Finally a post on our Christmas Festivities :)
*warning there are a lot of pics and this is a looooong post*
Our pretty tree with all the gifts...

Christmas Eve - Billy had to work so I spent the day around the house cleaning and doing laundry. We went to his sisters house around 5:00. For his side of the family it's his parents, his sister and her husband and their two kids Lo is 5 and Jordy is 7, then us. They decided this year that we weren't going to exchange presents, it was going to be all about the kids. So we brought Billy's niece and nephew each 4 presents to open. Of course the kiddos wanted to open presents first thing so they ripped in to the gifts ;) I forgot my camera at home that night so I don't have any pics of the kids. They were darling as always and loved their gifts. After presents the adults hung out at the table and I played baby dolls with Lo for the next hour. Fun times, I was a doctor for a while, then we took our babies to the mall and the zoo...haha! Maybe next year we'll have our own baby and I won't be playing dolls all night ;) Although playing with his niece was quite entertaining, esp when she brought her baby to the doctor and told me the baby had diarrhea! haha!! His sister cooked us a delicious meal of chicken alfredo lasagna, ham and a few salad side dishes, everything was so yummy!! We had a wonderful night with his family :)
Christmas Day - We slept in and were told by my mom late in the morning to come whenever because the food was all ready. We decided to let Gus open his presents, he gets so excited. It's so cute watching him try to get his new "babies" out....
Gussy with his head in the bag....
baby in his mouth before off the package....

penguin in the mouth....

Gus in his new snuggie....
We went over to my parents house around noon and started playing games right away. We played some Wii bowling and then Would You Rather while snacking. If you haven't ever played Would Your Rather, I totally suggest it. It was a lot of fun and we played for 2 hours and didn't even realize how quick the time went! After that game we had to have a Wii bowling tournament in the basement. My parents haven't had a big tv in over a year so it was a big deal for us all to be able to all play bowling again. I love playing that game, it never gets old. I think we were downstairs playing Wii for the next 3-4 hours, we totally lost track of time.

Finally we decided around 9:00 to go upstairs and open presents. My brothers friend randomly showed up at the house so they talked for a while, then my parents neighbors showed was 9:30 before the first present got opened. Also, we hadn't even eatten dinner yet. ha! So Dominic opens his first present and it's a snowman decorating kit from my Aunt, so they went outside to put the parts on the already built snowman.
my brother and Dom with Frosty...

Once they were back inside and all the guests left we finally played our gift exchange game!! It was around 10:00! Christmas this year was a bit different than years past but so much fun :)
Billy ended up with a Magic Bullet (which was put to good use the other night, he made me a blizzard!). I ended up with a serving platter and a fancy little vacuum to use on our hardwood floors, I love it! It was so strange not to exchange gifts with everyone this year. It was pretty much all about DOMINIC! :) Which was just perfect! He loved all his gifts. Here are a few pics...
Dominic riding Thomas....
"reading" the back of the book, we always get him a Christmas book....
Gma and Gpa got him a big safari set...
auntie Lexie got a head massager and Dominic loved it!
have any of you ever tried one of these things?
i thought it felt really creepy on my head!
B playing with D and the new safari....
i'm not sure when, where or why Dom lost his pj's! ha!

We did get a yummy dinner of french dips and au jus, around 11....twas scrumptious ;)
here are some random pictures from throughout the night
me and my boo, he sure looks handsome...

my parents :)

my brother and his fiance Gina...

Dom having fun with uncle Billy....

nothing new here, Dom and Joey fighting....

mom with her beer and it's cute koozie, ha....

Dominic being a ham, dancing for us...

Billy and I didn't exchange gifts this year either so that was different....this year everything was different about Christmas but it was still WONDERFUL!!! I am just happy I got to spend so much time with our families and enjoy everyone's company! We had so much fun with everyone!
If you are still with me here, you can go ahead and pat yourself right on the back....
Have a great Wednesday everyone!