doesn't it seem like the days/weeks just go quicker and quicker as each year passes?!?
time quite literally just flies by.
what we've been up to the past few days....
my mom came over to visit and watch the survivor finale.
when she was leaving we went outside with gus.
the neighbor dog just happened to come running out at the same time and took our poor little gus right down. the neighbor dog is a 60 pound black lab, gus weighs 9 pounds.
she flipped him over and pinned him.
her owner pulled the dog off of gus really quick and gus just ran up to the front door.
it all happened so quick.
we thought he was just shook up and scared because he could still walk and seemed ok.
we spent the rest of the night on the couch with him just relaxing.
my mom texted me around 10:30 saying my sister's dog heard a firework and took off and was nowhere to be found :(
gus wouldn't come out of his kennel.
i made breakfast and fed a little to gus and he ate.
i called the vet and made an appt for him.
brought him in a few hours later and she said he wasn't bit but was in a lot of pain so he was put on 2 pain meds.
the meds kicked in quick and he was doing much better.
i decided to tackle a project friday evening/ took me forever!
hanging frames on the wall above the desk in "billy's" office.

i need a long thin frame to go under the mirror still.
a few holes in the wall later, i got everything up.
i really SUCK at hanging stuff, ha!

i added a couple more things to this shelf unit...
it still needs some work and i want to paint those small green vases lime green.

and a couple things to the hutch...
2 picture frames and a jar...

we had a relaxing friday night just hanging at home.
sister's pup jo, is still missing.
they had checked the humane society, with the police, printed and hung fliers and made craigslist postings.
i woke up to a text from my mom saying my sister's pup had been found at 3 in the morning!
my sister woke up and just happened to open the front door and joey just walked in!!
my sister was out of town so she was nervous that her dog wouldn't be able to figure out where he was or make it back.
we are SO thankful he is okay!!
gus was doing much better, back to his normal self for the most part.
the meds he is on make him kind of sleepy.
i spent saturday cleaning the house and running lots of errands.
then we had company over around 5.
we sat on the deck and enjoyed some apps and a drink.
then we decided to go bowling.
it was a fun night :)
ended up cleaning again from the evening before.
grocery shopped.
ran a few other errands.
i was then very lazy and slept for 2 hours,
sometimes naps are needed!
gus and i spent sunday evening with my mom and her pup.
billy had hockey and my dad has been out of town the past few weeks and my sis has been gone as well.
my mom and i always have a million things to chat about so she made us a yummy dinner and we talked for 3 or so hours.
billy had hockey last night so i got a few other little projects done...
ceiling fan light covers needed some work.
i scrapped the old paint off...

spray painted a tan color...

mirror that was previously on our dresser....

spray painted black and will be hung in the living room...

$4 vase from goodwill....
was navy, now black and sitting on the office window ledge.

possible next project for the office...

i was bummed i missed RHNJ last night but have it on DVR.
when billy got home i made sloppy joes and corn on the cob.
we ate and watched curb your enthusiasm for the rest of the night.
while petting gus i felt something on his skin, i thought it was a tic.
turns out it was a bite mark :(
i'll be bringing our baby back to the vet today....
that post might be in the record book for my longest ever but i blog as a journal of mine and billy's life so i do what i gotta do ;)
i hope YOU are all doing WONDERFUL!! :)
i have A LOT of catching up to do!
p.s. i'll do a little wedding post tomorrow....the other news has to wait.