Ever go to the doctor for one thing and end up finding out they have other plans. Ugh, not my idea of enjoyable and who likes the doctor's office in the first place!? I went in for a check up and ended up having a biopsy, it was painful and I felt as if the doctor and nurse I normally have were in such a rush they didn't even care to ask how I was after the fact. When they walked out of the room I felt incredible lightheaded and just sick to my stomach. Once I got to my car I did all I could not to cry but just had to let it out, felt much better once I did. I came home to an empty house which made it worse. Billy had to work late, once he was there it was comforting and I also felt better after I told him what happened. He ended up having to leave right away because of hockey but came home with good news. The other guy he coaches with, his wife's dad is a doctor in our area so I think I"ll be switching docs after that episode. I couldn't tell Billy was at all worried about me when I explained to him what had happened but knowing that he went to hockey and told his friend let me know he was concerned. I'm very thankful to have him in my life as my best friend and fiance. Now I'm just waiting to hear back from the doctors office, hopefully it's nothing.
5/28 Thursday....
I spent 3 hours last night sitting on the computer working on a photo book I'm making for my parents anniversary. When I started the project I thought it would be about 20 pages and it's turned into 60 so far and I'm not even finished. It's so much fun to make although quite time consuming, it's something that will last forever. I'm making it on Shutterfly and they have a special right now for 20% off the books and free shipping, woo hoo! I'm excited to give it to them for their 27th anniversary! I love my parents so incredibly much, they are always here for me in any and every way possible.
Who should happen to stop by last night?? My most favorite little boy, my nephew Dominic. He is 22 months, almost 2! Crazy how time flies by! He used to live with me so it was so funny to watch him run around my home and get into all the same stuff he used to. Such as getting into the kitchen drawer that has all of the kitchen utensels and lining them up on the floor. He is adorbale, love that little smile of his :) This picture is from Easter!