Hi Pretty Ladies!!
my day started off nice...
a 45 minute nap on the bus...
i ride the bus to work every day...
i love it..
esp on snowy days like today...
my bus is a coach bus with reclining seats...
so i have no complaints ;)
well maybe one, i got on the bus at 7:10...
arrived at work at almost 9:00...
that is a long commute....
i had a laid back weekend...
friday night i just watched tv and fell asleep before 9...
billy spent the night playing hockey in someone's backyard...
saturday i woke up early and couldn't help but notice...
the icicles on our deck awning were HUGE!
he napped lots...
i tidied up the house...
finished laundry...
made billy some lunches for work....
then i took a nap...
my sis and i decided to run some errands that night...
we went to the mall, target, tj max/homegoods, kohls...
all the shopping made us hungry...
we settled on chipotle...
i love getting thier bowls with chips...
chicken and almost all the fixins...
billy played in a pond hockey tournament that evening...
we both got home around 10...
ended our night watching a September 11th documentary off of netflix...
it was very controversial...
billy had watched this previously and it sounded very interesting...
i won't say much about it except i would recommend anyone watch it!
i am trying to figure out the name of the movie.
sunday, i had another lazy day at home ;)
my friend came over and we were crafty for many hours...
she made some cards and
i started making billy a "coupon book" for valentines day...
billy and i went to my parent's house for a couple hours
to snack and watch part of the game...
billy watched the rest of it when we got home...
i wasn't into the superbowl this year, at all...
i watched HGTV and E!...
then we went to bed and watched napoleon dynamite...
we love that movie ;)
i hope everyone had a great weekend!!!
p.s. i am a tad behind on blogs due to an upcoming trial at work BUT i will be catching up ASAP!!
finished laundry...
made billy some lunches for work....
then i took a nap...
my sis and i decided to run some errands that night...
we went to the mall, target, tj max/homegoods, kohls...
all the shopping made us hungry...
we settled on chipotle...
i love getting thier bowls with chips...
chicken and almost all the fixins...
billy played in a pond hockey tournament that evening...
we both got home around 10...
ended our night watching a September 11th documentary off of netflix...
it was very controversial...
billy had watched this previously and it sounded very interesting...
i won't say much about it except i would recommend anyone watch it!
i am trying to figure out the name of the movie.
sunday, i had another lazy day at home ;)
my friend came over and we were crafty for many hours...
she made some cards and
i started making billy a "coupon book" for valentines day...
to snack and watch part of the game...
billy watched the rest of it when we got home...
i wasn't into the superbowl this year, at all...
i watched HGTV and E!...
then we went to bed and watched napoleon dynamite...
we love that movie ;)
i hope everyone had a great weekend!!!
p.s. i am a tad behind on blogs due to an upcoming trial at work BUT i will be catching up ASAP!!
Those are some HUGE icicles!!
WOW! I want some ice like that! Sigh..thats what you get when you live in the south :(
Goodness those icicles are killer!
Sounds like a relaxed weekend...always nice!
Hope you were careful around all those icicles!! They look dangerous!!
Glad you had a great weekend!
That sounds like a great relaxing weekend! And yes that is a long commute!
Wow those icicles are HUGE!!!
Sounds fun!! and that coupon buck is sooo cute.
Okay - soo cute. Love this blog. And that Chipotle is too much for my tummy to handle right now. And it's only 10am. Cool. I'm a glutton. Nobigdeal.
Sounds like quite the lovely weekend you had my pretty lady!!
Dang, look at those 'cicles! Crazy!
I haven't eaten at Chipotle, I heard it was really yummy!
Have a great day!
Sounds like a fun weekend!!!
Wow! Those icicles! Lol. I don't think I've ever seen icicles hanging off anyplace at my house! We don't get icicles. Ever. Lol. At least not that I've known of.
Chipotle - yum!!! Wish we had one down here!
Hope you have a great week!
I wish we were getting snow here! Sounds like you had a nice relaxing weekend!
those icicles are scary! Be careful!!
Sounds like a great weekend!
That is a long commute, but I’m glad that you can rest on the bus! We had a laid back weekend too, considering that we were snowed in. Those icicles are really big.
I love Chipotle and it sounds like you had lots of shopping fun! The 9/11 movie sounds interesting. I’ll have to look into that.
The Valentine’s coupon book sounds like such an adorable idea. I love it! I’m sure Billy will think it’s really cute.
that food looks yum!! i love lazy sundays :) xxxx
Great weekend hun!!! Those icicles make me shiver. Lol.
Coupon book...how F.U.N. Those are great when they are redeemed :)-
That book is gorgeous!!!
You always have the best weekends :)
And aren't morning naps the best?
what a great weekend! those icicles are HUUGE! and your puppy is precous! and now i want chipotle!
slow, relaxing weekends are the best! hope you have a great week. =)
sounded like a great weekend! we love chipotle, and now that i think about it we havent been in too long=)! we have a friend who was addicted to it, we kept thinking about getting him a t shirt haha! i love your crafty skills girl, so pretty and cute!
sounds like a fun relaxing weekend! and that coupon book is SOOOOO cute! makes me wish i could scrap book!!!
Sounds like a fab weekend girl!!!!
love those kind of weekends! the coupon book is adorable, I wish i was crafy!
Love the cooupon book idea!
oh man!!! those icicles look dangerous!!! my dad had his eye split open by one when he was little and ever since i am terrified of them!! ugh!
anyway...you're weekend sounds like it was nice and just fun!!! love the coupon book of course!
Yum....I love chipotle...we dont haev one in my town..but have a Qdoba, and that is close, but not AS good!
Love that you are making B a coupon book...you are so crafty!
aww looked like a fun yet relaxing weekend!!!!
Hi love, glad you had a nice and relaxing weekend, Chipotle is always delish and Gus is so cute napping all of the time!
Glad you enjoyed the 9/11 film and what an adorable book for Billie, I love it and you must show us more pages when done. You know how much I love crafty projects! :)
Happy Monday darling.
Wow...never this such giant icicles. They're HUGE. Sounds like a great weekend hun. :) Love the cute coupon book for valentine's day.
Happy Monday. xoxo
I used to ride the bus to work when I lived in Austin. It's nice to be driven around and not have to waste gas or find parking. :)
The Super Bowl was way boring this year...you didn't miss much!
Wow those are some killer icicles!
Huge icicles! I have never been to Chipotle, I don't think we have on around here. Sounds like a good weekend. Have a great week hun :-)
Sounds like a wonderful weekend! Those are some wild icicles! Oh, and I LOVE your coupon book--Super cute!
Gotta love the icepond hockey - almost like you all live in Canada ;)
Sounds like a perfectly good weekend!! Hope this week slows down at work!
what a lovely little weekend! and ooommmggg, i'm loving that coupon book already! precious! & its your last vday before y'all are a married couple! yipeee!! xxoo lady!
lucky lucky girl your bus is so nice!!
and that coupon book looks so cute!!
I love me some Chipotle!!!
Sounds like a great weekend! The coupon book your making Billy is ADORABLE! I love Valentine's Day/Week... its so fun to think of creative sweet things to do for the one you love!
Oh my goodness, those icicles are HUGE!!!!!!! Sounds like a wonderful weekend, girl!! :)
Mmmmmm. You're putting me in the mood for Chipotle for lunch! This weather is nuts. I'm hoping I can still make it to NYC tomorrow. Ugh! Look at those icicles. Geesh!
Glad you had a relaxing weekend! That coupon book is too cute!
hehe I love the "gus..he naps a lot!" Man to be a dog and get to nap a lot!
That coupon book is a great idea. Cute. I saw some mock- lottery ticket love coupons at Dollar general the other day. You should check them out.
Look how cute and crafty y'all are! What a great idea. I just can't believe all of this ice and snow you guys are getting! Stay warm!
I love that you ride the bus. What a great time to read a book. I would love to have time to do that, although my 12 minute commute is pretty nice. :)
I love Chipotle! And I rarely get it...
Right there with ya on the vegging out. All this cold and snow is making me lazy. I love the coupon book, it is too cute! He's gonna love it!
Hello, sweet girl! What a fabulous weekend!! Your coupon book is ADORABLE! Billy will loveeee it!
Mmmmm...Chipotle!!! I'm surprised to had to go to work with all the snow!! I got off yesterday AND today...and probably tomorrow and Thursday thanks to the impending storm! YAY snow!
i'm glad to know i'm not the only one "suffering" from this crazy snow we've had this year :) (not that i want that on you, but those icicles ARE crazy!)
i am in loooove with your crafty valentine. your man is going to LOVE it :)
xo to you pretty girl!
Holy Crap! Those are huge icicles!!! Sounds like a fabulous weekend and what a great idea on the coupon book for Valentine's Day!! XOXO
That coupon book is just too cute! Love it! Those icicles are pretty intense. And icicle is a very strange word if you think about it haha!
Hope your week is good so far, beautiful! XOXO
SHEEEZUS!!! those icicles are scary! i'd be afraid to walk under them. seen one too many movies showing icicles killing people. lol.
but your chipotle looks delish. i haven't been in a while. now you have me craving it...mmmmmm.
happy tuesday annie!
Sounds like a perfectly wonderful lazy kind of weekend. Sigh. Tad jealous here!
I love the coupon book! SO cute!
I was not into the Superbowl this year either. I cleaned the house and did laundry while it was on! :)
I am wathcing HGTV right now! It just sucks me in!
OMG!! Those icicles are SO SCARY!! ACK. I'd totally walk around them lol ;) ...your food looks DELICIOUS!!
OMG those Icicles are HUGE forreal!!! Glad you had a good weekend, sorry for all that yucky snow. I love Napoleon Dynamite! ha so funny!
Okay, this is random: If you fall asleep on the bus, how did you wake up in time for your stop? I mean, I would be so nervous, I wouldn't be able to fall asleep!
Sounds like a fun weekend!!!
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