do you ever smell something and it instantly takes you back to a time-place-exact location?
that happened to me last night and then i had a flood of memories.
some made me want to cry others made me think of the good ol' days of being a child.
i was laying in bed rather restless...
it was 11:30 and i could not fall asleep...
i smashed my face into my pillow and took a deep breath...
i smelt a certain smell...
it instantly took me back to my grandparents "toy room" from when i was little....
the toy room was their extra bedroom...
the smell was so right there with me it was almost unreal...
i could smell the exact scent from sheets from the bed in the toy room...
the sheets were floral and i can remember exactly what they looked like...
something like this....

it made me think of my childhood...
my family was very close and we would go to my grandparents house often...
i never got to know my grandma well,
she passed away when i was 11...
she got brain cancer when i was 6...
she fought a long very hard battle.
she was only 53 when she passed.
it broke my heart last night thinking about this...
my grandma passing was so hard on my mom...
i know it affected my entire family...
i couldn't imagine losing my mom at such a young age...
i don't think anyone can...
one other scent that always hits me like a ton of bricks is fresh flowers....

whenever i smell them i'm instantly brought back to my grandma's funeral...
it was the first time i'd experienced death as a child...
it was hard on me...
i had dreams almost every night about my grandma's funeral...
i didn't like falling asleep...
my parents moved out of the state we lived in a year after my grandma passed away...
i was halfway through 7th grade...
i'll continue on my childhood another day.
it's nice to reminisce at times :)
hope everyone is having a good week so far!
my sweet mom said that smelling that scent was just my grandma saying "hi" :)
i believe that and that made me cry.
happy tears of course.
p.s. thanks for all the dress comments and guesses!
i wont tell you which one i ordered.
but i will say it was NOT #2