
Thursday, April 7, 2011

37 Weeks...

How Far Along: 37 Weeks!
Full term!

Size of baby: Baby C is around 19 inches long and weighing around 6.4 pounds

Total Weight Gain: 34 pounds!

Maternity Clothes: Still wearing a mix of everything, although mostly maternity. Just regular jeans.

BOY!! Baby Cullen!!

Movement: His movements have slowed down a lot, I think this is because he FINALLY flipped!
Pretty sure he did this on Tuesday evening, I was SO uncomfortable that evening.
I've read that he should still be moving a lot but that's not the case, makes me a little worried.

Sleep: Sleep is still pretty good. I love sleep :)

What I miss: Nothing.

Cravings: Nothing in particular.

Symptoms: Still having braxton hicks, although not very often.  I have some ligament pain and sharp pains down there at times as well.  After sitting for an hour or two and then standing to walk, it's a bit uncomfortable but that's expected.  Cramping has started as well, not often or for long periods of time though.

What I’m looking forward to:
Meeting our little man!!!
We had a doctor appt this morning and doc said Cullen is flipped and could come at anytime now!!
I'm so excited!! I have no nervous feelings (yet).
We have our hospital tour this Saturday.

weekly fuzzy phone pics...
 not sure how i can look tired, i slept for 11 hours!

 other pics...
can he build it?!

and daddy did it, new addition to the living room.
billy was not happy that i was making fun of him because the first time he attached the swing it was pretty much upside down! haha!!

i put together the bouncy seat...
love the addition of this blankie on the chair!
the off-centered pillow in the pic is bothering me ;)

the dresser has finally arrived!!
and it's packed to the max ;)
and i bought 30 more hangers, they are all full!

our bags are both packed! we're ready for our little man...
i got the taggie blankie here from etsy.

lastly, gus is super excited to meet his little brother too!


  1. You look so good! :) Isn't it weird to see all the baby stuff taking over your house?! Just wait!! :)

  2. AHH!!! It's almost time!!! How exciting!!! You still look amazing too! I love all of Cullen's fun personalized accessories too. Doesn't it make everything so real when all of the baby stuff gets put together and organized. YAY!!!

  3. OMG Congrats to making it to full term!! You look fantastic! I'm exactly 5 weeks behind you and I hope I'll be able to sleep 11 hours then, too! I can't wait to see pics of Cullen soon!! :)

  4. Holy cow - 37 weeks already? He is going to be here before you know it! Ahh, I'm so excited for you guys! You are just going to LOVE motherhood, it's amazing!

    I'm totally LMAO right now, I had when I take pic and notice that something is out of place like a crooked pillow! Ha ha! We are very much alike...I can just tell!!!

  5. YAY for full term! That's so exciting!

    We have our hospital tour this Saturday too, but I'm 31 weeks :)

  6. you look great! happy full term! scary to know our little ones could show up anyday! and im really not nervous yet either - but ive got my childbirth class this saturday - i guarantee ill be nervous after i learn all about the birthing process. lol.

  7. That's so exciting he could come any minute. he is going to be the most adorable little thing!

  8. Looking great! SOOOOO CLOSE! I can't wait for you to have him!

  9. You look fabulous! Can't believe you're full term already - WOW!

  10. Annie, I only hope I look as great as you when it's my turn. I am so excited for you and Billy... & Gus. Time is ticking... Yay!

  11. yay for full term!! You look awesome, you are all baby!!!

  12. No lie, I hope I can look half as good as you pregnant!! Can't wait to meet baby C!!!

  13. It all looks so good! Love the blanket on the chair! Your dog is too cute! :)

  14. Yay for making it to full term. He is welcome any day now :-) Get ready for your life to be changed... in an awesome way!

  15. you look AWESOME!!! I'm so excited for you! The home stretch!!

  16. You look precious! Enjoy these next few weeks.

  17. Love the little blankie with his name! You look great as always. Cannot believe he is almost here :)

  18. EKKKKKKKK! I cant wait to "see" him. I am SO excited for you!

  19. The movement slows and changes. Don't worry. You have cramps? Yours might come first!

  20. Holy Moly! I can't believe you are already at 37 weeks. I am so excited to see pictures of him!

    Also as far as movement goes...just listen to your intuition. You'll be able to tell if anything is wrong.

  21. I know you've probably told us before, but where did you get your diaper bag? It is super cute!

  22. You are just such a doll!!! I have been so behind on my blogs! I cannot believe you are so close to delivery!! I cannot wait to finally meet this precious little boy!

    About a week or so after Savannah flipped to the downward position I went into labor!!! :)

  23. how exciting! he's almost here:) and you look awesome!

  24. Congrats, you are ALMOST THERE!! I remember my hubs putting together the same swing...he was annoyed to say the least haha!! Enjoy your last few days/weeks of pregnancy and GOOD LUCK!!

  25. I GIGGLED when I saw that picture of Gus smiling, he's going to be a great big brother and big helper Mommy. Hehe. Your going to be a great mommy, as I've already said that but really you seem like a very sweet person. Wish we lived closer bc I'd sure greet lil Cullin with a warm welcome home. Can't believe It's almost that time. Hang in there and have a great weekend.

  26. First of all, I'm JEALOUS, JEALOUS, JEALOUS that you are sleeping so well...I'm lucky to get 4-5 hours! But isn't it the most wonderful feeling being full term! I go to the dr. in the am and I'm hoping he'll tell me good news! Hopefully Emmalee will be here next week!!!!!

  27. I just think this is all SO SO SO exciting!

    You look amazing, and I loved the shower pics too!

    I am anxiously anticipating the "he's here!" post.


  28. Good luck with everything! You've bought such cute furniture for him!

  29. Oh, you look just gorgeous! I'm so excited for you Annie! Being a mommy is so tough and rewarding!

  30. Wow-- your little man will be here before you know it!! Loving all the sweet baby boy stuff!

  31. Congrats on making it to full term!!! So excited for you! Can't wait to hear about his arrival!!!

  32. How are you sleeping for 11 hours? SO JEALOUS!

    I think it's normal for the baby to move less. It's less kicking and more stretching. I can feel when Henry will stretch out but only if I'm not doing anything else. So maybe you are just too busy to notice the stretches?

  33. You look amazing! I can only dream that I look that wonderful when I'm pregnant, ha!

  34. I can't believe it's almost time!! yay!!

  35. I can't believe you are almost there- boy does time fly bye--
    You look great btw-- Cullen one lucky baby to have a mommy like you- take it easy girl!

  36. everything looks great! especially your hair lol

  37. I AM SOOOO EXCITED FOR YOU ANNNNIE! I cant wait to see your lil nugget! Hes gonan be one handsome boy! With such a gorgeous momma and studly papa! The nursery looks fab! I love it all :)
    xoxo Inna :)

  38. We have that same bouncy seat...I don't know how you did it, but I almost gave up and threw it at the wall! Haha! I'm jealous of the new gray color scheme they have out now, ours is boring tan.

  39. You look adorable! :) Sounds like everything is coming along great.. you don't have too much longer! How exciting! The baby stuff is too cute.. loving his nursery!

  40. girl, you FINALLY look pregnant! :)

  41. Ahhh full term!!! So so exciting! You look fantastic! Looks like you guys are all ready to go! Come on Cullen!

  42. BEAUTIFUL PICTURES!! Congrats. New follwer :) xoxoxo.

  43. I think you still look so tiny for full term!! Way to go on still looking so good!! So excited for you and he could be here ANY DAY NOW! Hopefully he doesnt take after Anika and arrive late on you :)

  44. You must be one of the best looking 37 weeks pregnant momma's I've seen! You make pregnancy look GOOD! And isn't baby stuff the best??

  45. How exciting!!! It's getting so close now!

  46. you'll love the swing & bouncy seats---such lifesavers!!
    ps--have you entered my giveaway?

  47. How exciting....can't wait to see his lil face.

  48. Nice article, thanks for the information.

  49. You are so tiny. I can hardly believe you've gained that much weight. I gained that much with my first one but of course, it was obvious. It's in NO way obvious with you. You are all baby and you look GREAT here.


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