I'm wondering what your secrets are.
Your secrets for potty training that is.
How does that sound to all you non-potty training people? ha!
I have not started potty training Cullen and actually do not plan to until the Fall.
We have waited and waited for Summer to arrive.
It's been cold, rainy, snowy, just plain gross here pretty much the past 7/8 months.
We are going to be spending the next 3 months outside.
That is if it warms up.
The rain and clouds have been here the past 5 days and will be here the rest of the week.
As soon as it's sunny and warm the last thing from my mind will be the stress on Cullen and I of potty training.
We are going to enjoy SUMMER to the fullest of our ability!!
We will be living at the pool and outside any and every day that we can.
That doesn't mean I'm not trying to plan ahead.
I would love to know any tips and tricks that any of you have to offer.
What worked for you?
I know nothing about potty training.
I received two big boxes from Earth's Best last week!
One was full of wipes.
One was full of wipes.
One was full of training pants/diapers! EEEK!!
At least we are stocked up!
These pics got the best of me, on my computer they show up facing correctly and on blogger they don't. I gave up. I'm sure you can tell that I received at least one months supply of wipes and training diapers!!
Here is a little bit of info from Earth's Best for you...
Did you know that a newborn urinates as many as 20 times a day?
A newborn’s diaper will need to be changed every 2-3 hours for the first few months?
The average baby will need at least 5,000 diapers changes before she is potty trained?
- All the more reason to reduce your baby’s environmental footprint with Earth’s Best products! All Earth’s Best diapers, training pants and wipes are chlorine free and made with renewable resources!
- Earth's Best Chlorine Free Disposable Diapers are available in seven sizes
(newborn through size 6)
Earth's Best Chlorine Free Baby Wipes are unscented and moistened with a gentle, natural lotion containing aloe vera and vitamin E. Choose from a pub-up tub, pop-up tub refill, travel pack or TOTS Flushable Wipes;
- Check out the Earth’s Best website for some helpful potty training tips and use Earth's Best Chlorine Free Potty Training Pants to make your child's transition out of diapers easy, fun and environmentally friendly!