happy to have a boy that loves me and a great family. AND the cutest dog ever

  16. congrats!

    i'm the same way... i stress about things that i shouldn't. my boyfriend is always telling me everything will work out.

  17. happy 4 months girl!! love the post :]

  18. aw, I love this... Happy four months to you all :)

  19. i can't believe it's already been four months. time has flown by lately! congrats, sweetie! you and your hubby seem to be such a perfect match for each other. =)

  20. I love these reminders...something that I'm trying to remember right now. Thanks for the inspiration to blog something like this tonight.

    Happy 4 months!!

  21. Yay, Happy 4 Months!!

    You and your husband sound A LOT like me and my husband!! ;)

  22. I feel like I was shaking my head in agreement through this whole post. Some times I can be such a downer but hubs always tries to pick me up and think of the best case scenario's.

  23. SO SO sweet!!!! LOVE the pictures!!!!! :)

  24. You always appear so postiive and happy on your blog! :)
    My husband is almost always happy and sees the positive in everything..which is NOT me, so It is nice to have a partner who can even you out :) You are lucky.

  25. I love this! Happy 4 mos. The holiday photos are fantastic.

  26. What an adorable post! Happy 4 months! Has it really only been 4 mos?! With baby C on the way it seems like the wedding was ages ago already!

  27. Awww I love those pictures! What a cute post. Happy 4 months!

  28. Happy 4 Months to you two! I know what you mean about having a husband who balances you out. It truly makes a difference. Are you getting pretty excited about having a baby? I know that's a stupid question, but are you nervous at all? My husband and I are thinking about trying soon and I am nervous, a little! Were you! Love that we follow so many of the same blogs, I always see your comments. You are a sweet girl :)

  29. Happy Anniversary friend!! You are such a gorgeous bride. I just love your pictures!

  30. beautiful post! happy 4 month anniversary!

  31. Wow. I loved this post. So beautiful. You had me hanging on to every word.... your hubby I bet just adored this. Happy 4 months to you both!... and since I had to play catch up, you look SO amazing prego mama! Basically half-way there, that is so crazy!! Have a great weekend!

  32. Happy 4 months to you and Billy! It goes by so quickly!!

  33. I love everything that you said girl and love the wedding pic! BK and I are very much a dreamer (me) and he is the realist. :) Hope you are doing well!


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