
Thursday, January 6, 2011

24 Weeks...

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 24 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby C is the size of a papaya.
Around 12 inches and weighing 1.2 pounds.
Total Weight Gain: If the gym scale is the same as the scale at the doctors, I’m up 19 pounds!
I was a bit shocked at that number but I’m fine with it.
All I want is a healthy baby boy! :)
Maternity Clothes: Still wearing a mix of everything, some maternity and some regular.
Gender: BOY!! Baby Cullen!!
Movement: It’s different every day, sometimes I get super nervous because I don’t feel him for hours then he reminds me he’s still hanging out in there.
Sleep: Sleep is still great, when my hubby isn’t snoring (he wouldn’t like if I told ya’ll that though). Ha! He doesn’t believe me that he snores and he is like a hibernating bear to wake up. If I can get him to sleep on his side then all is good. I have to sleep on my side so he should too ;) In the past week, he’s called me bossy and mean for waking him up. Haha! He never even remembers me waking him or talking to me.
What I miss: Nothing.
Cravings: Still sweets all the time but I’m trying to cut back on my major sugar intake and eat healthier.
Symptoms: The bus had been making me feel really sick in the mornings so I started packing water and a few pretzels to munch on and it seems to have done the trick. And I am so glad; it would not be pretty if I threw up all over myself on a bus full of people.
What I’m looking forward to: Our next appointment which is in a week!!! I can’t wait to see Culley!

I started working out again, 4 days ago. I’ve been alternating days between the shred and cardio max. Yesterday I went to the gym and did the shred. I plan to keep going to the gym. The exercise is good for me and baby C.
When I do the shred and cardio max DVD’s I change up some of the exercises and I never push myself to do anything I don’t feel comfortable doing.
pics for the week…
today i'm wearing leggins, with light gray knee high stockings and my gray naughty monkey boots.
and a big comfy gray shirt, the inside feels like a sweatshirt. i love it.
such a comfy warm winter outfit.
side views... 

Billy was working a hockey tournament out of town last weekend and he brought home this adorable bib! 
Isn’t it just too cute?!
The hockey stick has our last name on it!


  1. eeek look at your tummy! So cute!!!

    My next appointment is Thursday the 13. I am so excited.

    I have absolutely no desire for sweets, but I am craving salt (weird because I usually don't like salt.)

    Can't wait to hear how your appt goes!!!

  2. I love your bump and your winter outfit!

  3. You look so good!! Good luck with your appointment!

  4. Oh I love that outfit and where did you get the comfy sweater? Keep up with the workouts, you'll be SO happy you did. If I didn't have my workouts, I'd go insane! Now that I'm towards the end, I go for 2 long walks a day don't wanna risk going into labor at the gym haha

  5. Girl you look amazing! Love love that bib! Super cute.

  6. You have the cutest little baby bump!!! :)

  7. You look amazing!!!

  8. Great pictures & cute baby bump!

  9. You lok so great. I love to hear about your workouts. Cute bib! Good Dad!

  10. I love the bib!
    And you look so good! I'm curious where the sweater and socks are from

  11. You're so stinkin cute!! I love the boots and socks over leggings! And I don't know where your 19lbs is hiding. All belly :)
    The bib is adorable too. So cute that hubby was thinking ab baby Cullen.

  12. You look so cute! Love your sweater and that bib

  13. I'm the same way about my little man moving! Last night when I was falling asleep he wasn't kicking like normal and I started getting worried. I was jiggling my belly trying to get him to do something. This morning after some cheerios he was back to normal. I really like having someone only a day apart from me! But its so funny I'll see your post that says 24 weeks and think wow! It is going by so fast but I feel like it is also taking forever! Sounds like our hubbies have similar sleeping habits. I wake mine up and tell him to cuddle me, gets him to sleep on his side and stop snoring in a nice way :) Love the bib and your belly pics! I need to start walking again after we move in a week. You get to see him again? I'm jealous! Not sure if we will get to see ours again until he arrives!

  14. Love the bib and you look adorable!!

  15. Girl, you look SO great! I only hope I look that good when I get pregnant someday!

  16. You look like a pregnancy model!! All baby bump, nothing else. So cute!!

  17. Little Papaya... keep growing and growing!! :)

  18. You look WONDERFUL as always dear!!!

  19. I love that he thought about it in the midst of the tourney! He is going to be the best daddy ever!

    p.s. you are such a hottie pa tottie!!!

  20. These are my favorite posts! You still look amazing hun!

    I should really start shredding again... Jillian scares me sometimes though and I end up cursing at her

  21. Awww your so cute! I say that every time I comment but you are! :) Adorable little bib love the boots I forgot I have the same pair. I need to bust them out.

  22. Oh my goodness, I am 10 weeks behind you and look 10x bigger!!! I was also thinking about starting my shred DVD back up along with the cardio max. I have ZERO energy though. Have a great appt, can't wait for your next update!

  23. You just look too gorgeous! You better have tons of babies because pregnancy suits you well!

  24. Sounds like you are doing great! I too deal with a man who will only sleep silently on his "good side". It drives me nuts, so I can't imagine what it would be like being pregnant, trying to sleep comfortably, and that. Hang in there girl. You look amazing!

  25. Props to you mama...I can barely workout and I'm not pregnant:)

    PS- Looking GREAT!!!

  26. Yay for the doctors appointment in a week!!! The ultra-sounds are amazing aren't they? Pregnancy looks good on you.

  27. Love the bib- and name!!! Not sure if I told you that before!
    You are all belly girl- lucky you- I looked so big everywhere--but they say if you are having a girl you feel ugly b/c the girl sucks all the pretty out you- who know if it's true--LOL

    Hang in there- you look amazing!! Have a great weekend!

    If you have an Itouch or i-phone download this app it's a godsend
    called baby brain-- I would be lost without it- Trust me get this!!
    It tracks everything plus you can print info take to dr office -at well baby visits when baby Cullen arrives

  28. Your tum is adorable. I am amazed that you can still do the shred...way to go!!

  29. You are the cutest mommy to be ever!!!! Love the new bib!!! And Cullen will love it too!!! XOXO

  30. You are adorible! Ive been reading so much about this lil man cant wait to meet him on the blog when he gets here :)

  31. you seriously look so amazing! i hope i'm half as cute as you when i'm preggers! i can't wait for the little guy and oh my! the little bib is perfect! cullen's a lucky boy. hope you're feelin great! xo mama

  32. I basically want your entire outfit and you look SO tall in that pic! Looking good mama it doesn't look like you've gained a pound, pregnancy definitely agrees with you!

  33. You're seriously a hot pregnant lady! You look great. I'm inlove with your hair. And I like the name Cullen you picked.
    Hope your feeling well

  34. I tell you every time you post pictures how adorable you are - and I really mean it! Don't worry about the weight gain, I gained A LOT more than expected for twins, but my doctor was more concerned with me gaining steadily and how my blood pressure was than how much I actually gained. Don't read the things that tell you how much you're "supposed" to gain. And PS, I'm getting those Naughty Monkey boots after I posted about them and you said you liked yours. I just have to wait for my swelling to go down.

  35. hot mama!!! love your updates!!


  36. There is no way possible you have gained 10 pounds. I don't even believe it!

  37. Your little bump is so darn cute!! I love the name you have choosen for you baby! It's so original

  38. Looks like you are doing SO well!! :-)

  39. look SO great!! If you have gained 19 pounds...I have NO idea where you are hiding it!!

  40. You don't look like you've even gained 10 lbs...but 19? Where? You look totally adorable.

  41. Oh my, you do NOT look like you've gained 19 pounds . . . you're so tiny still!

  42. I think you might be the cutest pregnant girl ever!

  43. you look so gorgeous pregnant annie and i love the bib, glad you posted it on fb and here too! :) aww, too funny about the hubs snoring, bk snores too and rotating him unto his side always does the trick! ;)

  44. Annie you look too cute pregnant girl. So beautiful. Love the bib, teaching him hockey early! :)

  45. I love your outfit!! It is so perfect for winter!! I have a sweater similar to yours and it is my fav!! That bib is so adorable, I just love when my hubby suprises me with gifts for baby!! It shows how excited they really are!! Have a great day Annie!

  46. You look so stinkin' cute! You are the pregnant woman I envy! :) It won't be long now before your sweet boy arrives!!

  47. You are too cute! You're like 3 weeks ahead of me and I'm as big as you are! I love that Billy surprised you with a bib :-) It's precious!

  48. That bib is adorable.. I love your boots!! You're still soooo tiny!!

  49. You are too cute and still so tiny. That bib is awesome.


  50. I love your boots and the bib for your little man. You're looking great!

  51. 19lbs my arse! you look fantastic...don't know where you're hiding it! lovin the boots and leggings!

    ok did i know ur having a boy? congrats...i'm out of the loop! i guess i assumed im the only one sporting a dude...glad to know he's not alone! haha

  52. You look great & I am so happy to hear that you aren't stressing about the # of pounds that you have gained. 1st of all you look amazing & secondly it doesn't really & baby Cullen are hungry so eat :)

    I am with you on the sweets & working out though, I am starting back on our treadmill today & have finally gotten a grip on my sweet tooth!!

  53. ohh!!! you look pretty!! :) im a new follower!!

    look my blog and if you like it, follow me!

    xx :)


  54. AGH! You are so flippin' adorable!! I was sooo lazy when I was pregnant with both of the girls. You would never have seen me working out so good for you!! Love that bib, so cute!

  55. girl I think is the first time when you actually LOOK pregnant! you're adorable, love it! Pregnant looks good on you! And my husband is the same way, snores awful but denies it. Gets mad at me in the middle of the night when I shove him and make him roll over, though has no recollection of it the next morning! lol

  56. you look so adorable annie!! cute to read your lil pregnancy updates :)
    i love the cardio max dvd too! my favorite part is Bob's workout. he's so hilarious

  57. You are so awesome to work out! I was a lazy butt and NEVER DID! You'll be surprised how fast the weight falls off after (especially if you decide to nurse), it's amazing.

  58. I would love looove to workout when (if) i get pregnant someday I think it is such a great great thing for you to do for yourself and you little one!


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