Pregnancy Highlights…
How Far Along: 13 Weeks
Size of baby: baby is the size of a peach
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 2-3 lbs
(this is a guess)
I have an appt next Wednesday and then I’ll know just how much I’ve really gained
Maternity Clothes: None yet.
Gender: We do know the sex! The reason is because this past Monday we went to see an ultrasound tech that is amazing at what he does. He told us the sex and said he would reimburse us for anything we bought if he was wrong. He also said if he had any doubts, he wouldn’t have told us. We have friends that have gone to him and he knew the sex of both of their babies around the 12-13 week point as well. He didn’t mess up with them ;) He explained to us the exact ways he knows if it is a girl or a boy.
Stretch marks: None
Movement: Nothing yet.
Sleep: Sleep is great and I just love sleeping!!
What I miss: Caffeine to get me through long work days. I’m perfectly fine on the weekends but sitting at a desk all day makes me a tad bit bored at times and my eyes have a hard time staying open.
Cravings: This past week and I haven’t had any cravings BUT the entire first 11-12 weeks all I craved was SWEETS!! I had been eating candy like crazy and getting a giant cinnamon roll for breakfast every morning! The gas station near our home fresh bakes goodies every day and their cinnamon rolls are to die for! Their cookies and muffins aren’t too bad either ;)
It was out of the ordinary for me because I’m usually not a huge sweets fan.
Symptoms: I have not gotten sick or felt nauseous at all, I feel very blessed! At times I’m exhausted and feel like I could lay on the floor and just fall asleep but otherwise all has been great. My face doesn’t really care for all the extra oily skin but I think I’ve got that under control now. I’ve been lucky my whole life and never had acne or anything close to it so when my face broke out a time or two I kind of freaked out and didn’t know what to do. All is good now though.
Best Moment this week: Seeing baby, hearing baby’s heartbeat and finding out the sex!!! Billy and I were amazed at how much changed in 5 weeks. Baby went from looking like nothing to looking like a complete baby! Baby kicked, rolled, stretched, sucked its thumb and was so incredibly active the entire 30 minutes we watched. We could’ve sat there all day and just stared at our little one!! It was the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen.
At the appt I was 12 weeks 4 days and baby was measuring ahead already at 13 weeks 2 days. Baby was 6 cm long. Baby is healthy and I’m a happy momma.
What I'm looking forward to? Everything!!! Movement, our next ultrasound, buying anything and everything baby…
We have been blessed with having amazing doctors and nurses to work with. Everyone is beyond friendly and they have all the answers to any questions and they are just full of helpful information.
I have taken a few pictures of myself but my tummy doesn’t look really any different yet so I think I’ll wait to show pictures. After I eat meals I usually look like I’m about 6 months pregnant but in the morning my tummy is flat, it’s so weird!
I will share the gender of baby very soon, I promise! I want to get our ultrasound pictures scanned in to show you all our little one and I’ll tell the sex then!! :) I love reading what your guesses are though!
THANK YOU all so much for all the LOVE!!! The comments I received yesterday were just the sweetest ever! I loved them all and Billy read them last night :)
My blog isn't going to turn into an everything baby blog but the next few posts will probably be all about baby. Since I've waited a while to share the news, I have lots to share now!