This weekend was quite a mellow one for me.
I've been getting horrible headaches.
The ones where it's almost unbearable to have open eyes.
Needless to say I had one all day friday.
It was a little better by the time I got home from work.
My sister came over and we just hung out in my bed all night.
Being silly!
It was a lot of fun and it took the pain away from my head.
Billy had hockey that night and brought us home mcdonalds.
I hadn't had it in a long time...it was delicious. ha!
Saturday I woke up headache free and decided to tackle all the chores around the house.
I cleaned and did laundry for 3-4 hours.
Went to target for a few groceries and by the time I got back home the headache was back.
I ended up sleeping that evening from 6:30-8:30.
Woke up feeling a little better.
Ate a grilled cheese.
Then craweled back into bed.
I had gussy to keep me company all night :)
He is by far the best cuddle bug.
I watched lots of tv that evening...
Came across a show called platinum weddings....wow, is all I have to say to that show!!
Sunday I woke up feeling totally refreshed.
I had plans to meet a friend from college that I hadn't seen in almost 7 years!
We met at TGIFridays and it seemed exactly like old times!!
We chatted forever.
She is getting married in a few months as well!
I can't wait to start seeing her more.
We were those friends that had every single class together.
Ate lunch together every day.
Went shopping every day.
I've missed her!!
Sad we lost touch for so long but I'm glad to have her back in my life.
I think she was just as excited & she was beyond sweet and paid for our lunch!
Now I get to treat her our next time out, I can't wait!
That afternoon I went with my mom and my sister to try on a wedding dress.
I don't have any photos of it but i'm adding it to the list of my top 5 dresses ;)
Sunday night Billy and I went to my parents house for dinner.
Homemade mac n cheese and sloppy joes!!
We watched the grammys and desperate housewives.
I love the grammys!! Great Performances!
Also sunday afternoon I like to prepare my breakfast and lunches for the week...
(btw, i just recently discovered her blog... love it!)
mini sausage egg and cheese muffins --->
recipe& I just had to make them!
They are "mini" and i usually eat 3 for breakfast.
They are delish and so simple to make!
For mine I used turkey sausage, fat free cheese and eggbeater egg whites.....very low fat/calories and pretty much no carbs! LOVE THEM!

for my lunches....
seasoned chicken breast....
usually with a small salad and lots of veggies...

Tonight I am meeting a friend at
I don't know if Archivers are located in every state but the store is awesome!!
It is a giant scrapbooking store with all the coolest stuff!
The store has big workrooms with lots of tables that you can use for free.
You check in and they give you a number so if you need extra supplies while working you get the item scanned and then you pay for it at the end when you check out.
We are meeting there after work until store close at 9 and then we are headed to Applebees for 1/2 price apps! num!
I've decided to start today on a different note.
I feel like i've been in a funk for a while.
I have to force myself out of it.
It's a new month and i'm going to make the best out of it.
I'm taking a few days off from posts and I plan on catching up with everyone!!
happy monday everyone!! :)