Friday, July 31, 2009
Are your parents home?
Friday night highlights.....
I'm making the boys a fancy dinner, pressing the bake button on the oven and setting it to 425, throwing in a frozen pizza. The door bell rings, I knew the boys were in the basement making a "haunted house" for me to walk through (where they grab me in the dark and try to pull my pants off...little stinker butts) and are ignoring the doorbell. I go to the back door first (the door little kids always come to) and no one was there, run across the house to the front door (these people live in a massive home) and I open the door to 2 guys that look to be around my age (26).
Conversation proceeds:
Guy 1 - "Are your parents home"
Me - ", my parents are probably at their own home"
Guy 1 - "So are you the home owner"
Me - "no"
Guy 1 - "and the parents really are not here and you're not in high school"
Me - "no, really! i'm 26"
Guy 1 - "oh, there are kids in high school that live here....correct?!?"
Me - "nope"
Guy 1 - "Well I work for School District 19... and we need to talk to parents with high school students"
Me - "There are only kids here in elementary school and their parents are not here right now"
Guy 1 - "ok, thanks"
Guy 2 - hanging his head with a smirk trying not to laugh the entire time!
Second experience from Friday night.....
Finn yells to me while running toward the bathroom, I have to go potty.....number 2......and I need you to wipe my butt!!
Ugh....seriously!?! (literally, a stinker butt) He is 5!! Goes to preschool! I asked him if is preschool teachers wipe his butt and what his plan is for kindergarten since he starts in 2 weeks, full days. He said he really can wipe his butt but he just doesn't want to. I told him I really didn't want to wipe it either. He said ok and he grabbed the toilet paper and managed to wipe himself. Hallelujah, saved! He did have a bath that night too!
So that was my entertaining weekend. I got done watching the kiddos around noon, grocery shopped, laid outside with my mom and sis for a little while and spent the evening at my parent's house as well for our family dinner night. I played with my nephew most of the time who is always a handful. Love that little guy to pieces!
Having a 3 day weekend is great even though I did spend almost the whole thing "working", now back to real is insanely busy right now!
Thursday, July 30, 2009

Not to stray too far from Thankful Thursday....I'm very thankful I have this family in my life. The boys are good kids and I love their parents. Their mom is the sweetest little lady ever, I still can't figure out how her 90 pound body carried triplets.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Dominic's Godfather
Today B emails me and told me that my brother asked him to be Dominic's godfather last night. I thought that was the sweetest thing ever, brought a tear to my eye!
B just adores D. Dominic lived with us for almost a year so we have always been very close to him.
Here are some pics of the two of them!

D is playing with B's cell.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
the stone age

After reading everyone’s comments yesterday about Skinny B, thought I should add a few comments….
The book does recommend 20 minutes of exercise a couple times a week. I'll attempt to incorporate this. I just need a routine and I have to stick to it, otherwise I'm a lazy bum.
I don’t know if I will ever be able to totally give up meat!
You can get protein from numerous other sources. Whole wheat breads, bagels, pastas and such. There are so many products out right now for meatless products, such as veggie burgers and soy chicken patties. I’ve had both before and I think they taste great. Put either on a whole wheat bun and you’ve got yourself almost 20 grams of protein.
I LOVE cheese, really (really, really) love it! In the book it gives alternative dairy free cheeses to try so I might sample them. I love grilled cheese and mac n cheese too! It might taste different but I think certain things you can acquire tastes for.
I used to hate beer, couldn’t stand anything about it. Now, I enjoy having a cold one or two ;)
I won’t only be buying organic foods, I have a budget to live on as well people ;)
I will not be giving up occasional drinks. I like going out and having fun or sitting on the deck at home with B and enjoying cocktails!
In the book the girls clearly state you might find them playing beer pong ;)
The book also says red wine is “ok” to drink with no sulfates (they of course only recommend the organic stuff).
There are more books in this series, Skinny Bitch in the Kitch, Skinny Bitchin, Skinny Bitch Bun in the Oven and just out this year Skinny Bastard. They also have 3 workout DVD’s out so at least we know they do workout as well!
The book clearly states you can do whatever you want, if you don’t think you can give up everything and become a Vegan, just do what you can! If you can’t give up pop, give up something else. I’ve gone 3 days without POP, so there's a starting point. Soda -ha!
B is totally against me going totally organic/vegetarian. So I will accommodate to him as well. We do live in the same home and prefer to cook one dinner a night together. Guess I'll just have to see where things go :)
Thank you so much for all your comments/opinions from yesterday!
Lastly, please keep praying for baby Stellan. His heart is doing better but him and his parents will be going in an airambulance to Boston. He can’t wait until he weighs enough or is 4 years old. His heart needs help now. This family is from MN and so am I, I've been following her blog since before I started mine so this is hitting close to home....small world we live in.
(photo courtesy of MckMomma)
p.s. Check out Brooke's Blog for yet another awesome girly girl giveaway!! It's pretty much totally awesome!!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Skinny B*tch

A no-nonsense, tough-love guide for savvy girls who want to stop eating crap and start looking fabulous.

Thursday, July 23, 2009
I'm sure you already know this about me but in case you didn't I'm very incredibly thankful for my FRIENDS and FAMILY!
Also thankful for camera's for capturing all the wonderful moments ;)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
We had a blast!
We were silly between sets and swaying and singing along while they performed.
It will be a night to remember for ever and ever and ever!!!
Here are some pics, I guess I took 150! lol!

Oh, oh, oh