these last 2 pics are from earlier in the day...

i love that little face!

* I had the best day off yesterday. Billy and I spent the whole day together which is really rare for us. We ran lots of errands in the morning, ate lunch at Ruby Tuesday, then spent 2 hours at Target! We bought lots of toys, Christmas presents for the kiddos in our life. Buying presents for others is so much fun! After that shopping extravaganza, we went home to rest. Then we went to my parent’s house for dinner. Billy played Scrabble with my parents and I watched Monsters Inc. with Dominic. He was such a ham, love that little dude!
* I ate much better this week.
* I will be going to the gym today and tomorrow, making that 4 days at the gym this week.
* Billy and I have been engaged for 6 months now!! We have not a single plan for a wedding. We are perfectly fine with this, we’re just happy to have each other.
* The hairwraps are taking off slowly on our Etsy site but Billy has worked some magic through hockey associations, selling custom hairwraps like hotcakes! Awesome for us! * My Dad did not get called back to work :( Please keep him in your T&P's to be called back asap!
* I will be babysitting the entire weekend. I am a little bummed about not having any alone time and not getting much time with my B. The extra $$ will be nice and I will be with my sister so that’s always fun ;)
* Totally behind on blogs but I’ll be catching up tonight and tomorrow. Billy has hockey both nights.
Have a great day/weekend my friends!! XO!
p.s. this idea is not originally mine, i barrow it from Kristen!
Last time Billy and I watched this show (he enjoys it as well).
He asked if the "kids" were really singing on the show.
I figured they were really performers and doing their own thang but I wanted to see their credentials ;)
I looked them up and sure enough they are all obviously talented!
They might not be singing live but they all still are great actors.
Matthew Morrison (age 31) plays Will
He has been in Hairspray on Broadway where he got his big break. He has also guest starred in CSI, As the World Turns and Law & Order.
my bb and i...
i didn't dress up for halloween but wanted to attempt to look cute ;)
my outfit inspiration for the evening...