i have been taking more pics than normal since i have this fancy new phone ;) i love instagram and the different ways you can edit pics! so much fun!! here are some pictures from this past week that i've taken....
i finished wrapping all the presents, they are pretty much ALL for culley! the rest of the gifts are on the other side of the tree.
i took pics of culley with lights. i kept seeing others do this so i had to!!
culley and i haven't seen much of billy lately. he has been working extra long hours almost every day. we miss our daddy bear oh so much but of course appreciate all his hard work. one of his games was actually in our city on saturday! culley and i went to the hockey game and after we went to lunch with some hockey family friends. C played some skeeball, i guess he was just giggling like crazy because of all the fun red balls but of course once i went over by him with the camera he stopped ;)

me, just hanging....i have a lot of alone time so i get bored sometimes. i share what's on my mind with my twitter friends ;)
Culley turned 8 MONTHS on Wednesday!!! my how time flies! he is constantly on the move, he rolls everywhere...he was ready to get going right here hence the blurry pic ;) he leans to the side and boom, he's down and rollin...

this little toy plays christmas music & cullen is terrified of it!! especially the tail! he literally screamed at it the second he could see it. i found it humorous, that might make me a mean mom but come on, it's a cute stuffed animal. we only showed it to him a few times...
and now our poor lil culley bear has either his first cold or his teeth are really bothering him. stuffy nose, slight cough and he is just not a happy camper. wish i could take away his pain. it's so hard to see your baby suffer. he is happy one minute and crying the next. right now he is sitting next to me eating puffs and just hanging out :)
lastly, my ginger bread baby's cute lil booty....
love him to pieces!!!
well, christmas vacation just started and it is about C's bedtime so we are off to do jammie time and hop into bed for lots of cuddles!
i am starting a 10 day "vacation" ;) woo hoo!