Tuesday, June 30, 2009

little list, lots of pics...

1. Here are pics from the weekend (some blurry, ha)!
The whole fam with Cassandra at her grad party!
Me, Sam, my Sis at her grad party
Sis, Mom, Me

Silly Boy!
I think this is D's I'm done taking pics face! Playing lawn golf with the Fam!

D rockin on Nemo

The happiest pup ever! ;)
Uncle B and Little D

2. I’m slightly annoyed right now….someone volunteered me for a project at work! I was planning on getting out early and just reading blogs all day but nooooooo, I get to do data entry! That just doesn't sound fun, at all : Sorry for the bad attitude but nothing bothers me more at work than people not minding their own business, they should volunteer themselves! ;)
3. On a positive note, one of the attorneys I work for is taking me out for lunch today! Free lunch is the best! Now I just need to eat something “healthy”.
4. The gym yesterday was a success! I ran more than a mile. I was on the treadmill for 35 minutes and got in almost 4 miles between walking and running. I also rode the bike for 20 and did some weight machines. I’m looking forward to getting back in tonight!
5. You should head over here -----> The Reality of Happily Ever and check out her awesome giveaway!! Do it now, you know you want to!! ;)

HaPPy TuEsDaY!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

I have one major goal for the week….

To be up in the gym just workin on my fitness!
*wish me luck*
I want to go at least 5 days this week.
I went last Thursday and I hadn’t been in over a month.
I used to be able to easily run 3-4 miles.
I couldn’t even run half a mile last Thursday! (I was a little embarrassed)
MOTIVATION - It’s already summer, enough said!
I would love to have a banging bod for myself and my man ;) but I’ll work with what I’ve got and see what I can accomplish!

Today starts a new week so I’ll start myself with much lower expectations and hopefully be able to work my way back up. B has decided to take up boxing as his new thing. He will be training with a guy that trains some Minnesota Wild hockey players. B starts coaching hockey in 2 weeks so he wants to build up his endurance quickly, after having a month off. He is quite excited to start and thinks I should join him! Ha! Since I have a hard time catching my breath after running half a mile I figured I should wait a few weeks to attempt some hard core personal boxing training. I don’t want to make a fool of myself and throw up or pass out while this guy pushes me to do things I don’t think I’m capable of! Ha!

Changing topics, It’s a 4 day week and I’m so stinking glad!! I also might have the benefit of working some shorter hours! I'm pumped for the 4th of July weekend, bbqs and fireworks! B has to work the entire weekend is the only bad/sad part :( I feel like we miss doing so many fun weekend couple type things together but I'll keep my attitude positive and just be happy about the time we do get to spend together.

my weekend….

Saturday I went to 2 graduation parties with the fam. They were both for girls that grew up in our neighborhood. In between the parties the fam played some yard games and after we swam and played some intense pool volley ball games. B joined us after work and then we hung out with my brother and his fiancé after that pool madness. We did some fireworks in the street and had a couple beverages. Sunday I laid out with my mom and sis. We had our regular family dinner night that B joined us for after his almost 12 hour work day. He showed up with a gift for our nephew, D, and a gift for my Mom, he is such a sweetheart! It was a Perfect weekend!
I will post pics tomorrow; my camera cord must be at home, BOO!

Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!! :)

p.s. thank you for all the sweet comments on our MB!! Ya’ll are too nice!!

Friday, June 26, 2009


I've decided this week to take part in Kelly's Korner "Show us where you live". She does this every Friday and it's just a fun way to get to see into your bloggy friends homes! I love checking out other people's rooms for ideas/inspiration! Go check it out!

Our master bedroom is one of my favorite rooms in our home. We live in a townhouse so our rooms are not very big. We have everything we need though :)


WINDOW SEAT, Gussy's fave!
Vase (Pier One) in the corner of the window ledge
Gussy's corner!
I know, not all that organized....

Thanks for checking out our bedroom (love nest)!! ;)

It's not totally finished, I would love to have my mom make us a cushioned seat for the window bench. We also want to replace all the carpet and have wood floors....some day ;)

BTW, I know I was supposed to be posting pics of my baby G today but I couldn't find them on our comp :( I think I have them at my parents house so I will do some investigating and see what I can come up with for Monday.
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!! :o)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Gus (Gussy, Gussy, Poochie)

My post from Wordless Wednesday made me want to write all kinds of words about mine and B’s baby Gus! This is a long post! Gus is our baby even though he is almost 7 years old! Crazy how time flies! I took on a mortgage and a puppy when I was the ripe age of 18! B and I still live in said town house and we love everything about it!! :)

In the pic from Weds Gus is wearing normal kid goggles! I think they are “shark” goggles. He really didn’t mind having them on, at least for the few seconds it took to get the picture that is, haha! He does hate water and swimming! If I say bath time, he takes of for his kennel and hides. Once I get near him and ask him if he’s ready for his bath he cries. I therefore do NOT like giving him baths; no one likes to see their baby sad! He has a fabulous groomer who grooms the dogs in her basement, she says Gus cries the entire time he is getting groomed, big cry baby he is! She has a huge beautiful house and she lets the dogs roam around while they wait their turn or while they wait to get picked up. If I had that house I wouldn’t let a bunch of random dogs run loose, ya never know when a dog might lift its leg!

Gus hasn’t had the easiest life but I do think he is one of the most spoiled pups I know (he might or might not have 6 toy bins)! Gus broke his 2 front legs when he was 2 years old; it was one of the saddest days of my life! I came home from work to find my poor little angel sitting on his butt with his front paws hanging down. Broke my heart! I called my dad and he came over right away and we brought Gus to the vet only to have confirmed what we already dreaded. He had 2 broken legs and the only option was surgery at the University of Minnesota Pet Hospital that night. I was only 20 at the time so I didn’t have $5000 sitting around to pay for the surgery that they require you to pay upfront. My parents saved my baby Gus for me! They love him just as much as I do! I should mention they have Gus’ brother, Boo (we got them from the same litter of pups).

To this day I have no idea how Gus broke his legs. I had a roommate at the time who was not working and was home throughout that day and she said she never saw him hurt or get hurt which will never make sense to me since the doctor told me his legs had probably been broken for hours before I got home.

After getting the x-rays at a local vet we were sent to the U of M. Gus had his surgery right away that night at the U of M and I was able to go pick him up late the next day. He had 2 casts on his front paws. He was ordered a diet of rice and hamburger and as little of activity as possible. I spent the next 5 weeks sitting with him every night, we sat on the living room floor and kept each other company, I had to carry him down the stairs to go outside, I slept on my bedroom floor with him because he couldn’t get on and off the bed.

Once the casts were off, I could see all the stitches in his little legs. He was still ordered to little or no activity and he had to have metal plates and bolts in the bones. I remember him being so well behaved and calm after the big ordeal. Gus was not a kenneled puppy/dog as I never saw it necessary; he liked to roam and would whine a lot in his kennel. I thought I was doing the right thing and I never imagined he’d hurt himself even though he was a rambunctious puppy and I did find him on the kitchen table more than once.

After we were home from the hospital and from that day on, he had no choice but to be kenneled. Ever since he hasn’t minded his kennel at all! He knows when I leave for work in the morning and he just runs into his kennel without being told. He is very sensitive about his legs to do this day. If he is lying by me or B and we try to pet his front legs he usually moves them. He is a strong pup though and he can jump, run and do everything a normal dog does.

Onto the second scare of Gussy’s life….shortly after I met B I found out Gus had a kidney stone. It was the size of the dime, yellow and spikey and poking his insides :( He had to go down for surgery almost immediately to have it removed. He was trooper and came out just fine, was ordered to have little activity for a few weeks and then he was good to go! He also cost me almost my entire tax return but he’s worth every penny!!!

I could go on and on about Gus since he’s our baby and has a big personality and he is always up to something. I’m sure this won’t be my last post on G! If anyone has questions about him, ask away ;)

I will post a few pictures tomorrow of Gus, his broken legs, his brother.
I didn’t read this over it and I’m not a creative writer, the story probably doesn’t even flow well! Ha! Told ya it was a L.O.N.G. post!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I logged into blog world this morning to find out that I’m a WINNER! I’m feeling special ;)

I won my first giveaway hosted by Project Pretty! Be sure to check out her site! She is so creative and beautiful inside and out! I love her fun projects!!

The prize I won comes from Embellished Bayou! Be sure to check out Christy’s Etsy shop! There are so many adorable frames and wonderful home décor and gifts!! Such FUN stuff!!

Last night B and I went to his 6 year old nephew’s baseball game! It was only a scorching 95 degrees outside! It was a lot of fun though and we haven’t seen them in a while. Jordy got 2 hits in and he caught the only out of the game. B’s niece Lo is 4 and she is a little peanut. She is always my best friend when we’re together ;) After the game we went to B’s sisters house for some pizza and wings, delish!! Great night with his family!

We got home around 9 and I had to watch Jon and Kate. I hate to admit it but I cried!! I’m so bummed that they are getting divorced. I have been watching the show the past few years. They just renewed their vows and have a brand new million dollar home!! I hope the kids will handle it all okay; they are just the cutest little kids! I am glad that the show will go on and that they are being adults about it. Jon seemed happy and relieved and he did state he is only 32 so he is being optimistic and seems beyond ready to move on. Maybe a little too optimistic, I'm kind of dissappointed in him. I thought that all the tabloid stuff was fake but I think he is ready to move on and be seperate from Kate. I think he just gave up : For Kate, it seems like her whole world has come crashing down, I'm so sad for her. Jon let her be the way she is for 10 years and now all of a sudden has a problem with her and now the only option is divorce!? I feel sorry for all of them :(
Anyone have thoughts from last nights show!?

Monday, June 22, 2009

First weekend of SUMMER fun

I apologize for the long post but I think all the weekend posts are going to be like this, probably all with picture over loads as well….it does cover 3 days ya know! ;)


I frequently babysit for a family with 4 kids triplets that just turned 8 and their younger brother who is 5. All Boys! I had them on Friday night and B joined me out there for a while. The 5 year old, Finn, loves B and got quite the greeting when we walked in followed by a “B you have grown”! I think B would adopt him if he could, he just loves the little guy.
I ended up only watching them until 10. B wanted to go out and start his birthday celebration, I could tell he already had a few drinks and my brother and his fiancé were over so I drove everyone to a local restaurant with a bar/outdoor patio. Here are some pics from that night. Excuse the scariness of me, I didn’t get ready to go out….as you can see in the pics B had a few cocktails. Hehe! Open your eyes honey (i love those handsome eyes of yours)!
My brother and his fiance, G (D's mommy)


B had to work on his birthday so my sis and I decided to make him some cupcakes. Here are some pics of them, I thought they turned out pretty cute. Thank you so much for helping me L!! I never could've done it without her!

I got the recipe/idea here….

Ms. Teddy laying on her beach towel under an umbrella

Mr. Teddy floating in an innertube on the beach

G enjoying some frosting after we were done decorating!

I spent the remainder of the day at my parents house by the pool. It was around 85/90 degrees all day! The whole fam was out by the pool :)

D learned to jump in the pool, such a big boy!

D threw his car in the pool....so Auntie L pushed him around on it!

That evening for B’s birthday he decided he wanted to go to the WaTeRpArK down the street from our place. It was still 80 degrees at 6:00. They recently added 2 new big waterslides and a lazy river and it was actually a ton of fun! The water was warm and we had a great time! For dinner we went to a little market and got some meat to grill and some summery salads. We had a low key night at home, walked the pup and just watched some TV.


For Father’s Day I celebrated over at my parents house with my family. My brother works Sunday nights so I went over around 5. Brother opened his card and present from D and my Dad opened his gifts from us kids. All the pics of my Dad are on my mom's camera....boo

R and D
R is a wonderful Daddy, him and D are so very close
B got off work around 7:30 and then my parents grilled for us and we all hung out and chatted. Love our Sunday night family dinners!!

I’ll end by thanking my Dad for being the most wonderful Dad, I love him so much! I’m so thankful we have such a close family and I know my parents will always be here for me. My Dad is my mister fix-it for anything and everything and has done so much for me throughout my life. Love you Dad!

B you are a wonderful Daddy Bear to our G! I know he would lick you with kisses forever if you let him! Ha! I love you my B!!
Lastly, a pic of me and Dom!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Babies, Babies, Babies….

I just love and adore little babies! Who doesn’t!?!
I want one! ;) I can't wait to be married and start a little family. I also dream of some day becoming a stay at home Mommy! Until then I’ll just continue stealing D from my brother and hanging out with one of my best friends, L, whenever I can. She has a little boy baby B who is 9 months. He is seriously the best baby EVER! I don’t think I have ever heard him cry, he is always happy!

Last night B and I went to watch Laura’s husband play softball. Of course that meant we got to hang out with baby B as well. It was beautiful outside last night and perfect ball game weather! B just learned to crawl, he was quite funny to watch! It was more of an army crawl. Here are some pics of the little munchkin!

SO, it’s my B’s birthday tomorrow! He is going to be 31 and I think he is taking it kinda hard, hehe. I no longer jokingly call him “old man” because I think he has started taking offense to it and personally, I never want him to call me “old lady”! HA! He is 5 years older than me and much wiser. I love him bunches!

I will do a weekend recap on Monday because our plans for the weekend are kind of up in the air right now.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009


So tomorrow is Friday, practically the weekend and I'm just now getting around to posting a few pics from last weekend....
CHECK OUT THAT LONG BLACK TONGUE!! D was a little nervous but he still fed Mr. Giraffe a few crackers!

My brother and D, mowing ;)

Me and D in the little splash pool

He discovered the hose! Oh SOOOOO much fun!

He loved getting drinks

I thought I had a pic from when the giraffe licked my entire arm but I guess not :( It was quite nasty but what a FUN experience.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Chance made us sisters, hearts made us BEST FRIENDS!

I love my baby sister, she is 8 years younger than me and one of my bestest friends! I think her and I look alike more and more as each year passes. Even though there is a big age gap between us we have practically everything in common. I spead almost every weekend with her, B always works. We do everything girly together you can think of!

I'm writing about my sis because she graduated from high school this past weekend! I am so proud of her! Sometimes we joke around that I raised her becuase our parents both use to work a lot, our dad worked over night and our mom worked retail with a very demanding schedule so I have pretty much been watching her since she was a baby. We had a time in our life when we weren't as close, it was the first few years that I moved out, these days we are always growing closer. I love her to peices and I'd be lost without her!

A couple pics of the little miss from graduation day. I didn't attend her graduation since my parents only had 2 tickets and they obviously both went ;) I saw her right before she went to hang out with her friends though so I got to give her a hug and tell her how proud I was (tear).

Here she is right after getting her diploma!With some of her friends
again with friends....I LOVE her dress!
adorable girlies!

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